What's your answer to this Sup Forums?
What's your answer to this Sup Forums?
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Nihau Chin Pong Ding Dong xD^^
They don't have money for house and do not live in communistic utopia.
>Having to work to buy a house
Never should have let blacks move into those beautiful homes outside the cities.
Could fit a lot of refugees in those
Private property.
freedom aint free nigga
You are not entitled to someone else's work.
Those houses are reserved for future tanned German immigrants.
having a home is a sign of achievement. Work makes you free and if you cannot work you will never be free. Ask not what your country can do for you; instead ask what you can do your your country.
>Ask not what your country can do for you; instead ask what you can do your your country.
Tell that to your veterans.
As said before, you are not entitled to the fruits of someone else's labor even if it is disused. And just because the home is vacant does not mean it is livable.
You don't just buy a house and that's it. The upkeep that goes into a house can get very expensive which these worthless people couldn't afford. They would also fall asleep with a heated crackpot in hand and burn the thing down in days.
Yeah, this changes everything. The government should give people's private property to others who haven't done anything to earn it. You're totally right, OP, really makes me think.
The answer is they're homeless because they have a history of repeatedly making bad, shitty, short sighted decisions.
And you want to give them a house, for free, that is probably next to people who played the cards closer to their chest and came out on top?
Realistically they'll just shit up a perfectly good home that could be sold, nobody has ever been an asshole their entire life then turned it around on a dime like that. Nobody.
>Person is incapable of taking care of themselves
>I know let's give them a house so they can not afford taxes or do any kind of up keep
Those houses are retard-fucking cheap, and there are already social programs that allow first time home buyers to get into them quite easily for 10-$20,000.
If that fat faggot would get off of that god damn bench and work a manual labor job or even beg for a fucking year he could make enough money to buy one of these houses, and then rebuild it and defend it from hordes of niggers with a cheap sks.
But they don't want to accept any of that risk. So they shit up safe, cop patroled urban areas and get fed, sheltered and clothed for free by useful idiots in exchange for a feeling of moral superiority.
The American dream is still available. No one is willing to fight for it.
Too much houses, burn them down
Those homes don't belong to the government, nor do they belong to the homeless and the homeless aren't entitled to owning them.
Remove the Federal Reserve System.
Fuck off. no money, no work, no studies, no house. it's easy pal, the same rule for everyone, homeless are just those who decided to take a easy way but failed hard. now if you can prove that you had no chances in your life it's other story and welcome home boy. cut my grass and clean my car. here is your $10 lol.
>Work makes you free
let's spew more slogans. But seriously, do you think people living in houses wouldn't contribute more to society than homeless people ? Even if it was just maintaining said houses
99% of these people are homeless because they fucking deserve to be
The solution is simple. Either gas 3.5 the million homeless or demolish the 18.6 million abandoned houses.
If we give homes for free, nobody will want to build them, anymore
You could work for five months at minimum wage and buy some dirt to stake a claim on.
Do you really think people who sleep on the fucking street would take care of a free house? Jesus you krauts have so much to learn. Assuming your not a tanned German.
Lets ask Detroit
hahahahaha... no
Those homeless aren't contributing very much to society right now are they? Who is to say that they will do any more? If anything, giving them houses would just lead to the same problem your country is having with refugees.
vacant means no one owns them, I'm a literal retard
Those houses aren't free. I could have 10 houses and only live in one of them. In fact many rich people do this. Does that mean the 9 houses should be free for anyone who needs them? of course not. house is just a property. like money and refrigerators.
Most homeless are either addicts or severely mentally ill. Those who are not are typically only homeless for a short period of time.
but muh veterans
most people would rather be homeless than live in detroit
Too good for Detroit?
Then work harder and buy somewhere you want to live.
Don't want to work? Go back to being a homeless parasite and shut the fuck up about your condition you leech.
A vacant home still has value. A loser who wants to sit on the sidewalk doing drugs all day does not.
More than 1 percent of the country's population ? Seriously ?
Look what they did to the Hudson Valley
many of these vacant home have back-taxes owed, meening you are paying for the house AND however many years of back taxes are owed.
Vet here. The amount of resources accessible to vets is welfare-tier.
"Vets" you see on the street either got their clothes surplus and aren't who they say they are or are too lazy to access resources available to them.
Either way, fuck em.
>1 post by this heeb
Also American Vet here. Can confirm. My buddy got a home loan with literally zero money down, while in school, working a crap job, with two kids on a 0% interest Veterans Affairs loan.
It's fucking dumb. They're in the situation they are in because they want to be.
It is explained by the housing bubble of 2009.
Dumb, poor people were conned into buying homes they couldn't afford.
Now the dumb, poor people are homeless, in debt, and their now vacant houses just sit there, laughing at them. That's why we have squatters now.
>Tl;dr; ((banks)) at it again
Yeah, it's pretty easy to become homeless.
>have no family for support
>lose job, can't get another
>be single male, no vagina to attract mate who will care for you
Then you become homeless.
