So what should the punishment be for people who are found in possession of cp? Should it be harsher or more relaxed than it is now?
(Pic very related)
What should the punishment be
A pat in the back. Softly.
Why the fuck is owning pictures illegal in the first place? Murder, theft and rape are all illegal but it's totally legal to own images of those. There's even a constant thread on Sup Forums dedicated to stuff like that.
put under survialance.
people who watch porn arn't all rapists
Depends on what the state considers "cp". If you live in a compete piece of shit like Canada then look will get you nailed just for possessing it.
In the states, some have drawings to be illegal but I was "caught" with some comic-LO shit when I was selected for a random search when I entered Texas again, and while it is technically illegal I was waved on by with nothing happening. It will only become an issue if you are found doing actual shit to help paint the picture of a pedo and to maybe attempt to get a harsher punishment.
But if we are talking about real cp, then I believe it should be lessened if it can be proven that you merely found pictures or videos in the Internet and we're not present during the act itself. However, castration with severe prison time should be the minimal sentence for those discovered to have physically harmed children in a sexual manner.
Do you honestly believe this?
Didn't he get caught actually fucking kids?
I thought that's what set forward the raid, I doubt pictures are enough to set shit like that off.
Unless he was distributing, then they go after you.
should be the same, harsher penalties should apply to those who create and distribute it though.
Thought crime should not be a thing. Distributing it should result in prison time. Creating it should result in a lot of prison time. There should not be anything that is illegal to look at.
When you download a pic/vid you support the actual perpetrator financially + you create demand for more
Jared did way more than just "have PC", op.
>Sup Forums is red pilled and hates degeneracy
When will this false meme die
do you attack the druggys or the drug dealers
there should be punishment for normies like you, there's nothing bad in cp
>implying the survaliance wouldn't be intrusive
he was having sex with underage prostitutes, yes
Competing in gladatorial combat.
The same for all crimes really. Prisons are too expensive, might as well get some Russel Crowe tier entertainment out of it.
Looks like he intended to pay minors for sex and collected cp.
>Fogle's tenure with Subway ended after he was investigated for paying for sex with minors and receiving child pornography in 2015. On August 19, 2015, he agreed to plead guilty in federal court to possessing child pornography and traveling to pay for sex with minors. Fogle formally pleaded guilty to the charges on November 19, 2015, and was sentenced to serve 15 years, 8 months in federal prison with a minimum of 13 years with no possibility of parole.
Really? My bad. I genuinely though he only had posession.
Not unless pirating television shows also count as supporting the companies that produce them. Paying for it is another thing, of course.
>there's nothing bad in cp
except the child being abused and most likely unable to comprehend the situation they're in.
you should be sentenced to inpatient psychiatric counseling until such time that you are determined to not be a threat to children, then you should be put on probation with mandatory outpatient psychiatric counseling, then after a period of non-offending (lets say 18 months) you should be free
I've attacked druggies lol
It's considered fair game if they're stealing from your store, or at least there's no cops who care (if they even report being smacked about)
Like with most crimes, the victims should get to punish the offenders personally.
How about a sex offender's list? Should they be placed on that?
Just like homosexuality and gender dysphoria being attracted sexually to children is a severe mental illness and requires treatment.
after say five years of non-offending, and regular psychiatric check-ups, you should be removed from the sex offender list on the discretion of your psychiatrist and a judicial hearing
yeah sorry
same with murder. hope you never downloaded or watched someone be murdered. That makes you a murderer btw
The punishment is pretty harsh enough. I mean even if you don't get a lot of time in prison your life is still pretty much over. I don't know If I'd want to make it any less harsh, but sometimes people who aren't actually pedos and have nothing to do with the creation or distribution of cp just get fucking blasted by these laws and can never recover.
>traveling to pay for sex with minors.
If it was legal in the county you went to, how is it then magically make you a criminal when you get to the states?
Sure, it makes him a creep but legal action taken against him when he partook in sex with minors in a country that allows it isn't something that you could tack onto his charges.
Only a moomin could be frightened of a bunch of prepubescent children punishing him.
>false equivalents are great arguments
there is no "demand" for murder vids that is causing more people to be victimized
I think it's weird that no one has a problem with videos of people being murdered being found on one's PC. Hell, CNN put a video of a guy being burned alive in a cage on their website last winter... but some kid being interfered with sexually is wrong? Something is backwards here.
