What's this falling out of Hillary's mouth?

>And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. Revelation 16:13

Is her health failing her?

Other urls found in this thread:


Neogaf told me they are cough drops

>tfw we're witnessing biblical history

But there's only 2.

No but seriously, wtf is this

should I read the bible now?



i dunno, this is the first we've seen of it

i'd ask again in 2 minutes

Nigga, I called this shit years ago. I made a thread about it. Literally electronic version of the plague of frogs, no coincidence that the frogs all represent negative human emotions and vices.

Then it spreads like a plague from person to person.

Dyin' Lyin' Killary Clinton is on ACE Inhibitors for stroke prevention.
>FACT: In very late 2012 Illary was diagnosed with a blood clot. In her brain.

Blood clots cause strokes, and Hypertension is the most important modifiable risk factor for ischemic stroke.

What is THE premier hypertension medication, and also a medication that causes persistent dry coughing in many cases? ACE Inhibitors(ACEI)

Dyin's doctor could prescribe her ARBs which might get rid of the cough: but ARBs are not as good and have increased mortality in comparison to ACEI. Why wouldn't Illary go for something that is less likely to kill her when she knows she can lie her way around the coughing?
>Extensive clinical trials confirm that ARBs have no unique role in the prevention of stroke. If one considers the unique cardiovascular protective benefits of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, however, the choice of first-line therapy for prevention of stroke is perhaps not a choice at all!

Persistent coughing can be diagnosed as seasonal allergies. Hillary is making sure you know about her "seasonal allergies" on the letter from her doctor. Why wouldn't she be on hypertension medication after a blod clot was found in her brain? All her report says is Coumadin and "seasonal allergies."They are intentionally playing this up because once it can no longer be hid it will "come out"(tee hee) that it was a "misdiagnosis" and it was really just a side effect of her hypertension medication that "oh-so-many" people take.

But she's taking it because she had a clot in her brain, and could stroke out at any moment.

All the meanwhile people shoot off much worse diseases that will make Hillary's health look like maybe not such a big deal in comparison when it finally comes out.

HD aftermath, that's lung butter/a hair ball



I think she's unwell but I think these are just lozenges. Look at the second one spin

Are there really that many people mailing pictures of kek to her campaign? Was this a thing I missed?

Based christianity bringing the bantz again.

Her next campaign manager.

Might be something /r/the_donald on reddit is doing, they're really active on there and twitter. They regularly get shit like this to the front page of reddit.


>kek is with us


I feel like I've said this before, but that's probably a canker sore.

It could be refraction of something behind the moving glass. Those "objects" were moving a lot faster than fleshy bits falling through water.


Absolutely disgusting

you get quarter sized canker sores?



She spit out her cough drop. There are other photos of the glass sitting on the table which shows it still in there.

2 cough drops you fucking retards

Alien parasitic mindworm eggs. The implantation process happened too early and the mindworm larva matured ahead of schedule. Now the parasite is entering the gravid spawning stage before the host can secure the absolute privacy of the executive office.

Bill's parasite is already at the final stages of maturity and is ready to emerge. The host is no longer needed at this point and the parasite allows it to rapidly waste away, which also eases the emergence process.

I've never thought to measure them, but I have one currently about the size of a pen head that's healing. I've seen some on GIS that look pretty large.


This is my favorite thing from this election.

Gore doesn't disgust me but this does. I literally cringe seeing this and get disgusted. Why does this disgust me so much more? Is it because I assume it's mucus?

This literally churns my stomach and makes me gag, gross as fuck.

It's two blood clots.







you naturally fear diseased items because they could infect you. unlike gore.

Cough drop, goy.



Kek, this is brilliant

>yfw Jesus browses Sup Forums RIGHT NOW

That's so obviously a cough drop. How can you see how fast it falls to the bottom of the water and how solid it is and assume it's "lung butter"? Your lungs don't cough up solid masses that sink like a fucking rock the size of a quarter.

is this Trumps doing?

the timeline has been put together too perfectly

It has to be

>That's so obviously a cough drop.

what's the other thing that follows it?


A second, slightly more used cough drop? What else do you think it is?

Looks like mucus mixed with stomach bile

"Cough drops"



If you're a gullible Christian, sure.


