>This movie is good!
>It's entertaining!
This movie is good!
>That movie was so good
What did you like about it?
>Well you saw it, Wasn't it good.
>It's just my opinion
>thib m bad
>idb ad
>I demand that others explain & defend their subjective taste!
>Your explanation is not good enough! Therefore you are not allowed to enjoy that film!
>is kino
>cannibalize a kid(jesus christ)
Spotted the redditor
what's wrong with that?
Film is entertainment. If the film doesn't entertain by definition it is a bad film.
>this piece of entertainment is good
>it does its job of being entertaining
>I enjoyed movie so therefore it must be good!
>this movie is bad
>it was only aesthetically and emotionally pleasing, but did not include nearly enough thinly veiled pandering to my marxist political views which I haughtily refer to as "deeper meaning" and "exploring the human condition"!
>what'd you think of the movie user
>too afraid to have the wrong opinion/too lazy to justify why I thought it was good/bad
>"it was okay I guess"
It's not my fault people are fucking judgmental assholes who look for every opportunity to prove you wrong. Fuck normalfags and fuck Sup Forums. I wish I could clone myself
>I can't expess in words why I like things and I get mad when people ask me to use my brain
This. Give me like a fucking day to let me register what I saw. People who think they can interpret a film minutes after they just saw it are retarded assholes.
>this episode was bad
>it's filler
Most normalfags or people who actually care about having the right opinion like the pleb callers of this reddit board watch reviews or reaction images before they actually go to see the film. They already know if they are going to like it or hate it 5 minutes in. Fuck people
>it's shit
>because I say so, faggot. kill yourself
The parallels in thread themes between Sup Forums and Sup Forums are very similar!
Your first mistake was thinking movies are anything more then images on a screen.
>Friend: What did you think of this movie?
>Me: I'm not sure whether or not I liked it. You?
>Friend: I loved it.
>Me: Me too.
>I loved the cinematography of the movie
>what do you like about it exactly?
>Uhhhh, it just looked pretty
I don't think I've ever heard anyone actually give a good defenition on what they think good cinematography is, especially on Sup Forums. All you idiots do is pick stills from fucking Google images
i can't explain my impression on a movie until i've given it some thought so of course i'm just going to say "it's good" or "it's bad", be patient with me you fucks
Why does Sup Forums get so triggered by people enjoying anything?
O hate this sentence so fucking much. Not just movie related.
Every debatte people use it as last resort to defend their moronic opnions.
Yeah it annoys me too, people use it like some undefeatable trump card and then get to act smug because they 'won' the argument. Even if what's being discussed isn't a matter of opinion
>People who say ''Film is supposed to be entertainment!''
>People who have 2001, Seven Samurai, Citizen Kane, other pleb shit on their top lists
>People who have seen 1 film made before the 50s and think they have taste
>People who like Wes Anderson and think they somehow have taste
>People with most movies on list made in last 20 years
>People who have no foreign language movies listed
>People who think korean cinema is good
>People who have movies from Nolan, Tarantino, Aronofsky, Kubrick, Refn, Snyder on their list
>People who have any comic book movie listed
>People who say comfy/based
This will apply to 99% of the plebs posting in this thread
yeah autistic faggots tend to not like when other people have opinions. it confuses them.
according to Sup Forums "I enjoyed it" is not an argument but "it's bad", "the characters are dumb" and "the script is retarded" are
I think you're confusing film with videogames.
Because the majority of the time people can't elaborate. Saying "It's fun" tells nothing about the work in question, rather it's just a baseless statement of one's own inherent emotional response. Talk about the work, not yourself.
100% accurate
what people don't understand is that opinions are not feelings, they are thoughts. They are logical deductions based on inherent values.
