Sup Forums can't refute this

Well Sup Forums?

The only reason niggers don't shoot up schools is because they never go in the first place.

thats cool senpai, all niggers will be dead in 20 years desu


What butthurt monkey made this?


Why are you so racist user?

Nogs on suicide watch

Whites on suicide watch

White people made affirmative action and welfare programs.

Nothing's ever enough for shit skin niggers and abbos.


>ay yo white people be like
>"Why I'm sorry officer, I'll pay attention to how fast I'm driving next time"
>but us niggas be like


>hating water
Fatty detected.

Which breed are you?

>white people don't know how to cook, they only make boring food

Now this is the nigger meme I don't understand the most.

Then again if you do use spices they see that as "cultural appropriation".

This graphic is wise and truthful.

butthurt and not funny

also butthurt and lacking humor

ad hominem

dank meme aka poor cliché

very butthurt

Nothing even close to a plausible refutation has appeared so far.


white people are pathetic

Wenever I see them on the street me and my squad just stare at them and you see the terror in their eyes "p-please d-dont hurt me s-sir".

Feels good being black

Contemporary black humour just seems to be them making inside jokes about things that they don't understand whilst thinking society is laughing with them rather than at them.

Whoever made this writes at a third grade level.

top right here.

>nigger spices
lard+1 kg of salt isn't a spice


Where's the basement dwelling weeaboo?


It's not the spices that's the issue, it's that niggers and other nonwhites have such shitty taste buds they can't actually taste food so they need to overload them with spices in order to taste anything.

Shit white men do?


>implying they can be considered white anymore

>calling everyone butthurt
Pot. Kettle. Black.

I'm mad at the "white pedo" bullshit. Native Americans, Blacks, and Hispanics all molest children at a higher rate than white people. Just like all other crimes essentially.


All of the top chefs in the world are white.

Pls tell me more about how your mac and cheese thanksgiving is better than Turkey, Dressing, Cranberry Sauce, Gravy and Mashed Potatos. I eat Mac n Cheese when I feel like killing myself.

Things white women do. Getting shocked and offended on behalf of other people who don't ask for their representation.

Dubs speak the truth

This is easy to understood. White people come from cold climates where shit doesn't grow for most of the year, so they have to resort to long-lasting veg like onions, cabbage, and potatoes plus the occasional bit of protein. Shit leads to bland, boring food. The closer to the equator you get, the better the food is and the more intense the flavors. It's about produce availability

>sag their pants


When they do shoot up a school it isn't reported since that wouldn't match what the media tells us.

>This is easy to understood.
Your white education has failed you


Until a gang of football ultras show up and make you eat glass bottles.

I don't see any mixes in there

I hear yours are even easier to catch

Shit Black Guys Do
>don't wear condoms and get sheboons pregnant
>fuck fat white bitches
>contract incurable STDs
>don't follow the law
>spend what little poverbux they get on stupid shit
>riot because criminals get rightfully shot
>shoot each other
>ruin neighborhoods
>ruin entire cities
>have double-digit IQs
>chimp out
>smoke crack
>blame whitey
>refuse to elevate themselves and their communities and be successful outside of sports and rapping
>don't follow laws or rules
>walk slowly across the street not in a crosswalk when there is traffic and the light is green
>don't wave when you let them out of a curb cut
>smell bad
>make up dumb slang
>yell into the mic while playing online multiplayer video games
>claim to be the best at Madden
>get overly reactive to very minor things
>say "Worldstar"
>still use Vine
>abuse Twitter and Instagram
>spell things wrong
>use incorrect grammar
>abuse Emojis
>seek approval by complete strangers by yelling into the phone in otherwise quiet and orderly public places
>use public transportation or buy cars that simply break down
>buy used tires which have just been painted and have zero tread
>drive with suspended/no license
>resist arrest
>show complete disrespect to everybody around them
>hold their phones up to their face instead of in a neutral position on their lap for some reason
>panhandle for said bus fare
>demand reparations
>don't go to work
>collect welfare
>get fired if they do have a job
>abuse the college system
>get stupid degrees
>all think they're superstar rappers
>wear gaudy jewelry when they can barely afford food
>steal said jewelry from each other
>shoot each other and blame whitey
>make crime rates skyrocket and education rankings plummet
>ask for a water cup
>fill it with Sprite or lemonade or Hi-C if they have it but usually Sprite
>get mad when they get caught and somehow blame somebody else for them having stolen something

