You cannot give niggers jobs. Proof below

>Be me
>Go to the gym 6 days a week
>Gym hires new black guy to clean
>Black guy sits around and does nothing all day
>All of a sudden, the towel dispenser breaks twice a week in the men's locker room
>Black guy suddenly fixing it
>Go to gym Friday before memorial day. Gym is dead
>Go to the gym today
>Friend says his locker was broken into and money stolen Friday
>Black guy was in there fixing the towel dispenser for the 5th time with a bag of tools next to him
>Towel dispenser has never been broken in the 3 years before the black guy started working there

So Obviously this nigger is working there just to steal shit. So even if you give these animals jobs they still will not do the job and they will steal as well.

how do we fix this?

Google "towel dispenser repair."

Why would you bring anything to the gym besides your keys and music?
Retards like you deserve being robbed

My affirmative action black man coworker isn't a nigger though :^)


fucking idiots

I ride my bicycle to the gym. Other guys ride their motorcycles.

The correct answer.

I was not the one who was robbed. I leave my shit locked in my car and I carry my keys with me.

When I think about how much better life would be without those parasites around

>towel dispenser repair
Also should we expect to be robbed every place we go? Sure let's punish law abiding citizens...again....Fucking moron.

this is america in one picture
>60 years ago houses are built on cheap land
>low class workers move in
>over the generations the children of the low class workers become middle/high class and move out to build/buy a better a house, selling their old one
>new low class workers move into the old shitty houses
>too poor/incompetent to properly maintain them
>eventually neighbourhood either turns into a degenerate nigger ghetto or is abandoned and falls into disrepair, detroit is a perfect example

>nigger steals keys
>uses the gym PC to find your address
>walks into your house when you're not home
>steals all your expensive shit

Why should it be our default assumption that you can't do simple things like locking up small valuables you happen to have with you at the gym? Why do we have to live in nigger land where there are no public water fountains because niggers fucking pointlessly break them? Why do we have to have prison bars on our vending machines, why are public parks and green spaces off-limits after dark? Why are there neighborhoods where we just "can't go"?

Why can't we have nice things?

When it's white low-class workers that move in, they maintain the houses, add on to them, and in 30 years it's the happenin' hip new place to live where there are all these stylish retro old houses that cost a fucking mint.

Too bad the neighborhood where this gym is has an average home price of like 600k.

This is what a cuck looks like

This. How can you call it freedom when you cannot even go to "some neighborhoods"? Either you will get robbed/killed or arrested because cops think you are there to buy drugs.

Thank you. Apropos as shit.

europe had nice things and we ruined them by trying too hard to be progressive and tolerant.

god has apparently decided that there shalt not be nice things

>going to the gym

A few guys should have a talk with him the next time he goes to repair it

Going to the gym is bad? I do not get it.

I already wrote an email to corporate. I am waiting to see him "fixing" it again.

it was clearly OPs fault for having stuff, not the niggers fault for stealing, seems like he dindu nufin

You should have waited, taken a photo of him, then contacted corporate.

Oh I will. I left on friday before all this shit happened. Just found all this out this morning

You are mistaken. I am a gym purist and OP is a meme lifter who will never even bench 2 pl8s. I hate mom science faggots in my gym.

I start with 2 plates. I curl with 3 45's

Niggers can't think that hard.

They cannot get past "Break into Locker"
