Daily reminder that the Amish

Daily reminder that the Amish
>can take care of their community without a government safety net
>can provide for their families without a high school education
>have a suicide rate a faction of the national average despite despite shunning modern mental health care
>have an almost non existent murder rate despite a high gun ownership rate

Liberals absolutely BTFO

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glorious huwhite children

The Amish are absolutely redpilled. I don't even care if they believe in fairytales, i'd rather have them get their moral values from religion than from a forceful state.


God bless the Amish.

the only problem with the Amish is they evolved with no natural predators, they're like sheep

like one dude with an ar-15 vs. an entire Amish village

they need to be protected, these gentle creatures of the facial hair

No, no, you can't do that. Non aggression principle.

Yeah the Amish are great. I drove through the country once and thought I was in a different universe.

how do u know? they're a tightly knit community. you don't fuck with tightly knit communities.

Redpill me on selectively using modern conveniences of technology

>Investigators say 73 people, including 35 juveniles, were taken into custody and charged with underage consumption of alcohol.
Wow is fucking nothing

The state forces them to put lights and reflectors on their buggies.

They have huge colonies in Bolivia, they don't mix with the locals at all, and they have arrangements with the goverment to be left alone. They make god-tier cheese and milk too

now that's a fucking party

when was the last time we went to something that wild


>Craker met one man who had managed to stash $400,000 in the bank in 20 years while renting a farm and raising a family of 14 kids. He planned to use his savings toward a down payment on a farm and wanted to buy his children a trampoline during the summer.


Because they have tight community that takes care of each other, even the weakest ones, which is like the complete opposite of what conservative right wing wants.

They'd have to break their own code and adopt modern technology to survive against a modern enemy, and in doing so they'd no longer be amish

Which is fair considering they co-exist with the modern world and modern vehicles need these things. This isn't an unreasonable situation.

>they have no central government and instead the community supports itself in its own decentralised way
This is exactly what right wingers want

They're also massive druggies: cocaine, lsd, >WEED, heroin, ect.
Their parties are literally them just getting drugged up and banging their cousins.
So idk about that.

>opposite of what conservative right wing wants.
What are you talking about
Conservatives think people should take care of their own communities without the government

Is this really what cucks think?

The Amish ostracize and shame those in their community who don't follow the code. They can personally see if someone really is too weak or if he's just taking advantage.

dude don't even start

most right wingers have an intense sense of community, especially farm & manufacturing lifestyles

there's a difference between cutthroat business & shoveling the snow off your neighbors driveway. i come from a small town, everybody knows everybody, we look out for each other. i bring the local cops donuts every month. my neighbor has a key to my house. people wave at each other.

you clearly have no idea what right wing sentiments are or what small town americana is like

post comfy community stories boys we're gonna edify this bastard

It's not that they're forbidden from using technology, it's that their way of life is about being disconnected and independent from outsiders. Connecting to the power grid is where a lot of them draw the line, but some communities have their own solar power and sometimes farm machinery.


Shun this pervert back to the church of kek. You're a lost soul, user.

Can I come to your town and ruin everything? I want to bring my friends too, come on I'm sure king nigger won't mind, with Hillary winning this november we might even get a free residenship at your place for free

They treat their women like shit though.

As in they beat and starve them.

>As in they beat and starve them.
citation needed

What the fuck are you?

>despite shunning modern mental health care

The (((mental health care))) causes more problems than it solves.

>What's that little Timmy?
>You want to pretend to be a girl?
>Okay, Tammy, here's a prescription for some body and mind altering drugs

I don't know how the hell anyone can think this is acceptable.

thought right wingers wanted to gass those out of the gene pool

pls respond


Indoctrination through child abuse. The pills are good for little Timmy, because when he takes them he does not stress Mommy out. And little Timmy loves his Mommy. Telling little Timmy that he wants to be a Tammy because he is being poisoned with growth-stunting chemicals in the water would also stress Mommy out. And women are no worse than men, else all our beautiful equality would be a lie. Therefore clearly whatever Timmy is or does now is the problem. And wouldn't you know it - he's a dissatisfied white male. This is all practice. Psychological practice. Stay healthy, goy.

>Enjoy all the benefits of 21st century life, such as the US forces world domination ensuring peace, police, modern roads, the eradication of ye olde world diseases, religious liberty etc
>Maintain your holier than thou attitude while living a pleasant rural lifestyle

I remember reading one user complain that there's a lot of Amish on food stamps and their buggies cause traffic accidents often.

>such as the US forces world domination ensuring peace
Who cares if some shitty third world country wants to genocide their neighbors?
>the eradication of ye olde world diseases,
That come from the foreigners they they import
>religious liberty
The Feds are actively trying to dechristianize the country

>This story from the Cleveland Plain Dealer is a couple of months old, but it's a fascinating example of how government tries to insist on "helping" people who are not so evidently in need of its "help." The Ohio Office of Family Stability is demanding that local welfare workers somehow get Amish people to sign up for food stamps. Why? Just because they are eligible on the basis of income. By refusing to sign up, the Amish are lowering the local food stamp participation rates which makes the agency look bad.


ment for

Anabaptists like the Amish are literally communists. During the Protestant Reformation, they led several radical revolutionary movements like the German Peasants Revolt and the Munster Rebellion against authorities. They only became peaceful and non-aggressive after being beaten so much that they basically gave up on converting the entire world to Anabaptism and sought isolation instead.

It's kind of ironic how the most successful communist societies in the world are isolated, socially conservative ones.

Because leftists are obsessed with material goods

>Who cares if some shitty third world country wants to genocide their neighbors?
>religious liberty

>see this in you neighborhood
>what to do

this country has 300 million guns
The govenement is bringing muslims in no keeping them out

That's pretty cool - didn't realize they existed outside the US.

>take care of their community without a government safety net

Lol, only because the government is there to provide the military support to take care of their communities against other countries. They'd be extinct pretty fast if they didn't have that because of their backwards lack of technology.

proof or gtfo

A Muslim "refugee," clearly.

>>can take care of their community without a government safety net

But they don't. they are huge welfare leeches, and are constantly kicking people out of their communities to live in trailer park slums.