Why did he do it Sup Forums?
He had money, a BMW, aesthetics.
He could have lifted weights, and made it.
Why did he do it Sup Forums?
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Personality matters after all.
>Why did he do it Sup Forums?
Because he was crazy..?
He was born into a test on easy mode and failed.
All he had to do was get one thing. Everything else was given to him. But he couldnt. Pathetic little beta.
Debatable. The dude had zero dimorphism, making him look like a child. Although I'm sure some women would've liked that neotenous look.
But here's the thing. The dude was mentally. Being mentally ill is a turn-off worse than a beer gut.
he was the kind of person who visits /r9k/--he hated himself and he was opposed to self-improvement
>inb4 spergs and HAPA memes
Under 4" penis...and that boy Chance had a blonde white girl before him. 'Twas the straw that broke the camels back
he literally had brain problems
Read some of his manifesto, he was delusional. He had no ambivalence and blamed everything wrong in his life on others.
manlet and tiny dik. Nothing can truly change that.
interbreeding causes mental defects
Mental disorders are a real thing
He was also a hapa manlet that rarely ever even tried to talk to girls. He was average looking at best but didn't want to settle for anything less than a 9/10 blonde.
He spent years of his life cloistered away in his mom's basement playing World of Warcraft yet expected random hot sluts to just show up and bang him.
Even with all that shooping, he's still not attractive enough.
he was born in a feminized country
Why do you niggers always post a shopped pic?
he had a 4.5 inch dick and was a beta manlet who was too afraid to approach people.
He is just another example that money alone doesn't make you happy. He wanted a girlfriend who loves him and since he was a creepy fuck no girl could endure his shit. Hookers and golddiggers won't give you love.
it wasn't even that he didn't lift, he was just literally autistic and went to one of the most bro chad universities in the country/world. But mostly it was his severe mental illness
Because he had a terrible childhood
This all you need to know, everyone else here is stating vague reasons that don't address the root cause
His mother was likely a controlling Asian tiger mom, and his father a beta Jew. He probably didn't get a lot of nurturing as a child and maybe verbal abuse.
that's the photopshopped one, idiots
Guarantee he wouldn't have if he looked like that.
he was born for greatness. he couldnt be bothered with a normal life. some people struggle with the reality that you dont get to have both. in the end he did the right thing
Yeah, ugly aesthetics.
This one looks better t.b.h
>too afraid to approach people.
Fuck, it's just so hard if you like them. Why is it so much easier to talk to people you hate?
Halfie males always look funny.
It's like his face is stolen from multiple people.
Fuck off faggot. I bet you propagate your tranny fantasies on here too you worthless shitposting nigger.
Kill yourself.
Can someone post a pic of his sister? Heard she was hot. I'm referring to the one he heard having sex with her boyfriend 'plunging his cock into her vagina.'
>*blasts 80's music*
he has symmetrical face, well defined jaw and probably would have thick hair for most of his life
the guy was a fucking idiot seriously
Can't hand the fact that the Notorious Mufuggin E. Rodger was more aesthetic than you? huh, cuck?
I would refer you to this image
because you don't care if people you don't like dislike you and you don't try to be different to impress them or anything
He has anti-zika on this one.
he wanted the thousands upon thousands he was given by the government for acting
If he would have gone full terminator on the frat boys and sorority girls that would have been hilarious
but after reading his manifesto he was a cry baby that would cry to mommy and daddy to get waht he wanted without working for it
He felt he deserved everything without putting any work into it
He DIDN'T need to lift weights.
But then again, even if he did nothing would help him. Shit, didn't you watch his vid's?
He was spastic as fuck.
False flag, his manifesto was hilariously fake.
oh yeah I go to UCSB by the way
sometimes I overhear conversations about Elliot being a hero
the beta uprising of /r9k/ tards is real
>he had money
no. he was mad at his mom for not remarrying a rich guy and he once drove ten hours to arizona to purchase lotto tickets. in fact when those didn't come up winners that was the final straw, according to his massively tragicomic manifesto.
>a BMW
a used 3 series POS that he thought was going to a be a total chick magnet.
>why did he do it?
pic related
his vids fake to?
you paranoid tinfoil fuck
What's this guys name?
Ima look up his videos
Loneliness and autism will drive you insane no matter how much money you have.'
How is this hard for people to understand?
Sam Hyde
i miss that crazy bitch
I'm 5"9', ugly and a little bit awkward and I'm not a cry baby.
Because he was bat shit insane. He expected women to worship him.
Just another bad end to a WMAF relationship.
His dad is probably happy he's gone.
>All he had to do was get one thing.
What thing, frogo?
This is unshopped. This is the real one.