I would continue but I'm out of room

>Implying it was a joke

Nope. I've learned how to avoid bland, miserable food (aka white-people food).

Kekeke you dumb nigger chink faggot

You're a literal australian nigger. You are like dirt to me.


There are people who unironically pick up this humor and think it's a way of life, see: wiggers and kids who smoke their first blunt in high school and think their badass instead of degenerate

>Rioting due to sports
Fucking nogs stealing rightful spic invention.

Shit that white people (and other people) but that user (in his retardation) thinks only black people do.

>don't wear condoms and get sheboons pregnant
>fuck fat white bitches
>contract incurable STDs
>don't follow the law
>spend what little poverbux they get on stupid shit
>riot because criminals get rightfully shot
>shoot each other
>ruin neighborhoods
>ruin entire cities
>have double-digit IQs
>chimp out
>smoke crack
>blame whitey
>refuse to elevate themselves and their communities and be successful outside of sports and rapping
>don't follow laws or rules
>walk slowly across the street not in a crosswalk when there is traffic and the light is green
>don't wave when you let them out of a curb cut
>smell bad
>make up dumb slang
>yell into the mic while playing online multiplayer video games
>claim to be the best at Madden
>get overly reactive to very minor things
>say "Worldstar"
>still use Vine
>abuse Twitter and Instagram
>spell things wrong
>use incorrect grammar
>abuse Emojis
>seek approval by complete strangers by yelling into the phone in otherwise quiet and orderly public places
>use public transportation or buy cars that simply break down
>buy used tires which have just been painted and have zero tread
>drive with suspended/no license
>resist arrest
>show complete disrespect to everybody around them
>hold their phones up to their face instead of in a neutral position on their lap for some reason
>panhandle for said bus fare
>demand reparations
>don't go to work
>collect welfare
>get fired if they do have a job
>abuse the college system
>get stupid degrees
>all think they're superstar rappers
>wear gaudy jewelry when they can barely afford food
>steal said jewelry from each other
>shoot each other and blame whitey
>make crime rates skyrocket and education rankings plummet
>ask for a water cup
>fill it with Sprite or lemonade or Hi-C if they have it but usually Sprite

Be nice guys, let the blacks have a laugh with a meme. They only have a few years to use a computer before they are either shot or thrown in jail, give them a chance to enjoy it.

Why are they constantly thinking about chicken though?

Stay mad, sub human aboriginal.

Yes, unattractive people typically bring negative emotions in others like you describe.

Mmm mmm those tasty tears

t. Tyrone

white people joke: "white people dont use spice"
soul food: *is deep fried lard*
(niggas make good fucking catfish tho)

Hah, I only do 9 of those

tldr. I thought the other user had a more valid point anyway.


Germanic masterrace

actually, that's what black ancestors wanted. they sold their people to da white devil fo dat cheddar

Frankly, Straya, I expected better from you.
People on this board look to you for top quality bantz and tier one shitposting.
You've let the quality slide, and so should this thread.
Go to your room and come back when you've upped your game.
Something truly toxic would be nice.

NO ABBO PORN! Not again pls.

this must be why the modern day egyptians are black

We also celebrate Fathers Day

>Implying potatoes before the discovery of America

The only legit wrong thing on this list is riots after sports matches.

Everything else is reactionary to the lawless, uncivilized brown people problem plauging western societies. Ever see a successful black man? He's doing the same shit as this white guy is, wearing suits, playing Madden, going to work, and being productive.

