What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

Sex is the only way Misato knows how to communicate

it means anno is actually autistic and these movies were his fantasies about being a whiney little faggot who demands sympathy and sperges out and still becomes the hero and gets the girls

That they will do the rest when he comes back

You'll die a virgin if you run away.

she had to convince him to get in the robot somehow

this t b h

She was desperately trying to motivate an irredeemable sperg before dying.

Somehow Sup Forums is too dumb to discuss anime.

Another template thread from Sup Forums outsiders

I know its a meme to say it, but you didn't understand it. Yes that is how Shinji behaves but the message is the opposite. "Take care of yourself"

Shinji is more brave then you ever will be

misato a slut

I love how Ritsuko's mom(three brains) fucked her over at the end/ This movie was so fucking good!! the brains that are her mother and scientist stayed with the daughter but the last brain that is her as a woman betrayed her.... one of the most defining quality of women is betrayal

This is like every anime tho

>you didnt understand it
just kys instead of sperging out about depression physcology or masturbation
Thats usually where the thread goes

She'll walk him home gently

Misato was desperate and was trying to get Shinji to pilot the Eva by using sex

yes and yes
but who cares, let's make another rick and morty thread because we watch SMART cartoons

She was using future sex to motivate a teenager.

Very original there. I'm glad to see that someone on the on this board values discussion. You elegantly countered my point.

What a great movie. I wish the anime did a better job communicating the scale of what shinji is doing, because most people would agree shinji is being a bitch despite basically being saviour of earth

>glad to see someone values discussion
Then go to Sup Forums where they autistically discuss this show every day. And every day there is someone new sperging on and on about how deep this show is
You'll love it there

Why do people get mad at Shinji for not getting it the robot when it was physically impossible for him to do it?

The only right answer ITT

K cool

Was the protagonist this fucking whiney on purpose? Seriously guys, i tried to watch this for a first time being 26, and cringed as hell

Yes. There are people like that, especially 14 year olds

Im pretty sure most people would try to do something if your only options were to either die with the rest of the world or try to stop it. Especially if you were the only one who could stop it
But instead he just cries and sulks and every1 begs him to get in

He's too much of a entry level casual though

I watched most of Eva when I was 14 and thought he was a whiney cunt then, and I still do.

>Im pretty sure most people would try to do something if your only options were to either die with the rest of the world or try to stop it.

Yes, Shinji is a huge fucking pussy on purpose and by design. He goes out of his way to be a douche.

He pretends he's a nice guy, but he's actually an insecure, passive-agressive little shit with no self-esteem.

That's what makes him being humanity's only chance of survival post-Tang so fucked up.

thanks for clarification

>didnt quote the next sentence
Yeah no if only one person could save the world or die with the world theyd prob choose to save the world

She meant that she's best girl

The story is of a teenager being forced by his father to get into a angel killing machine, which at the time he didn't know but was also his mother, and then fight said angels where any loss is death to the entire world, with the added side effect of feeling all pain that your monster went through. You also have 5 minutes.
What the hell do you think?

>Yeah no if only one person could save the world or die with the world theyd prob choose to save the world


Rei is best girl.

He's not humanity's only chance for survival at all.

Everyone can eventually come back.