George Soros

Guys, you have to read George Soros's his books.

It is hilarious to read and see things from his viewpoint, but also really eye-opening. He is a mastermind, you can have nothing but respect for how he became so powerful, even if you disagree with him completely.

Other urls found in this thread:

No sorrow for soros


>a book written by a jew isn't propaganda

I dont respect anyone with a disgusting evil heart, its easy to be evil. Its hard to be good

Is George Soros the martyr the elite Jews have put up to be the face that everyone hates behind all this globalist bullshit happening now? Is he the Lelouch of the elite Jews?

You never hear about Rockefeller or the Rothschilds really. Only Soros. Did they put him up to be the center of hatred to continue to distract the masses from their doings?

Is this real?

I only added the jew-snitch thing at the end for keks, the rest is real

Fucking kek. You bugger you.



It's like Russian roulette...

That's pretty based, desu

>That is a prime example of how good deeds don't go unpunished
>Good deeds

Then Soros leaks happen.

Ok, if he isn't part of the Jewish conspiracy, then why did he stop funding Femen only after they were going to launch a Israeli project?

Signal boosting anyway!

That's the mindfuck since he also funds pro-palestinian groups.




What's wrong with this explain? Except that it triggers you by mentioning the boogeyman new world order.

>Literally the definition of cognitive dissonance

My God... They're not smart evil trying to conquer the world... They're just genially dumbs.

This is much MUCH scarier...

>Don't you see the irony?
No. Do you?

stop listening to Rush Limbaugh

>He is a mastermind, y

No you see that's the problem, he trully think he's doing something. THIS is the eye opener... It's much worse than if it was a mister burns with a plan, now instead you have a mix of lisa and homer...

maybe because he knew it was never going to work. he's not gonna waste his money on a lost cause, since jews are immune to his globalist agenda because of "muh 6 gorillion" that gives them an excuse to be traditionalists and nationalists.

>1 post by this ID

No seriously, listen to me just for a fucking moment, they are not plotting anything, they are just as dumb as the people on tumblr. Like there's not all mighty manipulator, they trully believe in their stupid libtarded shit.

That is scary, holy shit, the captain is literally brain dead...

Remember how Rostchild flat out said yes to all these accusation? HE is a master mind, but someone like soros who goes to Cartman tier of mental gymnastic to twist reality his way, now you have some serious problems..

You would think with all his money he would be able to afford baths in virgins blood to return his youth.

Don't worry, he's coming

But that's what I'm saying, he's genially ''lawful good'' in his mind. So no virgin bath or child sacrifice to a stone owl for him.

I get that non of you meme loving fucks understand what I'm trying to say...

fuck you paul.

I don't understand his goal in life.

He will die in not long time and instead chilling at the nicest beaches in the world and fucking the hottest whores of the world he wörks wörks wörks...

no, natsocs are just kinda autistic

>jewish billionaire is funding a terrorist group inside the united states that blocks freeways, burns down cities and kills cops while chanting MORE DEAD COPS
>hes a good jew, he dindu nuffin
Fucking hell man

Soros is a literal Bond villain, and he needs a visit from Seal Team 6.

that's what I'm saying... A mastermind would be chilling on his yacht while fucking things ups for everyone else. He's just genuinely liberally dumb.

>when you're so jewish you jew the jews

You goys realize "jew" just means selfish greedy nepotistic elite monster (or one of their useful idiots/supporters) right?

A hardcore jew even jews the jews.

And I'm saying he's dummer than Trudeau. To the point where he's jewing himself.

You're on a website where people call for murder, but only if the victim's skin isn't white. I've been a registered Republican and American first all my life and these comments are pretty unsettling tbqh family.

t. Asian

>Remember how Rostchild flat out said yes to all these accusation?

That was the head Rockefeller, not Rothschild. Odd that one of the Big Bads is actually not a Jew.

They both start with Ro bot shound like Rotten, which they are.

So I confuse them a lot. But thanks for the clarification.

Well, they're mostly the exact same shit, really. Only difference is Rockefellers are "new money", relatively speaking, while Rothschilds were Jewing the world since Napoleon times.

>target for anti-semetic theory

If anyone thinks he is a Jew, they are crazier than the flat earth people.

T. Nu-male

He's a crazy piece of shit that is looking to ruin civilization and thus doesn't deserve to live. No sorrow for Soros. Die, bitch, and burn in hell!

>tfw visit parents
>go into dad's office
>look at his books
>Globalism by George Soros is in there

I hope he makes the mistake and lands in Russia sometimes so you all can take him out. Hes got to be running out of places to land by now.

>Liberally Dumb
>Made a fortune of +20 billion dollars
Leaf please

Open two website.

One is for donnation for poor white kids.
The other is for niggers and jews.

