BASED CAMERON, MY BODY IS FUCKING READY! If he can sober up Michael Biehn and Furlong this is definitely going to the most kino film since Avatar!
how based can one man be? Seriously think about it!
>made 2 incredible terminator films
>bangs and marries the lead actress
>divorces her
>brings her back for years later for another film
that is some based shit, and I dont think he paid alimony
Wonderwoman fags on literal suicide watch
>Did you call *moi* a dipshit?
Is it before or after Avatar sequel
no, a fatshit
SOMEONE please call 999 because this is an emergency, "hello, yes... we have a t-trans-female thing trying to get in shape for Terminator, where can I sign up"
How the fuck is this going to work?
Terminator Gyno-clinic ruined the timeline. Arny is too old to be the Terminator.
arnie is way past it for this now, it could be crystal skull bad.
For reals, not that he deserves it, but if he got into serious shape, I'd be down for him to play adult John Connor.
I mean, if Mark Hamill and Carry Fisher could for the 2 minutes they were in VII, surely a dude half their age could.
Linda can play the Terminator.
hey if mark hamill and coke head fischer can get whipped into shape so can he.
I'd love to see him return. Just get some of hollykikes best fitness instructors and in 4 months he'll be great
How can one man be so based?
No he's not. Also Crystal Skull is better than Temple of Doom.
Yea I'd be down for that too, would love to see Furlong back as an older Connor with some of that devil may care attitude from T2, the guy in T3 was pure shit, it was like a nerdy dude trying to be hard
God damn do I hate people under 25.
Who the fuck even has this opinion. You stupid fucking retard.
reminds me of pic related
Cameron will have to CGI Arnie to get this to work.
I'm 27 you fuckin piece of shit.
Deal with it you goddamn faggot.
>Crytal Skull > any of the first 3
his twitter account is beyond pathetic
Literally never as long as I live.
>Mfw Terminator 2 ruined the franchise completely
Nothing should have been made after one
>bringing back old arnold and old hamilton
I don't want to doubt Jim but has he lost the plot?
Are they bringing back arnie?
can't be saved.
>implying one should have been made
Terminator was better with no films
I don't want to see a bunch of old fucks star in an ACTION movie where they'll just use CGI bodies for the actual action. This is such a cash grab don't pretend this has potential.
Shut the fuck up you underage piece of shit.
the return of female /fit/kino
Oh yeah Twin Peaks S3 wasn't a total forgettable failure.
>watching remakes, reboots, rehashes, etc
>calling me underage
Good taste. Everyone else's is a nostalgia faggot
Cameron basically hinted that they were going to ignore the other Terminator movies, and just take T1 and T2 as canon.
fake news. james cameron is making avatar sequels for the next ten years then he'll drop dead.
>if Mark Hamill and Carry Fisher could for the 2 minutes they were in VII, surely a dude half their age could.
(((Disney))) and Kathleen Kennedy would have to get involved in the Terminator project for that to happen.
>got LYNCHED so hard he brings it up in a completely unrelated argument
kek, the pleb butthurt never ends
everything was cool until i saw that rib cage tattoo. that shit REALLY makes me soft.
>Linda Hamilton and Schwarzenegger
Cast Idris Elba and fill the gap as Sarah Connor
>le pleb le lynched I am so enlightened for liking an elite pedophile cultist TM kingpin's work
Nice defense. You guys are a laughingstock and your general thread is worse than reddit
So is this film going to explain how Skynet was created off of the T-800s severed arm recovered from the Steel Mill in T2?
Everyone who actually watched the show instead of using the general as an excuse to spam pics of Sheryl has already left.
Also, you're the one crying about it in an unrelated thread, in an unrelated argument, making accusations about Lynch that are only backed up by some Nazi midget's heresay.
>be Edward Furlong
>hear Cameron is doing a 3rd Terminator movie
>Arnie is back
>Linda Hamilton is back
>realise there's no way they won't be bringing John Connor back
>"This is it."
>"This is my moment."
>"This is what I've been waiting for."
