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What kind of fucking faggot gets this pissed when you point out that illegal immigration is illegal?

Johnson acted like the cuck of cucks when he went on his pedantic tirade about bending over for fence-hopping beaners.

How about instead of registering my car at the DMV, I just drive without a tag because that's how I get opportunities?

That wouldn't make me an illegal driver -- just an undocumented driver who is trying to better himself.


Only poor losers care about some shit tier illegal immigrants taking their shit tier jobs. If you're more worried about that than how congress spends on your tax money to fuel wars that will eventually lead to the destruction of the world then theres something wrong with you.


Calling them "illegals" dehumanizes them.




That you for correcting the record.

$1.67 has been deposited into your account.

All the blue-gummed niggers and bomb-making camel jockeys salute you.

>commit a crime
>expect to be called anything but a criminal

You kids try to hard to be stupid.


>What kind of fucking faggot gets this pissed when you point out that illegal immigration is illegal?
a brainwashed cultural marxist

Lol you're a loser bro. you probably make barely above min wage. I used to be on the "gas the illegals train" till I realized they are the new slaves

>open borders
>Gun control

stay mad nigga

>lol bro I'm totally one of you guys
Johnson shills are pathetic. At least CTR makes funny posts

I love this retarded statement as well. It's supreme Jewry.

>You goys are bad people if you don't let these illegals come in and lower wages!

Illegal immigrant is the correct denomination, its a statement of fact.

What needs to be addressed is the negative connotation of the word "illegal", I could illegally choose to collect rainwater, and that doesnt make me a bad person.



the lolbertarian shills are back

gary must have spent another 30k

can johnson even afford shills LMAO

"they're just unpaid sponsors DONT CALL THEM SHILLS"

>Calling those who commit murder "murderers" dehumanizes them.


fuck off faggots

both problems you listed are connected and part of the globalist agenda. you have to be opposed to both of them to prevent the end result


We want Johnson to get 15% and go to the debates

Trump will DESTROY that cuck in ways that will make Jeb Bush's campaign look like a Reagan landslide.

Trump has proven he can crush multiple opponents at once.

Let them fight...

That'll be $35,000, mr Johnson.

>comparing killing someone to trying to make a better life for themselves by entering a country with more opportunities.

You would do the same shit if you were in their shoes.

I'm not mad.

How could I be the least bit upset when your poster boy for illegal immigrant handouts is polling worse than Ross Perot did in '92?

>i feel bad for criminals and will slander anyone who defends them by trying to guess how much money they make

You sound like a cuck, kid.

I regret voting for this faggot in 2012

Not really. I just don't give a shit. I'm more worried about my own personal finances and the affects of being the world's policeman. I couldn't give a shit about some poor spics on a border state mowing grass and picking fruit. Obviously none of you make any real money.

No, I came here legally. Get your shit together leaf.

Yes, he can compare because both examples revolve around breaking the law.


>discrimination is ok when I do it

Nice classism bro. Depressing wages and putting stress on social services to the breaking point is bad for everyone. But you don't care, because you'd rather talk about your "real money."

>Stealing: Not okay
>tresspassing: Not okay
>Stealing jobs by tresspassing on a country: Totally okay

>You would do the sa-
shut the fuck up, i would rather be fucking eaten alive by worms than let fucking sandNIGGERS do their thing in MY country.

A THIEF IS STILL A THIEF you fucking leaf nigger.

If I was a white guy with an above average IQ in Mexico I'd make a business far away from the border and the cartels and be a mechanic. I'd live like a fucking king.

>if something is a detriment to my people but a benefit to myself, I should do it

Ah so you're a fucking kike. Good to know.

Reminder that Trump wants Johnson and Stein at the debate.

I do not understand why, but I do not question Kek's chosen prophet.

Stay wet, my fellow believers.

>You would do the same shit if you were in their shoes.

You must be smoking crack.

I would never try to cross a border illegally into a foreign country whose people don't speak my language in order to secure income.

Okay, granted, I have thought for some time that Alex Jones is a bit of a sensationalist lunatic but there are times when he actually strikes a chord of truth with me.

About Johnson, he pretty much sums it up.


That's called invading

Or do you call stabbing "entering a knife into someone"?

Do you call rape "entering a penis into a vagina?"

Your mental gymnastics are showing.

>you raped that little girl Johnson
>UNDOCUMENTED SEX by the way, If you use the term Rape, it is very incendiary for our child molester population.
>Why is that ?
>It just is, it just is, just so that you know and you don't have to use that term.
>But isn't the term accurate in the sense that you enter into the girl, you penetrate her illegally...
>I came inside the girl, because I cum in legally, and the pussy existed, and you would have done the same thing, and what Donald Trump is saying about rapists couldn't be more incendiary.
>But isn't it thou unfair to compare everything that Trump is saying to simply using the term Rapist,
>Undocumented! When you go back decades ago this was not considered illegal,
>But just, and we'll move on from this point if you enter a girls vagina without consent is it, or is it not an illegal act ?
>Well you're describing that as something criminal..
>No its simple, is it an illegal act to penetrate a woman in violation of our sexual abuse laws ?
>Technically yes..