Your opinions can be wrong if
A) Your deduction is illogical
B) Your values are misaligned or not virtuous
however most people with wrong opinions lack the ability to even understand why they think and feel the way they do about things and cannot defend their opinions so they just get really mad about it
>People who say comfy/based
see pic
Go back to /lit/, booktard.
what normalfags do you know? normalfags normally don't give a fucking shit about opinions at all. they just float through life casually engaging in everything without serious thought
>see pic
Go back to Sup Forums
>people can't elaborate
they don't need to. They're not a professional critic and neither are you. In fact I'll bet that you use the same vague subjective arguments but because they're negative in your mind it's ok
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is a comfy film that is flawless
>2001, Seven Samurai, Citizen Kane
What exactly is wrong with these movies?
>People wo make lists of what is/isn't "cool" and unironically use word "pleb"
>>Uhhhh, it just looked pretty
So good cinematography, you're the brainlet in this situation friendo
actually you have it completely backwards. "I enjoyed it" is a statement of fact. "The characters are stupid" is an opinion with no actual substance behind it. Say why they're bad
>People who say ''Film is supposed to be entertainment!''
Well yes, films are generally supposed to be entertaining.
>People who have 2001, Seven Samurai, Citizen Kane, other pleb shit on their top lists
Doesn't mean anything, you're acting out.
>People who have seen 1 film made before the 50s and think they have taste
I agree here, people shouldn't discount old movies.
>People who like Wes Anderson and think they somehow have taste
Famous director....hmmm you're acting out again.
>People with most movies on list made in last 20 years
Ahh this is just another troll post. Not reading the rest.
Nobody wants to debate you when they're trying to talk about movies they like
>they don't need to
Then it makes anything they say worthless. Like I wrote, such statements says nothing about the work itself. If one cannot describe the work, then why should I value their opinion? I don't.
>In fact I'll bet
No, at least I try not to. "I didn't like it because it's bad" is just as baseless as "I liked it because it's fun", as are all baseless statements like "boring" not backed up and elaborated on.
they're popular. Popularity is a big no-no on Sup Forums, /lit/ and Sup Forums
>You are not allowed to enjoy things that are shit
The SAW films are great examples of terrible movies that are unironically enjoyable nonetheless
>This movie is good!
They're the hallmarks of the tasteless and the uninitiated. It's okay if you're just getting into the medium, but there are some (even here, on a so called ''film'' board) that actually believe they are cultured or have a snippet of taste because they like these films, when in actuality they are nothing more than embarrassing cringeworthy copy/paste babbies with no opinion on the medium they claim to love whatsoever.
For a cinephile like myself, it is truly disgusting to watch, and the main reason I, and many others, steer far away from this pit of despair and depravity. You are everything wrong with this board.
why should anyone value your opinion? What have you done film-wise that makes your thoughts have more wright?
What word would you use instead?
>>People who say ''Film is supposed to be entertainment!''
Some of them are and they should be judged on this metric, namely blockbusters
>>People who have 2001, Seven Samurai, Citizen Kane, other pleb shit on their top lists
All these movies are kino
>>People who have seen 1 film made before the 50s and think they have taste
They have taste, just not fully developped
>>People who like Wes Anderson and think they somehow have taste
Wes Anderson is pretty good at what he does, but very repetitive
>>People with most movies on list made in last 20 years
I'll give you this
>>People who have no foreign language movies listed
This one too
>>People who think korean cinema is good
Some of it is
>>People who have movies from Nolan, Tarantino, Aronofsky, Kubrick, Refn, Snyder on their list
Nolan, Refn and Snyder maybe, the others have really good movies and I'd understand if someone has some of them on "their list"
>>People who have any comic book movie listed
Read what I said about blockbusters
>>People who say comfy/based
Sup Forums board culture just like kino, feel free to go back to r3ddit if this offends you in any way
I think you're equating obscurity with quality. Something can be easily accessible or even overrated and still be good.
>This movie is good!
>Lynchian cinematography combined with Lovecraftian themes and Kafkaesque imagery.
seems like it's extremely important to you what anonymous people online think of themselves. I'd suggest speaking to a professional
Sup Forums is probably the biggest offender of this, they shit on PC as a gaming platform because it's popular.