>get out of bed
>dust off the old boombox and hit play
>"yewwwww could be miiiine!"
>feeling motivated as fuck
>open curtains
>pour 47 bottles of cheap vodka down the sink
>about to dump cocaine down the toilet, but remember you snorted it all last night
>shit while vomiting between your legs onto the shit
>actually use mouthwash instead of drinking it
>go to the bank
>take out every remaining penny you own
>pay for a year long gym membership
>can't afford rent
>lose your apartment
>sleep in your car
>work out for 4 hours a day
>use gym to shower and shit
>survive on the remnants of kale shakes other gym members leave behind
>7 months later
>lean and muscular
>boyish good looks have returned
>haven't cried in 19 days
>call in a few favours and get an audition for James fucking Cameron's new Terminator flick
>walk into audition room
>James is astounded
>his nose is trembling
>"My God. Eddie, is that you? You look fantastic! But how? We thought you were at death's door!"
>look him dead in the eye and give a sly smile
>"The whole thing goes: The future's not set. There's no fate but what we make for ourselves."
>whole room erupts
>everyone's on their feet
>James is chanting, "BRAVO! BRAVO!"
>"We got Skynet by the balls now, don't we?"
>someone passes out
>James is crying
>I can't believe what's happening
>I've never been so happy
>"So, Jimmy. Do I got the job, or do I got the job?"
>"I'm sorry. We've already hired Idris Elba."
>tfw Linda gets fit again
It won't happen because she's too old, but if it does I'll have a courtesy fap.
now this is podracing
>It won't happen because she's too old
old people can get fit too
Not bad, user, not bad.
What a shitty fetish.
finally time to repost this
It's harder for women.
I'm sure she will at least try
Daily reminder that everything turns into feminist bullshit nowadays and if a series had strong independent female back then it can only get worse.
Because he's a fucking cuck, he did that with the Osama movie chick as well. They BOTH made off with his money, they both are now dating fucking niggers.
Good post, tbhfam
fucking whores and their phones at the dining table.
>press/studios: Terminator 6
>James Cameron: no Terminator 3
>no this is Terminator 6\
Why the fuck does he splerg out like this? This move is going to end up not being made because he's a fucking autist.
The blonde is fucking terrifying looking. She's like a science experiment gone horribly wrong.
Is Cameron gonna direct or just be the "executive producer" ?
Anyway better than nothing
Friendly reminder that this happened
Maybe...maybe bringing back old movies isn't as good an idea as we thought.
geezuz. linda hamilton IS a terminator this time around. fuck you Cameron. we already saw this shit with the last one.
She will because she's a professional unlike Gadot but I'm not expecting much.
that's what he's trying to do
James doesn't actually want to make it, he's busy making Avatar 12
What a literal faggot
It's a bad sign. Remember how Prometheus and Aliens were confusing the serial number? It's going to be shit.
I hope Cameron dies before he can finish his blue smurf hippie dreck Avaturd for giving Alita to a subhuman beaner.
Why is Jake Lloyd in that pic?
t. landwhale enabler
Seriously, liking women that look like men and have masculine features is the straightest thing I can think of.
If only they had a massive cock....
I don't remember exactly why
but it had something to do with podracing and him growing into the role of Vader in real life or some such
As if your latent homosexuality wasn't obvious enough.
>has one too many beers and sucks his friend's dick while watching UFC
I'm well aware of Jake's descent to the dark side, but I thought that image was Terminator focused.
>but I thought that image was Terminator focused.
do tell how you came to that conclusion friend
and it was pretty good, if the studios didn't put their nose in the sequel it would be even better.
Avatar tech
Oh I don't know, maybe because every single picture besides Jake is Terminator related.
>tfw no warrior gf to mate with
Caroline Bergoe
And who's this guy?
>dat lumpy steroid face
This is what my arms start looking like when I look at them and think
>SHIT, I gotta start working out again. My elbows are almost fatter than my biceps!
>being this jelly of girlgains
>produced by James Cameron
Literally nothing. Go back to sleep.
female lifters are closet pornstars