Other reasons include severe drug addictions, medical bills, or being deranged.
> search my area
> listing for 2b, 1.5 bath, 15k
> no apparent problems
> not near projects
If I drop 5k my payments are like 50$ a month
How does this happen
Same issue with the "immigrants" in Europe: we give them free housing and they abandon it to fuck off to the big cities.
Only in the US the homeless disproportionately fuck off to Hawaii and the like.
How about we give graduates who get a first a free house in the city of their choice and a grant to do it up nicely? That would incentivize positive things. Maybe offer graduates with a second class degree a free house in an area of developing industry?
Newburgh went to shit because the town board was retarded and caused the state to cut all it's funding, the minorities just followed the cheap run down housing.
t. NYer
The vast majority of homeless people have severe mental problems. The issue isn't an easy fix.
What should I do when homeless people bother me for money? they sperg out and start shouting when I completely ignore them, I'd rather not have them shouting over the podcast I'm listening to.
Homeless in this country are often homeless by choice. Either mentally ill people refusing the loads of healthcare options we have or drug addicts who would rather fix than pay rent.
Capitalism garbage at its finest.
not to begin a fight, but isn't your country slowly falling in hell... ?
I dont care about lazy people that dont want to work so they live on the street.
I'm sure as hell not gonna pay more to carry your ass. I'm a struggling student, too. And I think it's unfair to regulate quality of life.
They have homeless shelters, halfway homes, room/work, or the fucking army.
Here in Canada I pay 1200$ in property taxes to the town. This covers things like town infrastructure, sewage, the post office, etc. If you're homeless, and you get a house, chances are you're not going to be able to pay the thousand dollars in property taxes.
Besides, I paid real money for my house, and I'll be damned if I have to watch some homeless piece of shit get one for free.
Nothing because there wasn't even a fucking question.
Daily reminder to sage and report spam threads
Question to burgers
Are all vacant houses there dilapidated shitholes?
And is it really true that
1)Rich blacks move to a neighborhood
2)more blacks follow
3)City gets ruined
4)Rich blacks more out and to 1
>If that fat faggot would get off of that god damn bench and work a manual labor job
No one will hire homeless people.
>Go to fill out application
>Woops I have no mail address to write down
>Woops I have no phone number to write down
>Woops I look and smell like shit because I'm homeless
>Perhaps I have some sort of mental disability/derangement
There's not that many manual labor jobs available, and there's already a huge surplus of labor available.
You'll figure out the problems with urban decay pretty quick.
Drop 4k on a downpayment, save some money for a mean ass dog (niggers hate dogs) and a decent rifle.
Don't keep valuable shit in your house, and save your money until you can move out of that asscrack. If nothing else you always have a plot of land that you worked for, that you own, and if need be can always fall back on.
I think you are assuming everyone living on the street is a fuckup, whereas many people in america end up homeless when a relative (parent) gets seriously sick and needs all dem expensive medication or their small time businesses crash for whatever reason etc.
in germoney you can get pretty much everything up to an income of 450Euros, if you dare to ask the government. It serves as a net for people who dare to take risks, and isn't even a big spending point in our budget. With Fugees this could be a whole other story, but generally speaking it's a decent invention.
>loads of healthcare options we have
my sides
My neighbor was a hobo by choice for 2 years. Collegiate liberal arts type, came from an affluent family, ect. Was sexally assaulted (rrepeatedly) and apparently the lifestyle lost it's boho-romanticist allure. Now she's my red-pilled neighbor
All i mean to say is that a lot of those homeless are just products of shitty parents, naivety and lack of direction. The rest are mentally ill.
But no one "deserves it"
I heard that a lot of those have SPT or else, and that psychological acoompanieenternere (..) is shitty... Tzhat true ?
Done. Was that supposed to be an argument?
I meant the empty ones, for the graduates?
The ones that are falling into disrepair and not making money. Just falling apart and attracting crime.
I'd much rather live next to an empty house than a house occupied by some bum who won't take care of it and who will drag down my property value due to shitting up the property and bringing in undesirable things like drugs, violence, vandalism etc
I'm proud to say that as Americans we only give free stuff to wealthy people.
This. Give homeless people anime and all of their problems will be solved. We'll start with Ranma 1/2 for all the teenage homeless boys.
Who owns the vacant homes?
Oh yes that's right kike bankers and investment firms. Same people who jewed everyone out of their homes in 2007s crash. Same people who got the last 5 presidents elected and the same people funding hillary and paying to have her (and their) enemies killed all the time.
Wake the fuck up dude the damn world is ending.
Mental disease makes it hard for the homeless to seek help
Banks own and run the country. Vacant doesn't mean the houses don't have owners.
Capitalism is the only way. The (((economy))) must be protected, respected, and obeyed. How dare people ask for living conditions better than those of rats? Fucking leech scum. It's all their fault and they deserve it because we did the math and they are not profitable, especially not in the short run. Money is the way to gauge one's usefulness. I am a proud 40hrs a week worker and even do unpaid overtime, so why don't you?
