How are their leader choices so far? Also Mongols were confirmed as not being in.
All confirmed leaders of Civ 6 so far
Other urls found in this thread:
>the most famous steppe nomad people not being in the game
>scythia is a civ
Yeah, we sure have no better ruler than Catherine de Médicis to represent us.
>not british empire
What is it with th British Empire that makes it unusable in games and media these days?
Butthurt Scots and Irish
Didn't she rule as reagent for a while when her sons were too young?
why the fuck do these guys look like cartoon degens?
we wuz civ 6 leaders n sheet
They gotta reach the vagina quota. I'm sure when the Celts are added in DLC, they'll shove fucking Boudicca in as the leader again.
>France is led by an Italian in every game
>C O N G O
Toppity kek, who the fuck came up with that? The only reason Congo exists is because Belgium created it. It's literally a second-tier non-country.
>Mongols not in the game
>more than likely going to have some irrelevant Native American "civilization" other than the Aztecs
>fucking Scythia, a literal who civilization in the game as well
>all but Teddy look like caricatures of themselves
Who still plays this crap?
Why is there a black man named "Remember a nigger"?
Why wont they let me play with my people?
It's Kongo, the African state that has very little relevancy except converting to Christianity without being conquered.
>Hojo Tokimune.
>Not Tokugawa Ieyasu.
>Not Oda Nobunaga.
>Snubbing Meiji AGAIN.
Holy guacamole, they really was kangz n sheeit!
>literally who Tomirys for Scythia
>not Ateas or any other actual ruler of Scythia
The British Empire is widely seen as being the most EVIL form of Imperialism. Just think of all the poor black people and Indians who were civilised by that horrible institution. Anyone who dares mention the Empire in a positive light here is labeled a racist. In schools they only mention the bad points, like the Amritsar massacre.
Also this
These mofos need to put my forefather King David in. Based David killed 10s of thousands of people himself but he's never in, any of the games. Guess they don't want to put an historically version of him in there so they just leave him out.
t. Frederick Barbarossa
Even Napoleon's family came from Tuscany you miserable mongrel.
I just hope someone makes a mod to replace all of them with cute anime girls eventually
Who would be in the Batshit Insane expansion pack?
She mainly spent her time raising useless weak sons and killing french people.
Picking this bloody cunt as a leader is Paradox tier of cuckold
Why is this game so ugly ?
Civ5 was perfect...
Civilized? Mother fucker what? Don't you know Europe was CIVILIZED by the same people they enslaved you damn idiot? Half the Spanish language is damn Arabic nevermind the fact most of the Europeans can read the Bible is because the damn Moors who were Arabs and Jews(Ishmaelites & Israelites) translated the Bible to Latin for you heathens then you kick them out and enslave them then let some faggot Khazars steal their heritage and just call them Africans and tell real Africans to run with it. Though nobody can explain why Israelites or what you call African Americans look nothing like Africans and only 1.6% of white people owned slaves so they can't be responsible for light skin Israelites nor their wooly hair. White people don't have wooly hair NOR do Africans. So how the hell would wooly hair which only applies to Negros and Ethiopians of today come from whites and Africans? Wake up white people you stole the Israelites. God's chosen people
"hey, kids like them mobile games these days, right?"
>leader choices
A lot of these are repeats and meme tier, like Ghandi.
> Also Mongols were confirmed as not being in
Because they wanted more womyn representation.. in a grand strategy game. The player base of which is like 98% male. So they swapped it for Scythians. Which are also horse people but women played a bigger role. Even though we know even less of the Scythians than the Mongols.
And Cleopatra representing Egypt is as retarded as it ever was.
But Civ is not a history game, so why get upset?
Don't panic, Mongolia will be included in the DLC like Civ V
Belgium created it because your dumb ass king was running a slaughter factory. And even afterwards the country was left FUBAR because of the Belgian influence.
here are my thoughts lads
>pick someone different to lead Japan this time around who isn't even the best choice
>Use some useless whore to lead France instead of the most famous French woman
>go back to using Vicky for England not Britain, Teddy for USA, Sluttypatra for Egypt and fucking Ghandi for India again because there's obviously a total lack of other noteworthy leaders
Also don't forget to pre-order Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI if you want to play as the Aztecs guys!
I'm no kike but I'd like to play King David.
Norway + Harald Hardrada? who? vikangz
>And Cleopatra representing Egypt is as retarded as it ever was.
t. Pompey
I bet you are just made because Julius tapped that beautiful creature all years along. (And what a nose!)
Why is vicky looking so smug?
I would like to see Nasser for Egypt
Mansu Musa for Mali
i only play on YNAEMPs so im pretty happy with Congo
Literally the game seems shit to me. They literally brought historical people no one likes, or simply does not respect, just hope the meta is at least as good as civ v
I'm actually incredibly surprised that they didn't go all out feminist. They even dropped a few female rulers for male ones.