Watch wich foundation get the more revenue,

Tah-dah, I'm a fucking genius.

Lol, there's a warrant for that bitch in Russia, and his Open Society organization is forbidden.

i always enjoyed the part where Sup Forums thought he wasn't free to do what he wants with his money, especially after overwhelmingly supporting legalizing bribery

>Guys, you have to read George Soros's his books.
>It is hilarious to read and see things from his viewpoint, but also really eye-opening. He is a mastermind, you can have nothing but respect for how he became so powerful, even if you disagree with him completely.
Actually, his books made me agree with him completely.
It's as simple as evolution. In a global society, unmeddled by culture and sense of bullshit unity, evolution would not be tampered with, but the fittest ones would end up in top positions, to rule the unfit.
Exactly what is wrong about that?

Thats what I was talking about. Everywhere he does he leaves death, destruction and collapse in his wake. Just think about how strong America is that hes been working on his for most of his life and yet it still stands. However, a couple visits from him there goes Venezuela. At least Russia is smart enough to put a bounty on his head.

>it is not the strongest not the smartest who survives, but he who can adapt.
Agreed, although multiculturalism has brought many racial tensions.

I have read some of his books too OP, I can tell from his reading he has occult knowledge and a god complex.

Was literally thinking the exact same thing. Can someone explain it like I'm a goy?

The irony is he wanted to not be that when he created his open society organization.

What is this Webm about?

>George soros gave us 5k to be here

He really is mindblowingly stupid if that's a real quote. I mean, the conspiracy involves wealthy Jews with connection to world leaders trying to manipulate global politics with money, power and influence. And that's exactly what he's doing. It's not even a conspiracy, but reality.

He stole money from the bank of england, now hes like jews dont take money from common man,

We need to lynch soros and his offspring

Why the TV host was so surprised?
Hasn't he heard Hillarious speaking before?

yeah life's a bitch ain't it

About KEKs appearance

He is racially jewish wtf

The elite ruining the world are just overwelmingly disproportionately jewish because of pure coincidence

He's not stupid he's arrogant. He thinks the goyim are so naive that he can get away with anything. The sad part is that he's so rich he's untouchable

im not giving that jew money

>taking Sup Forums satire seriously and getting triggered by it

Get the fuck out

It's not like (((they))) are even subtle


Look at the face during the whiteout

i wish i had a kike friend to give me stock recommendations

The Holocaust gave Soros such immense PTSD that he believes it's still going on today, except that the "Nazis" are now every white person and nation

soros took part in the holyhoax

Why do I laugh at him

>kek wills it

>taking Sup Forums seriously
>getting upset at things posted on Sup Forums

It is clear that you do not belong here, Chang

Isn't George Soros like Alexander Gordon Jahans?

He helped the jews get rounded up and given israel while a bunch died to disease and starvation and rifle bullets

All he did was trim some fat off the jewish population and help build Israel.

>racially jewish
Do racial mormons and muzzies exist too?

>He thinks the goyim are so naive that he can get away with anything.
Well, the old cunt DOES get away with anything...

Sven has taken enough cuck memes to know that we are as vicious as humans can possibly be over the internet in order to show people to not be afraid of free speech

I've been called the worst things imaginable here but ya know what? I'm fine and it didn't destroy my life. People need to stop fearing free speech.

Well, when your own son posts stuff like this...

Muslim and mormon are religions

Jewish is both of the religion Judaism and/or jewish by genetics

>George Soros's his books

VMBO detected

And has the POTUS sit on his couch


Daily reminder Soros is on our side.

Soros, Trump, and Farage are all part of the same cabal that are trying to get the right-wing back into power in the Western world.

>In 2011, when considering a White House bid, Trump attended a Tea Party rally and told people to, “Leave George Soros alone, he has enough problems.”

So basically he admits that he's exactly what people say he is and the purpose of his society was to stop people from naming the jew so he wasn't found out but in doing so he revealed his power level. I don't see how that's genius, sounds like a blunder.


Not going to believe this but ok

This place can mess with your head pretty badly though

Especially /r9k/, avoid at all costs

How will we know of our efforts at in vein end he wins ?
Will Soros show up on every tv, phone and coumpter screen and give a rousing palpitine speech saying he's the new world leader ?

I think I'll give it a skip, George.

I wonder if these "charities" can be written off.
if they can isn't that just a little self serving?
I mean does he think he improved the lives of people in ukraine,ferguson, syria?

The backpack in the whiteout at the end formed pepes/keks face.

Fuck that dirty kike bastard and his lies.

The sooner he falls over dead, the better the world will be.

Yea, that's why he's giving Hitlary millions upon millions of dollars every year.

rare pepe

>even if you disagree with him completely.
It's not a disagreement. It's that he's objectively one of the most evil humans on the planet.