The mythical Sam Al'Hayd?
But damn, always knew about the supreme gentleman buy never bothered to look up videos and Jesus Christ, this kid was mentally ill.
Now I see that it was mere satire for /pol to worship this kid.
What was his k/d ratio?
A woman
The problem was that he was an entitled self shit that had no game. He never made a move and he felt women should flock to him.
narcissist + psychopath = bad
>He could have lifted weights, and made it.
Haha nice meme friend
Hint: Just because 1 guy out of 150 started getting pussy after lifting doesn't make it a general rule
Hint2: The majority of women over 20 won't give a shit if you're ripped or not, you either attract them without the muscles or you don't at all
Hint3: Muscles will never fix somebody ugly as sin, but it doesn't matter anyways since even ugly people end up getting married
Hint4: 95% of relationships are possible simply because both parts are socially able
Hint5: I could be the most ripped guy on earth, have a pornstar-sized dick, 10/10 aestethics, and I would still die a virgin because my social ineptitude borders autism, to the point where I wouldn't even know how to react if a woman came over me and started asking for it
Pretty sure he was an Aspie with zero social skills.
He was a man without identity, just like the majority of halfbreeds.
Betraying your race is betraying your children.
lol, he looks like some ugly weird looking gook mongrel. Maybe he could go to Asia and enjoy partial Whiteness as a hapa, but that's about it.
He was a manlet.
That is a death sentence.
Too bad he was still fucking ugly and looked like a pathetic nerd and NOTHING would have ever changed that.
Because he was an omega.
If you were 10/10 huge dick and ripped ANYTHING you did would be considered cute and alpha by women you stupid fuck, it comes to a point where personality doesnt matter if you looks good enough
Trump will be stum ped of he can't win florida
hand over the delegates.
he had the personality of mold that grows on bread
he was literally too much of an autist/aspie to live
Mentally ill person with shitty parents and a shitty childhood
He had a mental disorder and was insecure about being mixed race.
He wasn't omega. Omegas go offgrid and live in the woods and reject social convention. The dude from into the wild was omega elliot was beta he killed his 3 asian roomates in their sleep that's cowardly beta to the max
>He was born into a test on easy mode and failed
This is pretty much the answer. I can't even imagine how upset I would be with myself if I knew that I essentially squandered a free ride in life. I would definitely sudoku myself but he took it to the next level of nutjob.
>tfw Elliot was prettier than you
>he's gone and you're still here
He was severely autistic and mentally ill because race mxing leads to defects
Watch his videos.
He was called "supreme gentlemen" for a reason.
Guy had level 8 autism.
I mean, nowhere in his Manifesto is written that he approached a woman. He just walked around the mall, stores, and campus with nice clothes and expensive sunglasses, expecting women to approach him
>If he would have gone full terminator on the frat boys and sorority girls that would have been hilarious
Seems that you guys would call him beta because he had shit and was somewhat good looking. But his mindset was totally omega as fuck. That guy was beyond repair whereas a beta can step up to alpha status with work.
Gonna have to agree with the spic on this one... At least partially.
Very shallow women and even non shallow ones will turn intomficking whores if they find a man attractive enough. They're more basal and hormonal than they'll ever admit and its why women shouldn't be allowed to participate in politics
He did need to lift. Rodger was way too damn skinny.
I highly doubt Rodger's claim of 5'9. 5'9 doesn't look as short as he did. He was 5'7 at best.
Teddy Roosevelt & Hitler were both 5'8 and they actually look normal sized.
This. He most likely had girls hitting on him but he was so damn autistic that he didn't understand the way that women flirt. They generally just make eye contact with you and place their body next to you. Rodger was expecting women to straight up approach him like a man would.
>narcissist + psychopath
narcissism is a symptom of psychopathy
you don't have to write narcissist + psychopath
Curiously enough human social interaction is more complicated than a massive oversimplification of observations of wolf pack dynamics.
you can be a narcissist and not a psychopath dude. lrn2psych
He called himself supreme gentleman on his profile description
He was this delusional
there's a lot of intermixture of aspd and npd
I know
I just pointed out that to be diagnosed as a psychopath, you also need to be a narcissist
>Narcissist + psychopath
is redundant
oni chan, chotto matte kudasai~
We're all gonna make it, bro. We're all gonna make it.
Elliott made it too, exactly how he wanted to
the supreme gentlemanyan~ ??!
And there's erotic fanfic by women about Elliot.
There isn't any for you.
Nah mate if he had endless supply of puss he would have been a nice happy wagecuck he wasn't omega at heart he only pretended to hate society cause he thought it was u fair to him
He was a narcissist with a victim complex, and probably never gave a girl a compliment and meant* it.