Not all films have the same purpose. Sometimes a movie is intended to entertain an audience. If it does that, it's as good as they aimed to make it. Some are meant to make money and sell toys. If it does what the cast and crew intended then it doesn't matter if it's looked back on as art or trash. You think the people who made Dumb and Dumber care about cinematography or score? What matters is that the film made people laugh, and the actors hit their mark for enough of the jokes to be deemed entertaining.
Figures a thread meant for laughing at plebeian mongoloids would turn into pure butthurt and crying.
There is a reason people laugh at this board, OP should have started it on /lit/, saying ''ITT: We're Sup Forums cinephiles''
This. The only way to judge a movie is to see whether it achieved what it set out to do.
>There is a reason people laugh at this board
/lit/ and Sup Forumsposters are not people, user.
>he doesn't ethereally relate to film, therefore negating the needs to words
also this is correct
>Not all films have the same purpose. Sometimes a movie is intended to entertain an audience. If it does that, it's as good as they aimed to make it. Some are meant to make money and sell toys. If it does what the cast and crew intended then it doesn't matter if it's looked back on as art or trash. You think the people who made Dumb and Dumber care about cinematography or score? What matters is that the film made people laugh, and the actors hit their mark for enough of the jokes to be deemed entertaining.
>Implying a booktard's opinion matters
>poster says a bunch of respected classics are pleb shit
>poster says such and such popular directors are terrible
>flings a bunch of shit at every kind of poster on the board
>doesn't give a single example of a movie or director they think is good
Every. Single. Time.
no, we're not talking about debating. we're talking about thinking. people do not like to think about why they have the opinions that they do
You claim yourself a patrician yet you probably think Brakhage is a drilling technique you filthy peasant.
>I have no argument besides quoting a post and adding a picture to pretend it's stupid
when you are not entertained while watching a movie you are bored, that means that movie that you are watching is boring. Name me 3 movies, 2 films and 1 kino that are boring, you will be immediately called pleb by other anons because that movies were entertaining for the people who really liked them
I meant to say "Name me 3 movies, 2 films and 1 kino that are boring but still good"
Brakhage is a meme. He taught a the same university that Alex Cox teaches at. Should tell you something; they were peers
>This movie is good!
>It's kafkaesque!
if a film is slow yet keeps me emotionally and intellectually invested in the subject matter, I consider that entertaining
Stalker is an incredibly entertaining film despite the slow pace, short plot, and little amount of action
Dumb frogposter
>this movie is good
>this part
>that part wasn't good
>why not
>i didn't like it
This board is cancer
>*posts perfectly fine scene in poor resolution or heavily edited webm*
>This movie is bad cause I can't relate to any of the characters.
Not a single actual criticism, just nonsense buzzwords. Hang yourself you pseudo faggot.
Theres nothing wrong with the movies themselves just the supreme plebs who drone on about them. It's like a person says they like Simon & Garfunkel but only knows Mrs.Robinson. It just exposes the person for what they are, a poser.
Why should a movie made for entertainment not be entertaining? If it is entertaining why is that not considered good if that is what it was created to be.
>This movie is shit
>It's Reddit
>That movie was shit.
>*insert any youtube review here* did a review on it and it looked bad.
>It's ok to have shit taste because taste is subjective lmao
>I don't have to explain my shit taste because taste is subjective lmao
Calling a movie boring is literally the least substantial critique possible. Don't expect anyone to take your opinion seriously when all you can say about a film is "it was entertaining" or "it was boring".
>How do you know it's bad if you haven't watched it?
>I watched a review lol
You forgot
>People who have films on their top film lists
It's a combination of movement, composition, blocking, color, mise en scene and lighting that creates/evokes something greater than the sum of its parts to reinforce atmosphere, themes, emotion or an aesthetic. Also good cinematography obviously looks pretty
Best post in tv in a long time. Thank you.
Because I don't like it
It's just my opinion
>How do you know it's bad if you haven't watched it?
>Sup Forums told me it was bad
Literally me.
>People who are fucking newfags
Go back to Facebook you fucking retard
i didnt enjoy it
they think visuals are the only important thing in films
Just how fucking deluded are you?