Johnson will literally be like Italy in WW2 to the establishment #Rekt #liability

Skilled workers need only be paid MORE not well. Unlimited migration lowers everyone's prospects.

Different standards, huh? I guess she means that the law applies to Trump but not to her.

>If you've seen her being interrogated in Congressional hearings you'd see how disgustingly elitist and arrogant she is!

>the new slaves

what the fuck are you talking about idiot? you leftists and your buzzwords that make zero fucking sense

kill yourself

Where the fuck are his eyebrows?

I voted for a shitty muslim communist nigger

It was a lose lose for all of us

Fuck Romney too

Kek let her know what he thought of that






Fucking cuckold SJW faggot


An act he's put on many times.

>Ma Jews
>my jews
Go get en Iran


The point is that they broke the law. Should we stop calling a thief a thief because he only steals food and money to "make his life better"? Should we stop calling someone who murders their abusive spouse a murderer? Laws are there for a reason. If you decide to break them, don't be surprised to pay the price for it.

Holy shit I can't wait to try and illegally immigrate to Chile now with the rest of my family that have no skills.

Actually, those of us with spine enough to not be afraid of that witch have already done it.

>What have you done lately?

Here's a little excerpt of a letter I sent her.

>We, the American people, do not fear you. We are not intimidated by you. In fact, we are enraged by your arrogance, your egotistical elitist attitude and by your sheer indifference to the American people.

>You are emblematic of everything that is wrong in and with American politics, today.

>I will be clear! The American people (including myself) are becoming quite aware of what you and others like you are doing and attempting to do.

>Be assured that you will not succeed, you will not get away with what you're doing! You will be stopped!

I sign this

-- An aware, infuriated American!

ITT buthurt Trumpcucks

stay mad losers

So you'd rather take care of low class squatamaulans than hard working poor whites? Fuck off

There are refugees from nations all over the world. The vast majority immigrate to the US legally and, by that practice, are welcome.

>Mexicans and other ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS immediately prove their contempt for law by entering the US illegally.

>This is their first act; to break US law.

>Do you really think they're suddenly going to turn around and instantly, magically become decent, respectable, upstanding citizens?

You really need to get away from the mire of the liberal cesspit you're stuck in and learn to think for yourself instead of letting others do all your thinking for you.

Oh, and remember this:

>Any nation powerful enough to provide for all your needs is powerful enough to take all your rights away.

>anti-free speech
>pro globalization

Johnson has single handedly set the Libertarian movement back at least 30 years.

Poor Ron Paul.

Funny because I was saying almost that exact, same thing yesterday except I said fifty instead of thirty years.

In either case I think that assessment is entirely correct.


Johnson is nothing more than a shill put in place to try to take votes away from Trump and from the Libertarian party in general.

Keep in mind that those in power (be they Democrat or Republicans) will do anything to keep that power.

There are, of course, exceptions. One being Trey Gowdy (R SC) who is a magnificently honest, decent and honorable man. Everyone should know and support this guy!

He tolerates NO BS from anyone and fights hard for the truth.

Check out this video:


I love how he rips the arrogant, condescending Clinton a new one!

Jesus Christ. This is insane.
That is Pepe. How does this even happen? This is INSANE.
The guy doesn't have a clue of what happened.

They were never human in the first place

Good, fuck em. I've spent time walking the border, I know the kinds of people crossing it every day. They're all military aged males, they're all criminals, and the only females you ever come across are in some stage of being raped. The border is essentially an unacknowledged war zone in the United States that most people would rather turn a blind eye to.


Literally eldritch beings coming into our reality
I would always wonder why Cthulhu would have followers if it was basically indifferent of them
Kek has shown me the light (or lack thereof)
Praise the Void Frog

Holy fuck how did I never notice this before

You might not like illegal immigrants but soon majority of this country will consists of pro-illegal immigrants.

Even if Trump is elected, nothing will really change this demographic shift.

Yes, the libertarian way would be to drive without needing to register your car.

Libertarian ways are a meme, shit I could store nuclear waste at a preschool if it was up to them. Why anyone would even consider Johnson is fucked up.

Gary "Don't Call My Wife's Son an Illegal" Johnson is the biggest cuck of this year's general election. He's definitely what it would have been like if YEB managed to win.

>I came here legally

low IQ non white lazy immigrant detected, possibly a refugee

how much government money did you get so you could become another worthless californian?

What a fag. How can he call himself a libertarian? The media propped himself up to take votes from Trump but he's cucked enough that it will take them from Hillary.

Johnson isn't a Libertarian either so it makes me mad when he takes away support from Trump

You better bake that fucking faggot cake

>calling someone that commits rape a "rapist" dehumanizes them

ITT: Complete fucking idiots that think anarchy and libertarian are the same thing, and that a true anarchist would actually run for office, or vote in a presidential election

Statist bootlickers shakemyhead...

thats not to say im heartless. there are many illegals that come here legally but eventually cant afford the fees involved.
i would say we need to re-evaluate our immigration process
but those that come here illegally right off the bat i have no sympathy for