Making mistakes is unforgivable and you deserve to rot for them.
All hail the Market.
>where muh free house at muhfukka nugga
More than 18 million people rent homes.
Yeah, so, you don't really have niggers. I mean, you kind of do now with your muslim problem. Give it 10 years.
funny story, while I was playing tropico 4 I realized that the second you make housing free for everyone the whole fucking population become lazy fucks. Even if I pay them obscene salaries, no one wants to work. I don't know if this is on purpose or not.
The neighborhood. Copper pipes or wiring might've been ripped out. Windows could be broken. The house itself broken into by junkies. You'll probably need your own appliances.
You may drop 5k, but you could end up needing another 2-5k right away.
You just want them given to graduates because you are one.
You want the gibs but don't want to share them with anyone else, and you use the false excuse of "but I'm useful because I have a piece of paper from a liberal indoctrination center, therefor I'm useful and deserving of a house and they're not".
The reality is that there is tons of graduates who have useless bullshit degrees like arts, or people with STEM degrees who will be working at McDonalds.
Go fuck yourself.
1. Where are they getting these figures from apart from their ass?
2. If the homeless want to go to Detroit, that fine by me.
3. The homeless are likely using these vacant homes already.
>Are all vacant houses there dilapidated shitholes?
God no. There's plenty of nice houses that are for sale that just won't sell because the owners are idiots who are asking too much money for them because they bought it during the housing bubble and now want to break even, which they can't.
>And is it really true that ...
Well here's what actually happens. "Progressive" minded idiots in political power, and the dumbasses that vote for them decide they want to help diversify a neighborhood and encourage other people of color to move in, so they subsidize rent at a couple of places, or the city buys them and rents them out for cheap to darkies. Darkies then spend time in the neighborhood and do darkie shit that invariably brings down property values. Values go down, whites move out, houses are cheaper and still in nice neighborhoods at the time so more darkies move in to take advantage of that, cycle repeats, and in 10 to 20 years you have a ghetto where once stood a nice neighborhood.
There's some. There's a lot of fakes too. This generation is full of welfare queens that want a free ride off of someone else's money. I get a 10% check because my hearing was wrecked. Rightfully I could get more, but I really don't want anything more.
1.Beg until you get a few hundred bucks.
2.Get a gym membership and use their showers. (25$)
3. Buy used clothing from goodwill. (approx 25$ for a nice set)
4. Get a cellphone from wallmart (Phone for 30$, 30$ a month afterwards)
5. Walk into jobs well dressed, lie about living situation (give them a fake apartment adress).
Rinse and repeat 1-5 until you can get a shit job.
6. Buy a working car off of craigslist for ~1000$ after one month of minimum wage. Live in the car, your living situation improves.
7. Finally after a few months you have some money saved and can get a shity apartment. Congrats you're not homeless.
If I see someone in this process I wont give them shit. IF I see the same person on a corner for a year I will not be nice interacting with them.
No money is why they don't own a house or pay rent. Being homeless is because you're worth nothing to anyone and alienated everyone you ever knew.
It's to keep alive the lie that people would be lazy if we lived in a providence state...
There will be niggers everywhere.
Which makes me sad
Most homeless are druggies, alcoholics, or mentally ill. They'd rather sleep in the street with a needle in their arm than in the many shelters available to them. I'm sure there are some people who are homeless that have the ability to maintain a normal life, and are homeless because of other reason but they are probably a minority.
There's a reason people don't want to live next to homeless shelters, putting them in our neighborhoods will just cause more issues.
Would you rather there be more homeless? Or less homes? Because idk what you're implying is wrong
>Homeless in this country are often homeless by choice.
>lazy people
There is plenty of homeless people who don't use any drugs, are sane, and willing to work.
There is no government safety net for single men that prevents them from being homeless, you're imagining that.
I think a lot of those shit holes do belong yo the government. People just leave because lol no jobs, bank just writes it off because its hopeless, government siezes it for non payment of taxes.
>Implying these homeless people have the mental capacity and the financial ability to maintain those homes as well as furnish them, pay bills etc.
I would love it if we shipped all the homeless people in the US to detroit.
This is not a bad idea really, Homeless people cost local cities shitloads of money every year. if we took that money and bought them a shit house in detroit for $1000 each we would be exporting our problems. They would no longer be homeless, but they still wouldn't have a job. but it's in detroit now so it's not my problem anymore
Have you ever seen the homes that are vacant? They really dont look like that. Not to mention those homes are someones property and no one has the right to tell them what they will do with it.
m8, I outright own my flat, which is an extremely rare thing in current year. I bought it in under five years of leaving college too, lucking out.
We don;t have this under-occupancy problem in the UK, pretty much every square inch of space with a makeshift roof is full.
Well, apart from Stoke on Trent for some reason (it's niggers). Stoke is a shithole of crimewave heaven as a result.
It's be cheaper to society to give those houses away to deserving graduates (the firsts) than have them attract methheads, no?
Knock down the homes, kill the homeless and consolidate.