Did the Jews smoke so much of their own propaganda that they actually thought the Nazis would look like the bad guys in this?
The Man in the High Castle
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They assumed that everybody would hate Nazis by default for being Nazis and wouldn't be objective
Surprised the jews have not shut it down yet
I feel like it gets less Jewy after season 1. They change the focus towards showing the daily life in a hypothethical national socialist USA.
its always the same shit in any media
>nazi town
>ruled authoritarian
>town is always peaceful
>family values are praised
>citizens are happy
better question is why did the nazis wear black uniforms with red bands and skulls if they wanted to look like the good guys?
And for some reason that's always portrayed as evil because.... Nazis are supposed to be hated, I guess? I would love to live in that kind of society (except the authoritarian thingy)
whats even weirder is how awful the jews are portrayed.
>lying sneaky assassins
>mentally ill
None of them are positive people.
All neo-nazis are mentally retarded or very close to it, chances are your perceptions - whatever they are on whatever subject - are wrong in some crucial way. No one on Sup Forums has enough intelligence to analyze anything impartially, let alone accurately.
Whereas in real life it was more like
>nazi town
>ruled authoritarian
>town is never peaceful
>unreported violence against disenfranchised groups is common
>every citizen knows they have broken some law and do not speak out in case they are arrested
>police have to be members of the party if they want promotion
>and are expected to let other party members get away with crimes
>family values are praised
I see Sup Forums wrecked your shit huh.
How the fuck did this show get by the Jewish media? I don't understand. It's obvious it won't get any rewards... but still.
Freedom is overrated in a sense.
I know we all crave it. I mean how much does your voice really matter in your country now? I feel like as long as things are going well for the majority of the people they wont care what government is in power.
Isn't this show made by Amazon, which is a huge media company without a Jewish owner? So that's not "Jewish media." Not that it matters, because if you think this show is somehow pro-nazi you've got a Sup Forums tier mind. People who write fiction have nuance and understand characterization, they aren't writing caricatures to push an agenda like Sup Forums types want.
>black uniforms with red bands
because theyre /fa/ as fuck
those were only used by the SS and is generally just a military symbol
many countries still use them today
I want to know what will happen to Joe
He got arrested at the end and we didn't see anything more from him in the end
>trying to explain nuance to Sup Forumstards
Black is slimming, and fashionable. Red is the color of Socialism.
And the skull is an old German military symbol, and was only worn by the SS.
I just think they are being subtle about it or keeping it in the background so if you are a little biased you may end up not noticing it or not care
>Sup Forums-tier mind
What is your major malfunction, boy? Never said the Nazis were portrayed as sympathetic, but they are portrayed as normal people, unlike 99% of other Nazi period adaptations. Furthermore, anyone who hates Sup Forums really has no place being here, so you need to go back, newfag.
oh the nazis are pretty fucking despicable here. just not saturday morning cartoon villains
Post one thing he did wrong.
Protip: you can't.
he looks like höcke tbqh
I like it
He had a faggot son
>gets shown a plan of how the Nazis were irrigating the Sahara desert
>whines like a faggot solely because "muh ebil nazis"
What an absolute plonker
Yes, that is exactly it. Someone post that German magazine depicting the "evil nazi ideal family" which is just a healthy nuclear family.
in this series everyone is "bad" except for tagomi and that dude from road trip.
>how much does your voice really matter in your country now
our voices are never heard at all.
Democracy is a sham with an illusion that "we can make a difference"
tbqh user, we live in tyranny disguised as democracy.
I'm all for national socialism over what we have now, i'm just not into the nazi stuff, racial purges, eugenics, war and dominance ect
>t. shlomo
>I'm all for national socialism over what we have now, i'm just not into the nazi stuff, racial purges, eugenics, war and dominance ect
t. Tyrone
>disenfranchised groups
There would be no (((disenfranchised groups))). That's the whole point. Everyone who wasn't a white Christian would be dead. There would be no more racism, minorities, hate crimes, or identity politics. Everything you did you could be assured you were part of the worlds greatest team working towards the greater good. A literal paradise
>but they are portrayed as normal people, unlike 99% of other Nazi period adaptations.
