should be switched, normies like marvel and hate drumpf
Bernie is Fox?
This doesn't work
D.C.>Marvel but both are kike owned. Literally Time Warner vs Comcast jaja
Nobody actually likes HRC/DCEU and only pretend to do so out of opposition to DJT/MCU.
are you saying he became preseident without the normie vote?
This is the perfect bait, because it doesn't let on if you're a fan of Hillary or Trump, or Marvel or DC. This is elite shitposting.
what a stupid comparison /thought
the normie numales who watch marvel yes. dc fans are autists and probably drumpf voters as well
yes, majority of people voted for hillary retard
The top one needs a flag of india as well tho
Everyone claims is the savior but is actually the worst thing since cancer, lots of executive meddling, fails to understand what the people want, Blames everybody else for its failings, strange cult following.
The one who won the battlefairly but is objectionably Trash can be fun to watch if you turn your brain off.
my thoughts are the election ended 10 months ago, give it a rest
Hillary: Boy, do we have problems up here! The problem of … of evil in the world. The problem of absolute virtue.
Trump: I'll take you in without breaking you. Which is more than you deserve.
Hillary: The problem of you on top of everything else. You above all. Ah — 'cause that's what God is. Horus. Apollo. Jehovah. Donald...John...Trump. See, what we call God depends upon our tribe, Donny J. Because God is tribal. God takes sides. No man in the sky intervened when I was a First Lady to deliver me from Bill's fists and abominations. Mmnnn. I've figured it out way back: if God is all powerful, he cannot be all good. And if he's all good, then he cannot be all powerful. And neither can you be. They need to see the fraud you are. With their eyes. The blood on your hands.
Trump: What have you done?
Hillary: And tonight, they will. Yes. Because you, my friend, have a date! Across the ocean. Ripe fruit, his hate; 26 years growing, but it did not take much to push him over, actually. Little red flags, big coup – "you let the Soviet Union die!" And now, you will fly to him, and you will battle the death. Red and Blue. Fight Night. The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world. God versus Man; Day versus Night; Bear of Russia versus Eagle of 'Murica!
Trump: You think I'll fight him for you?
Hillary: Mmm, yes, I do. I think you will fight, fight, fight for that special lady in your life.
Trump: She's safe in the White House. How about you?
Hillary: Close, but I am not talking about Melania. No. Every man's special his daughter...Ivanka, Ivanka, Ivanka!
DC is Bernie
Hilary is Sony
>a company who made spiderman black
>Thor into a woman
>Iron MAN into a black teenage girl
You're a retard, OP.
You're right, in that they're both shit options.
Nice try dcpajeet
This journalistic degeneracy
friendly reminder
Back then everything "bad" was related to Trump somehow. Remember this clusterfuck?
>30+ million illegals
>democrats on video talking about bussing literally thousands of people around from polling station to polling station in just NYC alone
>90+% of voter registrations in upstate Cali are fraudulent
Trump won the popular vote in a goddamn landslide you ignorant fucking mongoloid
You're an imbecile.
thats an older version lad
here's a (you) out of pity
show me a single verified source that 30 million illegals voted and I'll eat shit
>Joss Whedon
reminder he was /ourguy/ all this time
more like this:
>Marvel again attacks DC with Spiderman worldwide BOX office... and far in ass there is Dark Universe... feeding on whatever remains.
The MCUck Avenger and the DChad of Krypton
>High test hairline
He wears it like a man instead of Cuck Evans running to the surgeon for hairplugs lmao
Bernie is Dark Universe. Ted is Fox. Jill is Sony.
Both are fucking terrible, you massive fucking retard. Neck yourself for even liking this trash.
here's an upboat for you good sir
the thor one is really good
How is this thread not deleted