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15, wow

Whore should of been raped. Inshallah.

That's what she gets for acting like a disgusting slut.

now thats what i call edgy

Get the fuck out of my country Paki

t. Muhammad

>15 year old
>dresses like ultra slut
>clubbing in foreign country till 7 am

got what she deserved desu

your youth is showing edgelord

Allah ackbar all your white women belong to us and will be raped and impregnated.

DEGENERACY will be stopped by islam.

Kike lovers.

How can nords be so naive

Spaniards are so removed from islam its not even funny how the mixing began is blasphemy itself. purge everything even the earth until perfect is reached.

I can't wait to shoot one of you fuckers when you try this in Texas


So it's 3 yo news? Then it has nothing to do with "Hillary2016" nor with "Früchtlingen".

Worst bait i've seen in ages

you sure showed us


have some respect hanz, these girls will be the ones who force conservative changes in your nations.

For example: Denmark was already in the process of passing conservative laws, this story breaking will only help them succeed.

They may be whores, but the sacrifice of them will help our nations politically.

>People okay with barabrians coming into THEIR COUNTRIES to harm THEIR WOMEN just because "lol she was a slut she deserved it"

Hope she never recovers

>using wushu mushu words
>expecting to be taken seriously

hahahahaha you think we are scared of you?

your media protects us, your guns won't save you.

We will conquer you in the name of allah, we will stop degeneracy.

you are all talk, you invited us in and we will fix you.

Fuck off you scum


"Protect your women"
Jk they deserve it xdddd

logical fallacy the truth being in 20 years it will be revealed

Second post best post.

This shit will only become more common as Islam expands. The entire gay community needs to band together to stop this fucking regressive shit if they want to continue living anything close to a normal life.

Transgendered people are just one of many things that they seek to exterminate.

=3 / 30

Where are you?

I am abroad at the moment but my room mates are still home and heavily armed.

25510 Fairbrook Ln, Spring, TX 77373

We are waiting!! We love to kill you thin skinned sissies :D :D :D

Before I kill you though, we may rape you and use pig blood for lube.

I am in London.

but do not worry we will outbreed you virgin manchild then you will have no choice to obey the will of allah.

There is some truth in this.
It was in fucking Marbella.
Alt-right media makes it sound like it happened in a cozy Danish village where a blonde girl was brutally raped by Immigrants while it was in reality a drunken fight at a party resort


3 bed 2 bath brick house, white truck parked out front with a garage, running through a swiss proxy then posting your address? Absolute madman

when do you think the "refugee" stuff started, kevin?

Reconquista 2.0 soon, brothers

What rapefugees? lol,it's not that i like them or something but they were just inmigrants, from morocco it seems

there are between 500.000-650.000 moroccans living in spain currently if im not mistaken, basically because ceuta and melilla are a frontier joke where police cant shoot or deport niggers jumping the fences agust.

Sadly we used to shoot and kill them before leftists started to jew and stuff and jails are full of them. Mostly tend to steal (especially foreigners) rape, and live like parasites thanks to government support

Also, news from august 27, 2013...

Islam is and will continue to be stopped by 5.56 to the skull. Have fun in paradise durka.



Her left eye looks fine

Roleplaying this hard

cristiano alugou um palio azul pra levar ahelena no motel. porra, não tem nem casa pra comer autista. hahahaha

one bullet will stop an ahlbar but one monsoon can stop a billion and the portentials


Second post, worst post. Hang yourself


How she couldn't see that coming?


>15 yo dressing like that
I have no empathy for that bitch. if you dress like a prostitute you deserve the worst

>This is what Sup Forums actually believes

Nah, things like that won't happen by any chance in the next 50 years. Spain is full of lazy fellows (like me but i have my reasons) thieves, corrupted/shitty politicians and after franco died, the opened frontiers came followed by all kinds of communists, leftists and jews

At a level, I agree that degeneracy should not be accepted. At another level, I'm conflicted by my hate of mudshits.

What do I do, Sup Forums?

White females want diversity. This is the price paid for diversity.



We have guns too.

I am from Afghanistan.

Join us brother, submit yourself to Allah and help cleanse this sick society.

As a Christian I agree that she dresses inappropriately and visits places teenagers shouldn't visit. But permanent health damage is simply too much of a punishment for her. Her dad is the criminal, not she, she is still a child.

and yet he's still getting replies

Race war, now.

So, do you think she is still going to be a turbo leftist whore with a migrants welcome mentality or will she finally change into a superior being?

A true blue blood London man.

>should of inshallah
>using inshallah wrong
fuck off

hope you catch a bullet in the face you filthy dog

Alas I have been foiled.

But successful troll is still successful :^)

I can see you are a christian because you talk about punishments.

she didnt get punished. she did something that was risky. and then she got a bad outcome. thats why I said she got what she deserves

if you jump in a tank with sharks and you do not get bitten, good for you. if you get bitten, it is your own fault and you deserve this outcome of the risk you took

Wow how could this happen in the Netherlands?

>so it's been happening for at least 3 years now
>this is irrelevant

kys, achmed.

>is she still going to be a turbo leftist

What makes you think she ever was? Too often do I see people on Sup Forums automatically assume guilt and regressive attitudes on the womans part when they are beaten / raped without knowing anything about them. In this case for example she got beat up when she confronted them not by welcoming them.

Enjoy your time. It's soon over, Ahmet.



so close


>vote for immigrants
>get raped
>get blinded
>get killed

Women are cucks.

She needs to be breeded by 10 Ahmed's


I agree, but I still like shooting sand people.

I hope they come visit :(

you filthy fucking dogs are disgusting. im really sad that youre insignificant existence wasnt wiped out by a drone strike back home

Because let's be honest, you don't see many teenagers with politically uncorrect opinions. Especially young women who dress like that and party in clubs.

its a bathing suit and short shorts.

fuck off Achmed. take your shit back to shitholeistan. i cant wait to genocide you.

Blind girls are my fetish

Based Brith.

Nice image, you Danes are alright.

So I take it you have studied the opinions of many young women in party clubs then? Maybe you too deserve to be raped by niggers.

This is just the repercussions of her life choice. I have no right to tell a women how to live or how to get blinded.

Religion of Peace.

Yeah keep playing dumb you faggot. Should have known better than to a reply to a professional nigger lover.

nice bants Swede

Dude, while I was deployed, we used to have to go out from village to village doing Hearts and Minds bullshit.

Each time we had to frisk the locals, we had to make sure that we segregated by gender so that females search females, and males searched males.
Didn't stop your women though. I remember having to literally shove your "women" towards our female airmen/soldiers because they would line up in troves for a chance to get frisked by American men.
Your women crave the white cock, and no amount of bullshit jihad is going to change that. You and your "men" are giant fucking pussies, and your own women know it.
Get mad, cave nigger.

Dress like a whore , get treated like a whore.


The local women just saw you were too much of a beta faggot to be able to do anything to them.

They were mocking you.


She kinda look like a sand nigger though, not white by any means desu


Things like this happens here too, even an actress was one of the victims after she played the main role in a movie about prostitution (that includes sex scenes). She deserved it tho

>defends degeneracy
I wanna off muzzies just as bad as you but celebrating the decay and suicide of western civilisation is not the way to do it murishart

Doing gods work. Sluts will be taught their place and turn into good little kids.

i want to grab you with my strong bulgarian arms and strangle you and watch as your kike soul escapes your body and flies down to hell

I will kill you

>(like me but i have my reasons)

Everyone does you lazy asshole, a levantar España



half at most. Spaniard / Dane mutt so nothing of value has been lost.

Still has those nice dick sucking lips