>implying governments don't put CP and/or drugs on the computers of those on their enemy list.
CP is a great way to destroy your enemies. As for people who sexually abuse kids they should be given free helicopter rides...
With downloading I meant paying for it even if it's only in form of filehoster download money. Possession is deemed illegal because it is assumed that by paying for the stuff you are part and supporter of the problem/actual crime
Welcome to the USA, where they can police you abroad.
"Land of the Free"
Bush signed a sex tourism law in 2001 i believe, that said you can get in trouble if you travel for the sole purpose of sexing x
What is snuff videos
Congrats your gore threads contributed to the making of snuff films thereby making you an accessory to murder
so 17 then. because underage means 17. I think there a re many people that would not be too upset by that.
or was it 16? 15? at what number is it the most despicable? 13? then shouldn't the law say 13? oh no, then 13 year olds would be able to work and possibly drive right? Perhaps we could not make a blanket law and set the ages differently for different things?
I'd expect nothing less from a decrepit slav.
I've never seen a snuff video
I'm not contributing to shit
uh... Mexico needs to weigh in here.
It used to be they had to prove your intent to go abroad for sex with minors. Now it's just if you are abroad and have sex.
conversion therapy with free adult pussy provided by the goverment in the form of 1 year brothel pass
None of this "ten years on death row" or "lethal injection" crap.
Preferably hanged, drawn and quartered. Or firing squad.
>its a false equivalently because i feel murder is worse then child molestation! how I personally feel should be how laws work!
No. life isn't fair, but the law should strive to be. It doesn;t make sense to punish people for having such imagery or exchanging it. only creating it, and with actual underage minors. Your slippery slope can fuck off.
Because cp is an industry and murder, theft and rape images are not.
>I only get off on sexualizing children, why am I being punished
Because you never deserved to live in the first place.
There is literally nothing wrong with watching CP or fucking teenagers.
Free Jared.
funny thing is in many states its a worse crime to have CP on your computer than to actually go out and molest a child
he paid an underage girl (15 i think) for sex
have you ever talked to a 17 year old? They are retarded. It is wrong to have sex with retarded people
>I only get off on sexualizing children, why am I being punished
Not what I meant. You have actual teenagers who get tried as adults because they're talking to girls on dating websites who lie about their age. Or maybe they have a girlfriend who's parents get pissed off and take them to court for sexual assault or something.
the general pleb public loves them some thought crimes! please! arrest the CP boogey man pls! btw, i am probably going to die of heart disease, but i'll get on that when I feel like it, also even though my child's education is very important and would definitely prevent them from being taken advantage of in the future, i'll just half ass raising them and teaching them to read and write and comprehend.
but PLEASE! castrate a person I never even met but am %100 sure is guilty.
Your a virgin, so let's use mommy as an example.
I have videos of your mother being literally raped on my computer I share with men online and my own pay per view website. How do you feel about me now?
>B-but my m-mom..
Thats right you're a cunt!
And imagine if it was your daughter instead. (A real daughter, not an anime one)
All women are "retarded" if you wanto to go there. Are you gay?
>As for people who sexually abuse kids they should be given free helicopter rides...
Op why do you make this thread every fucking day? Are you expecting to get a different answer then you got yesterday? How is this even considered political.
Is teen pregnancy by muslims an industry too because brits seem to have that going on alot?
>videos of my mother being raped
Insta boner. I would pay to see that.
Abusing or exploiting sexually a child and filming/photographing it should be a crime. It's disgusting. However, images of a child that could be interpreted sexually should not be illegal, as long as nobody was forced into making them. The government should not have the discretion to decide what can and can't be called sexual in most cases. Such a discretion could result in countless art photographers or filmmakers being jailed as sex offenders.
If you don't have any war webms please go back to
Its the ultimate degeneracy, execution should be immediate. Protecting our children from pedophiles should be a nations highest priority.
I have never in my life made this thread before. And it is political because it deals with laws/society etc
That's why they have statutory rape laws. It's on the books do your fn homework
Attempt at re-education
If they are mentally incapable of rehabilitation then you give them an ankle collar and never allow them near children again
ITT: Fags and pedos use logical fallacies to defend themselves
Death is a luxury for you slimey little shit
Not just any video of a child. Artists have been in trouble with the law for producing photographs of nude minors.
