HAHAHAHA. Guess we just revealed how racist Donnie really is.
What say you?
HAHAHAHA. Guess we just revealed how racist Donnie really is.
What say you?
Other urls found in this thread:
>that's his fault guys, that's totally Trump's fault
He's really reaching
>place where man spoke hung pictures of white people on wall, will racism ever end? More at 11
Why do you guys even bother?
Are we being raided by eBaums World again, lads
I love when these fucktards make a huge deal over stupid shit like this. Please expose your lunacy to more people.
Honestly. I don't make these posts against Trump. I do it to let Sup Forums users laugh at progressives. Very rarely would I find a tweet as stupid as this, but when I do, I share it with you guys
Sounds like old Steve is the racist and sexist one
Who notices races and sexes enough to make a note of it?
Yeah I realized I was an idiot for not catching the irony, im high as fuck desu, I should just lurk right now
really fires off the brain juice
The Union League of Philadelphia, founded in 1862 as a Patriotic Society to support the policies of Abraham Lincoln, is today a private members-only club.
Founded by Philadelphia society, it remains a bastion of the elite; among its 3,300 members are leaders in business, academia, law, medicine, politics, religion and the arts. Members gather to socialize, dine, network, attend events, exercise and relax in the 1865 Second Empire-style building. The club is ranked first on the Five Star Platinum Club list.
>union league
>essentially a fraternal organization like masons
How do these idiots even breathe?
This is the last straw. I WILL NOT BE VOTING TRUMP ANYMORE
>Historically 90% white country
>Surprised that most historical portraits are white
>Doesn't give a shit about the achievements of the people on the portraits, or their history, he just wants shitskins in there because "MUH RACISM"
These people should be shot.
So he just admitted he's a racist.
>rooms full of white people or men are inheritly bad
Guy must have been Jewish
really makes my hamster wheel turn
I'll be voting for Gary in November
Wow, no wonder the Don is so successful.
Is this is a problem?
Do we need to have a perfect 50/50 like Justin "Dude Weed" Trudeau?
This is a simple attack to volley back
>Why is that a problem?
I lived in a house where the only painting we had was of some African mask thing.
None of us gave a fuck about African culture. It was just there.
if i ever see this kike in public im just gonna yell "racist" at him as long as possible.
>Ayo Nigga, Just Hol' Up And Lemme Get This Nut"
lost it
op wants a retarded nigger picture to hang among humans. lol why?
Holy shit lol
Similar thing
>parents come back from goodwill one day
>have three huge decorative wooden african looking shield things they hung on the wall
Weeks later
>mom brings home a box of tacky african themed bathroom stuff
>giraffe toilet paper holder, fancy african animal shower curtain rings, zebra striped toothbrush holder
>mfw 'nigger' gets said dozens of times per day by several people in this house
I don't know why
Are there any niggers lurking Sup Forums who like trump?
Because it would be really cool if we could have all of them tweet at her I stand behind Donald Trump
Can somebody explain why or how you can be racist against jews if their definition is prejudice + power and jews are in control of literally everything
I know right, how disgusting. They should force diversity quotas everywhere comrade, even in your own house.
Look how racist this BET awards show is. Not a single white face in sight. Dirty fucking racists the lot of them.
Yeah i make Sup Forums btfo threads too. I dont want you guys getting rusty on me.
That is a classy as fuck building.
>Civil War
>Make a club to support loyalty to the Union
>The half of the country trying to free slaves and keep the country together.
>Put up historical portraits of members from back when this was a white country
>ff to 2016
>Steve Peoples calls you racist for the likes
The Confederate States pt II when?
Fuck off retard.
It's like white people don't even care!
I ain't with the cuck life OP
Who actually cares? It's not like he picked the fucking picture arrangement.
Back to Tumblr, transnigger.
This says more about women and minorities than it says about the Philly Union League.
Youre right OP
we should hang pictures of important black people over every white portrait
oh wait, there arent any
This is retarded, your a failure for a shill
That's the point. See