Then niggers come and whine "we're being oppressed, the democrats said so, surely they wouldn't lie to use they really care because they give us welfare an free shit"

Yeah this might've meant something like 200 years ago but I can literally go and buy an array of exotic spices from a 24h supermarket at the end of my road.



Crazy people can see both desu

The white child molester meme really needs to die. Spics and nigs molest kids way more, they just have a lower population to draw from to produce the extreme psychos that media and the general public are fascinated by.

"Your ancestors worked"

Actually, the overabundant usage of spices in hot climate is caused by necessity to stop food from spoiling (most of things we use as spices are secreted by plants to deter being eaten, including being eaten by microbes) and mask the rot when things do get spoiled.

Things rot pretty quickly in hot climate.

you shouldn't be so salty Tyrone, its bad for your cholesterol

Whites cause all problems
>I can't get a good paying job because I didn't finish school and now I'm stuck in the cycle of gangbanging.
Not my fault you didn't finish school tyrone.

Use slang wrong
>That thot
Can't count the number of times I've heard that one.

>It's a pretty good game actually

>no one does this any more
It's actually falling out of style outside of hood ass fuckers

Stealing land
>might does make right
Should have fought harder pussy.

Race card
>You jus racsis
Never heard a white guy play the race card.

>blacks riot more often than whites tyrone
You guys rioted after one of you pointed a stolen gun at a cop and was shot dead.

Stealing dances
>most people are terrible dancers
Doesn't matter the color of skin there tyrone.

>most under reported crime
Blacks have an extremely high rate of raping and molesting kids.

You guys are too busy being gunned down by your own kind to make it to a school or any building to shoot it up.

Great bait.
8/8 would reply again.

The Britbong misses the days he roamed the seas, plundering other cultures spices.


The black graduation rate must be so bad because all the white kids bully them and make them quit school. Obviously this is what happens.

Shit white guys do
>know their father
>get jobs
>invent the internet
>Invent everything
>relax at home instead of shooting people/ dealing drugs

All these American replies... It's like all the 60% does is sit on the net all day.

I'm off to bed. DEUS VULT

this one is actually funny

but it is missing the hipster/geeky white guy and the metalhead guy

Affirming the consequent.

Check your logical fallacy.

Just like Trump supporters chase Mexican students around screaming "You have to go back!"
>t. Hillary Clinton

>Never heard a white guy play the race card.
Look itt
Sup Forums is largely "white guys playing the race card." It's butthurt white virgins who want to complain that the world wasn't handed to them on a platter, like in the good old days of slavery and colonization.

>white privilege isn't working for them

Then how can it be called a privilege?

>steal other people land

yea bye nigger


I actually had to laugh, why can't people make fun of themselves more often?

>Sag pants

triggered, please dont spread fallacy

Don't forget
>Survive a traffic stop


Asians do that too.

Nigger cooking: Shitty meat products deep fried with hot sauce.

The pinnacle of culinary creativity, everyone.

actually a very small percentage of them are related to the originals pharaohs according to DNA research
it is actually anglos that were KANGZ apparently so they still aren't niggers either

Because white privilege means you can live without the assumption that you will encounter discrimination based on your skin color, i.e. you will never be refused a job or an apartment or bathroom access or a seat on a bus because you're white. This still applies if you're poor and uneducated but also white. Just look at the world around you more, user. Being black means you constantly get experiences modified because of how others perceive your blackness. When you're white, you can pretend that for you race does not exist. That's white privilege.

You forgot one really big one.

>has invented damn near everything worthwhile, and been a beacon of hope for civilization.

tl;dr made up bullshit

Eating in a civilised manner.

What sort of fucking dolt wrote this?

asians score higher than whites on any & all statistics cited to claim white privilege, including how they are perceived by others. (less threatening, for your edification)

do we need to fix asian privilege?

You're a massive faggot if you eat tendies, pizza, donuts etc with utensils