If we don't fix White Birthrates we'll see a faster death of our nations from immigration...

If we don't fix White Birthrates we'll see a faster death of our nations from immigration, and our current birthrates are too low

We need every man and woman to have at least 3 children. Only the sexual revolution and modern childcare costs and women's focus on careers have ruined this.

How do we save white birth rates?

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I dont care about white birthrates and Im white. If society wants to drown itself in niggers and spics, in the end they will know we were right about them


There's the real issue.

>let's prevent mindless shitskins from taking over by breeding like mindless shitskins
Never understood this meme.

Normies think we are overpopulated. Propaganda talking about the Mouse Utopia might be effective in that many of them will have done basic bitch psychology.
If you tell them about that and put it to them that they have been tricked into thinking overpopulation is a problem via population density it might sneak into their heads and be accepted since it includes something they already know.

Jew detected

>implying having a large family = filthy degenerate
See: country life

No its not, its not the root issue
The root issue is dumb masses have no religion to cling onto

>eliminate shitskins
>no need to breed like one
>population stabilizes
>economy gets better without welfare

European and American Birthrates are between 1.6 and 2.2 AT BEST. Even without immigration, we need more births.

I'm saying that breeding for the sake of breeding is degenerate
>implying there aren't plenty of filthy degenerate families in the country
Trailer parks and inbreeding aren't just memes you know.

Why? Give sources and supporting evidence.

Only the church can force people to make 14 babies per family like we did here during the war of cradles

Because if the birth rate is 1.6, in a few generations with have a fraction of our original population, retarded burger.


>if we don't have more kids the population will go down
Really now!

Again, eliminating shitskins is a better solution, their drain on society and negative influence will be our downfall regardless if population size.

Simply attempting to "outbreed" poverty stricken minorities is a pretty awful idea, get to the root of the process and begin ethnic cleansing


The largest issue are low birthrates among gifted/successful people, the connotation that only white trash/poor people have lot's of children is part of the problem



whites breeding en masse will still generate a better society than blacks or arabs

there will always be anomalies, geniusses born in shitty families

this is pratically non existent for groups with average iqs below 85

Dont want kids tbqh

then you can give out gibs, days off, whatever for conceiving a child
many people would have more children if they got thousands of dollars for it and weren't convinced that they are contributing to the massive overpopulation problem
it's a really easy problem to solve without importing shit tons of immigrants if the government actually felt like solving it

Germany literally has a program where you are paid thousands a year to have children and it hasn't done shit. Google Kindergeld.

it's a retarded idea anyway, it's only good for the shitskins that get 29 children per household

they should give tax cuts for people who have kids

First make it so that my potential wife won't cuck me, take my kids, house and money and run.