He was Corsican you uneducated fuck
Do you realize your language isnt even indo european?
more civilized than you.
kongowesions were a social geographical civilistaion
>dacians & romans
>not civilized
also why hojo tokimune?
why not one of the great 3 unifiers (nobunaga, hideyoshi, tokugawa) or the great meji?
also is fucking medici the best french politician they could come up with? also who the fuck is mvembaanzinga and what the fuck is kongo. if you want those diversity quotas, add fucking mali, ethiopia or the berber states, not whatever the fuck "kongo" is supposed to be.
i see youre a fellow asterix fan.
good taste
>No U.K.K.
Shit game desu
I'll only buy this game if the add based Willem
The game obviously needed more of those "strong wimmenz"
It's going to be absolute shit anyway.
I wasnt even aware Asterix was known out of France. Is it popular, or do you just happen to have an exquisite taste?
Why does ghandi look like a meme?
yes and it got me interested in history at a early age.
very popular here, at least it used to be 20 years ago
Asterix is great.
Phillip II seems like a bro, and I really like Frederick Barbarossa's voice, there's something about the German language that I love listening to. Both of these will probably be my main.
Theodore Roosevelt was a good pick I think they butchered his looks, he appears better now though, they must've toned down the cheeks or something. Pedro II doesn't even look white! (he's ethnically Austrian you know?). I think he made him browner to appease some quota or something, he looks more like Pedro I. And frail, too thin.
>cancer tier
Qin Shi Huang
All look like cancer. They fucked up the design on them majorly. Will probably NEVER play as Catherine or Tomirys.
>Montezuma dlc
he looks itchy
These character models make we want to vomit blood. What the fuck happened?
And normies wonder why anime is so fucking popular.
I want to fuck Tomirys in the pussi
pretty happy with norways Harald desu
My uncle told me that Asterix was some good shit with more mature undertones and references for the older readers. I gave this a go and I couldn't really see where he was coming from but I found out that lot of the older stuff I found in the library is much better than the newest stuff.
>They gotta reach the vagina quota
Ha, this... in Civ 5 they put fucking Theodora as the leader of the Byzantine. FUCKING THEODORA, you know, the wife of the actual leader, Justinian I.
Why? They already had rightful female leaders (Dido, Boudicca, Elizabeth, Isabella...)
Pretty happy about Teddy and Barbarossa
Pretty unhappy about almost everything else
They wanted to portray them as "realistically" as possible. The usual suspects are to blame.
I like the Civ 5 avatars better these ones are so goofy
what's with the cartoonish graphics? I remember when Civ had some serious ass faces when I'd do deals or whatever. what happened to that?
yeah, imo asterix is at its best around 4th to 10th books
>no papal power
>no damage and movement bonus against mid eastern civs
0/10, pre-order cancelled
Why are there so few civilizations? Civ IV had like twice of those at launch
Probably basic countries like Russia
No one, everyone stopped with the massive disappointment BE was
>A lot of these are repeats and meme tier, like Ghandi.
I can't recall a single Civ game without Ghandi
It looks like they will sell any decent civ leader as a DLC
I'm pretty sure Asterix is quite popular everywhere except the anglosphere
>pic related is the first thing that came to mind.
They should have put Mali with Mansa Musa I instead, or the Zulus... Kongo is literally a meme.
Spongebob has more realistic facial expressions than this shit. I can't even into the kind of people that find this aesthetically adequate.
They refuse to ever put rulers more recent than Gandhi into the game for some inexplicable reason.
although I do have a problem with this bitch saying hardrada which means literally fucking nothing at all.
It's Hardråde, it's not that hard to say even for english folks.
That's a real shit list of leaders
>all these "Qwyyns"
Only redeeming aspect is teddy Roosevelt. The graphics look like clay model shit pieces.
>no Hitler
Fuck off
As another user said, why not Joan Arc?
>I believe it's in our mutual interest to allow free passage between our two great empires.
Top kek.
>joan arc
afaik she was merely a morale boost puppet for a political struggle,
why not go classy for france and do king sun?
>be me
>civ 6 dev
>need to meet strong wimmenz quota
>decide to scratch napoleon, replace him with le strong womyn
>don't even consider joan of arc, an actual based female leader
>pick leader literally no one gives a shit about
>unintentionally reinforce the notion that female leaders are irrelevant
>Not black
Apparently these retards don't understand history.
>Here, you can have this nuke
>Thank you Mr. Gandhi, you are- wait wha-
Civ would not be civ without Ghandi.
Cleopatra was the worst Egyptian ruler. She ended the Egyptian rule.
Also, why not Enmerkar the ruler of Sumeria? Who the fuck cares about Congo? Ziggurats are fucking dope. But of course civilization is a garbage game now.
Joan didn't even have a Kingdom, she just led an army for religious reasons.
They made the entire game cartoony to "focus on gamplay" or some shit. But the thing is that the game barely has anything going on compared other games. So they are just being lazy.
Cardinal de Richelieu did most of the ruling. So much, in fact, that even Catherine's own son picked him over her.
new leader to represent the vikings, used to be Denmark in civ 5, and just viking in civ 4
I guess he's pretty cool - he raped britain
>creating anything but dismemberment
>It's pretty much a non-country
They should have a leader progression system option. So like you start as Washington, go to Lincoln at the correct time, then Kennedy, then Trump. But I'm sure they've thought of that because the made Civilization and have thought of literally everything.
Do we actually have any other famous indian leader?