>(A real daughter, not an anime one)
Oh well then I don't give a shit now. Fuck 3DPD, even if it's my own daughter.
Now you touch my Nanako, nigga, and we have problems.
porn and gore should also be illegal desu
Exploding neck collars from the running man
>your a virgin
nice le plebbit response, don;t forget to say i'm a fedora tipper either next time too!
wheather it was my mother or not makes no difference to the law because my mother is not everyone's mother, also if you filmed the rape of my mother you would be put in prison for rape and not because she was my mom dumbshit moral fag moron. Also i never mentioned anyone paying for anything,
ITT: Morons who think children are somehow special in any way appeal to emotion to justify their illogical murderous intentions
Newsflash for you. 95% of children will grow up to be worthless nothings like 95% of adults. This isn't a fairy tale.
So just because some will grow up to be shitty, it gives you a license to treat them all like shit at an earlier age. Fucking really dude?
not to mention states interpreting it to mean loli art work, or CG art work, or even a fucking very petite woman roleplaying. All of those things are put in danger when you decided to be a supreme moral fag and go after someone for being born attracted to children.
There is no "Pre-Crime" it's horseshit.
>Piracy is actually the same as buying
The problem has to do with what a picture IS, and what downloading means.
For instance, digital information cannot be owned, it is a state of hardware, a sequence of binary numbers that you shape your own physical hardware with, it is not a thing, but a blueprint.
A picture, or any piece of data, being a binary sequence, is nothing but a number. When you criminalize a digital picture, you are criminalizing an abstract concept, a number, not a physical thing you can possess, but an inellectual one.
On top of this, it's impossible to draw the line, you could say, hey, it's fine, we'll just make that number illegal and that would be fine. But I'm not going for a moral implication here, i'm going for a practical one, which is impossible to execute.
Let's say that picture (number) is illegal. Well, the only thing you have to do is swap some pixels around, maybe save the number in a different compression, and there you go, whole different number.
Then you could argue, yeah, but any idiot can see it's the same picture. Well, no, what if i run it through so many filters it looks different? What if it's so different it looks like a painting? What if a trace it and make a drawing out of it? What if i use 3d renders to recreate the picture itself?
Can't be done properly, because you are effectively banning an abstract concept, not an action nor a thing, which is dumb.
In addition, there is the fact 'Downloading' can be twisted and bent to mean whatever the fuck you want.
What if I email you some pizza? oh but you wouldn't save it, you'd be safe. Wrong, it would still be stored in your computer unless you dbanned or magnet treated your hard drive.
That illegal content you stumbled upon last month/year? yeah, it's in your computer. Someone could technically and legally seize your shit, look for that number and jail your ass.
Blurry lines can and will be abused, that's why the law avoids blurry lines.
>Creation, Distribution, etc...
You believe that someone who possesses cp but did not create it, should get off completely scot free?
you could post a picture on Sup Forums and get everyone who sees it arrested then. or email it to a famous person and then call the cops on them
and not at all like the fallacy of applying your personal emotional morals to laws all of human society must abide by right?
I hope you are also against abortion because your killing god's little angels and also pro baptism because we must protect them from limbo cause by original sin!
>implying anyone in this thread said they were okay with pedophiles
I could point you to all the posts saying they deserve death but then you wouldn't be able to use that strawman of yours now would you?
Same as possession of drugs. None.
I dont think that is posession. I think that for posession you have to have downloaded it with a reasonable idea of knowing it was cp.
Child abusers do not abuse children by looking at pictures, you dumb monkey
if this were the case, then at least it wouldn't be hypocritical.
Poor fuck who has to go through this thread.
>I dont think that is posession.
>I don't think that's denying the holocaust, your (((honor))), it is revisionism, which is perfectly legal
I swear to god, some of you guys..
Life in prison, with a plea bargain for 25 years if they can out their sources.
That is totally legal here actually argentinia.
he stated 95%, which is not some, it is basically all of them. but I disagree with that assertion. We should protect children as best we can without also stepping on the civil liberties of others. We should not allow our natural inclination to protect them blind us to that or allow mob rule.
If looking at a picture made you a child abuser, most of Sup Forums should be in jail about now.