What's Sup Forums's opinion on gender creativity? :^)
Is it yet another shining example of Vanity Fair's work?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on gender creativity? :^)
Is it yet another shining example of Vanity Fair's work?
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>gender (((creativity)))
it's ALWAYS sjw cunts encouraging their boys to act like girls. this garbage is such cancer. just nuke the world.
Is it child abuse to make your kid into a bullying magnet?
Why can't kids be gay without needing to be sexualized and re-gendered? When I was a kid I would have liked to see portrayals of other openly gay kids but its bizarre how we never see that. Only feminine males we see have to wear long hair, whorish makeup, sexy clothes, and they aren't gay they are genderqueer or trans or other neologisms.
KEK has come to save us
guys you need to hit that mofukin dislike button 100100
>two lesbian mothers
Could've fucking guessed.
That's because gay is a fetish. Parents are fetishizing their children.
Bumping to get more dislikes on this shit.
Its not a fetish. I was and am attracted to other boys. I never told my parents I was. They never pushed me to be it. I wasn't molested or abused. Its genetic.
Now dress up is one thing, but this is presenting an insidious message to me in that being trans is like 1/100 times less common than being gay but media portrayals of trans kids vs gay kids are now 100x more common. Its sending a clear message that its only ok to be gay if you dress/act like a female.
Sup Forums always says that gays are ok as long as they don't rub it in others' faces or "act like a faggot" well that's exactly what videos like this and that youtube music one try to do. Many of us gas you would never know we were gay just from how we look but this is visual profiling.
"Gay" is a neologism too. Homosexuality isn't a "sexuality" it's a fetish. Sex is for procreation. Any sensual acts that don't have the possible result of procreation are fetishes. Anal sex, oral sex, people turned on by latex, whipping, bondage etc. All these result from the brain rewiring it's natural biological reward system meant to drive us to procreate into something non-sexual. "Gay" is no more valid a sexual orientation than "Bronie".
Most people have fetishes. Not a big deal. It doesn't become a mental illness until your fetish overtakes your sexuality and stops you from being able to procreate.
In ancient times people weren't "Gay" they were just men who had a fetish for fucking other males. A lot of them would still marry women and have families because we have a genetic imperative to do so.
The LGBT movement is about turning sexual fetishes and mental disorders into valid identarian movements. This is textbook Jewry and needs to be rejected. Straight men who like blowjobs don't go around starting movements for men who prefer blowjobs to sex. They don't call themselves "blowmosexuals". Your sensual preferences are not your identity.
It still occurs in other animal species. Fetish would imply that I am also attracted to females. I'm not. Its genetic.
Homosexuality in nature is less common than incest or necrophilia. You worshiped your fetish for so long it became a mental illness. Your lineage stops here, congratulations.
Are there special schools for these kids?
I don't believe for one second that they wouldn't get bullied in a normal school.
I don't worship it at all. If I somehow ignored it I would still be innately attracted to men. As in, I walk down the street, I see a hot guy, my eyes are drawn to him, my pupils dilate. Its autonomous. Conversion therapy does not work.
Being gay since you can remember doesn't disqualify it from being a fetish.
I was a vorephile since age 10 or so, yet I don't parade myself as a voresexual just because I like it more than the typical Arby's crotch beef sandwich.
this thing on the left could play as the scarecrow in a modern adaption of "The Wizard of Oz". - "If I only had a brain..." would be a fitting song for those kind of people
This seems shocking to you but if you've ever seen a girl wearing pants or working a job, you've seen the converse of this. Men let it happen long ago and it's finally their turn.
Is it possible for sexuality to be anything but a fetish in your eyes? No. If it were proven fully genetic you would still label it as a fetish to degrade it.
What's the difference between this and metrosexual?
why do you people even respond to edgy little underage faggots like that kid
It's not genetic though.
The only genetic and biological studies prove that it's not normal and doesn't happen without indoctrination.
>what are pheromones?
I am a demisexual genderless high elf.
It's called a sexual fetish, you're just in denial because you're desperate to justify it and you think defining it as a biological issue makes it less deviant.
t gay guy
>anything except the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation is a sexual fetish
your underage is showing
I was never indoctrinated. I never told anyone I liked other men, nobody told me that was a good thing.
Just because we don't understand the precise genetic cause doesn't mean that isn't a factor.
Its fine to find it repellant, but you being offended is not offering hard evidence its a fetish or can only exist via indoctrination any more than to say heteronormativity is a fetish.
"Sexual fetishism or erotic fetishism is a sexual focus on a nonliving object or nongenital body part."
Ye olde pol poster
Project all you want, human sexuality is an area of interest to me and that's the opinion I've drawn from hobbyist research.
No need to get upset, my dear faggot.