Yes, cough drops. Are you fucking dumb? The bottom of the glass is distorted both by the shape/thickness of the bottom of the glass and water refraction. The objects are circular and solid.

I honestly can't tell if you guys are genuinely this stupid or you're just pretending to be retarded.



thats the one part of her mouth that touched Bill's diseased cock that one time


>Yes, cough drops.

looked more like the emergency coins she always has in her mouth for the ferryman accidentally fell out, or she thought she was ready to pay the ferryman to carry her to the land of the dead

>Pepe frogs are God's army

I can live with that.

I believe their brains suffer a kind of corrupted form of thinking when they see something unexplained. You, or I might deduce a reasonable explanation, but for those amerced in paranoia grasping irrational ideas is easy. It is literally a socially transferred disorder brought on by the individual themselves.

It's not cough drops. I live in the Midwest and there is a bad virus going around which leads to a productive cough.

You can tell it's phlegm because she chews it before she spits it ( watch the videos. Its fucking disgusting) out and there is no crunch like you would expect from a cough drop.

Woah, polysyllabic words!

So, she's coughing, coughing, coughing...which makes her spit out the two cough drops she's sucking on and put another one in fifty seconds later.


As in this guy. See?

nigga you best be joking

*tips fedora*

I meant immerse. You have caught me making a mistake. Congratulations.
I am not your's, or anyone's "nigga", user.

who the fuck puts in 2 cough drops at a time?

certainly not presidential material

>*fedora tipping* Since 2012


> your's

wtf I love the bible now

>I am not your's, or anyone's "nigga", user.
> Im n-not projecting guys, h-honest


>looked more like the emergency coins she always has in her mouth for the ferryman accidentally fell out, or she thought she was ready to pay the ferryman to carry her to the land of the dead

Occam's razor dictates that this is the most plausible explanation.

*sips mountain dew*

Personally, I don't believe the cough drop theory. But the best way to find put is to ask Bill. He would be the expert on knowing of Hillary ever sucked on anything.

A certain blue dress, however, is evidence that no, no she didn't .

Thank you both. You two should date.

>It's just two cough drops
>that's exactly why she was coughing!
>the two cough drops making her cough
>she had in her mouth
>while giving a speech

Sure, as soon as you lose your virginity.

So you are saying that there is no medical condition that gives people heavier than normal phlegm?

Do you realize you're a retard?

...Are you really this stupid? Do you actually need me to explain why you're a dumbass? Have you never had a cold in your entire life?

bb u already my nigga shhhhhh

Those are George Soros eggs to keep her under his control.

Frogs/baby pepes

She a Moloch Owl Coughing up Pellets


They're just kinda gross, whatever they are. I've sucked a lot of cough drops in my time and they were never pus-green. NEVER. They were cream colored, red (cherry) or black (liquorice). Honestly it looks like she coughed up major globs of phlegm.

I'd presume that the ACE inhibitor theory is true; my wife had the same problem from blood pressure meds. They switched her to another med, and after that she went on a health kick, got super fit, and ended up being able to go off meds altogether. But I think Hillary also gets sick a lot, poor immune system probably. (From...??)

Why not just spit her phlegm into a Kleenex though? She's kind of foul.

Lost it long ago too sexy brown haired girl with hazel eyes.

No, it was her cud, ffs.

They'll correct the wrong use of "too"...just wait.

>getting so upset on an anonymouse tibetan tapestry board

Grow a fucking backbone will you? You limp wrist faggot.

>So you are saying that there is no medical condition that gives people heavier than normal phlegm?

Do you have any proof whatsoever that anyone has ever had such dense, solid, quarter sized phlegm that it could sink to the bottom of a glass of water instantly? No, of course not. Because that's not how phlegm works. Even when you get the heaviest, most dense phlegm...it's 95% of the time still in liquid form, and would float or dissipate. If it IS a solid, it's tiny. Smaller than a dime. It would not be big enough to be the objects in the video.

So no. You're the retard. If you claim this super heavy solid phlegm exists, show me an actual example of it.

>If it IS a solid

then you're really sick

Hillary dillary doo
She coughed up some mystery goo
Spit it into a cup
Just like throwing it up
Now her run for the President's through

Why assume I am faggot?
I am an upright vertebrate, which means I already have a backbone.
And what the fuck exactly does a limp wrist have to do with being a faggot, AND how would you know, faggot?