Like what? Most movies depict the nazis pretty fairly. Just look at The Longest Day or A Bridge too Far.
>Everyone who wasn't a white Christian would be dead
False, if all the minorities are gone there's nobody left to do menial labor. You think the average Joe is going to pick grapes for $.75 an hour in the hot sun?
No I don't
>implying nigger on a post
Really if national socialism was kept in germany, and other countries were freely able to join rather than being conquered, it would probably still be here to this day.
it was the lust for territory and resources that escalated into a world war that fucked it all up.
I even agree with the kicking out the jews. Mixing cultures is never a good thing imo and the jews culture is bat shit crazy.
If hitler said, only germans in germany and kicked all the jews out there would have not been an issue. it is the "we are the master race all inferior races need to be purged" eugenics fuck up that soured the ideology.
See the thing with that political ideology is that it's rules, norms and views were based on 1 mans opinion of life.
this man unfortunately was a pissed off manlet with strong political views and wild esoteric beliefs.
Essentially crazy.
So shit went downhill for them and now the entire ideology is seen as a bad thing.
>cripples being burned alive on the second episode
I guess it has nothing to do with propaganda and only explores the book. Philip K. dick is a gold mine. He wasn't concerned with propaganda but with the sense of reality.
>we need to have the literal relatives of aztec heart eating savages in our countries because..... berries need picking
Nah let half the "family" farms fail and let a megacorporation automate it
So instead you think all the produce that can't be harvested by automation just fall to the wayside then.
>portrayal of alternative reality where the Nazis won WW2
>the only "downside" is that non-whites are treated badly
Every time
It's always some technocratic super society too, and whilst Germanic people dominated science in the 1900's the Nazi ideology was filled with plenty of pseudo-bullshit
I always find it funny when 90% of alternative history about nazi regimes shows them up as literal utopias and near perfect worlds destroyed by leftist each time.
>produce that cant be harvested by automation
No such thing. Every fruit. Every berry. Every thing that we need there is a machine that has been designed to harvest it.
You want to know why they are not everywhere?
Because paying pedro 5 dollars a day in cash is cheaper than a 300,000 dollar machine
in tmithc they fly around on fucking rockets instead of planes, shit's fantastic
We spent the past 20 years dealing with a scientific establishment convinced the planet was going to flood in a decade unless we destroyed all our power plants and cars.
>t. went to Sup Forums and got owned
That's just it, according to Nazi ideology there is no Pedro working for $5 a day because they've all been wiped out and a bag of cherries will cost you $50 because an entitled white person had to pick them instead.
I think I read they also wanted to show technology lagging behind in some areas
>mass automation of farming
>50 dollar cherries
Can you say "im a fat fucking retard"
You mean the SST? That's basically just a nazi Concorde my dude, which is a jet aircraft
Ah I see, so you want to bring back slavery?
I'd say it's a small thing to have produce cost a bit more if it means getting rid of niggers.
I wouldn't mind seeing a movie where Nazis won and the world they built was more than the droll dystopia media always chooses to portray it as. Victors tend to settle down and prosper once they've defeated their foes. I would even be interested in a movie about a world subdued and ruled under Islam. Just for creativity's sake. But people get their panties wadded so tightly in a bunch over a work of fiction if it happens to offend them. It's asinine.
>portray nazis as bad guys
>"the jews did this"
>portray nazis as good guys
>"the jews did this"
Sup Forums, I...
that world exists its saudi arabia
>Nazi ideology was filled with plenty of pseudo-bullshit
This. Worse part was the Social Darwinism "Natural Selection" autism:
>men need to struggle in war and weed off the weak to strengthen our stock
What actually ended up happening is that all the brave, strong, healthy men died and the weak, cowardly, and sick survived. God knows how many ancient German bloodlines straight up disappeared because of their pseudoscientific autism.
Nah I mean the book was all about how they were masters of rocketry and travel super fast with orbital launch shit and have started colonizing the solar system.
When manpower is very cheap or "free" (slavery) that reduces economical incentive for developing machinery and more effective equipment that could do the work instead
why not just quote la raza?
>Machines don't yet exist for these crops because there have been ample people to do the work
Durr de durr durr
Remove pedro and technology advances.