What is the stupidest idea for a show that was actually realized?
My vote (pic related):
>dude big benis lmao
What is the stupidest idea for a show that was actually realized?
My vote (pic related):
>dude big benis lmao
Other urls found in this thread:
>people are chased by dogs for money
the worst part is the casting of the main character.
wo.. women don't really care about size do they?
>"So I've got this briliant idea for a show boss"
>"Ok, elaborate"
>"Check this: we put some people into a house"
>"Go on..."
>"That's it. We put them and film them 24/7. Kinda see what happens."
This show is really about the recession; the male prostitute and nudity are just tv clickbait
that show where people smell things in the dark
is he fucking a mermaid
Why isn't the main character black? Unrealistic t b h
Apparently it's set up kinda like big brother. That's pretty much all
Hung was a really fun show desu. Wish it made more money so I could get some more kino seasons
the guy who came up with it is a goddamn visionary
ITT: Triggered dicklets
To this day I have no idea, why these type of shows got so popular.
guy in OP isn't even black retard
GLEE Project by Ryan Murphy. Tokens compete for a supporting role on Glee. It was a dumpster fire of epic proportions. Here is token midget for example (Ryan is the judge in the middle)
Narrated nature shows without David Attenborough
>we split up couples so the men live on one island and the women live on another island
>and then we try to get them to fuck other people
>and we tell them this is to 'test their relationship'
>Dumpster fire
Wasnt Glee wildly successful?
Sorry just learning to read, fuck I'm stupid
>being a cocklet
The show was fun, just turn off your brain bruh
They don't. They like a guy with personality and confidence.
This show was basically what middle aged guys who greenlight shows thought middle aged women would want to watch. In reality they just want to watch shit like Project Runway, House Hunters, and Top Chef.
>just turn off your brain bruh
I hate this fucking phrase. Most people who use this phrase that I know usually never turn their brains back on.
TLC shows are for 40yo middle-class women to watch at 2PM when they're on their fifth glass of wine
It's freak show exploitation presented as an inspiring documentary. People watch it for the degeneracy and Kardashian tier reality TV drama, but don't have to feel bad because they can tell themselves it's "positive"
Good formula actually
Probably this.
How "hung" was he? Did they ever say?
>Mobbed is an American hidden camera reality television show based on the use of flash mobs as part of the spectacle for the delivery of an important personal message.
it's all about confidence brah. just say hi to her.
Holy shit that sounds fucking awful
You can just imagine the meeting where someone suggested this with a powerpoint presentation including a flash mob youtube video
John de Mol, big Dutch television magnate who I believe also invented the Voice
>tfw thinking about all the vagina covert male feminists get
It's every bit as bad as it sounds. The one episode I remember involved some beta using a flash mob to ask some girl to be his gf. It's like that Garrett make her day video times a million.
Sounds kino as fuck.
Salty bags of milk
What's even dumber is """"people"""" actually watch it
Fucking americans i swear to god.
Isn't that the dude from Expanse?
whenever I see things like this I just wonder who the fuck goes through the effort of making this shit
of course not
>bold letters to emphasize that most people are of average size
couldn't read further
>t. complete retard
lol, are you serious? they don't (unless they happen to be Chads), but that doesn't stop them from trying. feminism is literally all about having the freedom to fuck Chads (tall 8+/10 males).
What kind of shows does your country make?
>feminism is literally all about having the freedom to fuck Chads
>being this stupid
because normies love to "spy" on other people's lives
same reason facebook got so popular as well
and celebrity gossip shows before the internet got big
yea I'm sure you are quite the ladies man
To be fair the only thing that is going to stop feminism are gigantic dicks that nearly kill feminists. The only problem is finding those brave souls willing to go out and fuck the monstrosities.
This very comfy show I still have it on my hard drive they stopped at 2 seasons right?
This show is amazing, because it's mocking her and she has no idea
>the skiing episode where she had to beg them to stop filming
Wait this was a real show? Holy fuck this is hilarious. What absurd stupidity.
I remember something called 70's House maybe that was like Big Brother but contestants had to stay in-character as if they were living in the 1970's or they'd be disqualified. Like, someone got booted for using slang that wasn't accurate for the time.
They're usually really ugly or dont shave tho. I'd rather have feminism win then fuck some women who considers herself a dude
False flag
>implying 40% of men won't fuck anything with a skirt
Is Howie the king of stupid TV? Deal or no deal was also a retarded concept.
Not to the point that they would pay for it: basically he would just be fucking gay dudes
Survivor> Big Brother
>ok so i've got this idea for a show
>so we have this family
>a normal family?
>no a celebrity family
>oh ok
>and we film their daily life
>well it worked with the osbournes so why not
I will say I got laid once because someone told someone else I was hung. I've also been rejected countlessly by chicks i know despite it being known in my friend group I have a big dick so I'd say it's circumstantial (no pun intended)
>what's the hook?
>they have huge asses!!
They do, but they just don't want something too big because then it hurts.
I don't understand the entire dick size debate. It's obviously a factor that girls consider more or less depending on their preference.
I like big tits, but I don't dig comically huge tits. Some guys do and it's the main thing that is important to them. If a girl has a really nice face/ass, I can pretty much overlook mediocre tits. Zero tits though would be a turnoff, probably in much the same way that a super small dick would be for most girls.
Women are generally pretty stupid, but idk why you virgins assume that they're not attracted to the sum of multiple traits
Dick size doesn't matter that much unless you have a micro penis. Only virgins and turbo autists think otherwise.
agreed. My dick is average at best but i've gotten laid at least twice mostly cause word got around of my superior pussy-eating skill
wasn't there a big cock trend where other shows focused on a hung main character like mtv's rj berger?
what happened?
*and girls
Girls obviously prefer a big dick but it's not a deal breaker. But if they were making an ideal boyfriend in a computer simulator he'd be packing some heat 10 times outta 10.
This shit is really popular in my country and I just don't get the appeal of it.
Gross, enjoy your HPV
>implying normal adults over age 25 without HPV exist
I mean I'm glad they have the vaccine now but if that was keeping you from eating pussy then you never would've procreated anyway
lol rekt
>white guy
written by some insecure closet kkk
Way to be at least an hour too late to make that joke, you hack.
This is a surprisingly striking poster.
Comparison shot would be interesting: same poster but with their previous ass curves matching with the eyes, then a chart comparing the same metrics along with their popularity
This used to be really fucking popular in my country roughly 15 years ago and died of completely after a couple of years.
It was kind of an early 00s thing.
jfc this is terrible.
This show is great because it only exists to shit all over the main character. She's a giant dumpster of a human and watching shitty things happen to her is joyous.
>implying you ever have to eat a girl out unless you're super beta
weak my friend
Do they get viciously attacked by the dogs? Might be okay if so
>hey we need to pitch some show ideas
>I dunno, what are kids into these days
>oh, I got just the thing!
As my mother puts it,
>I watch these shows to feel better about my shitty life
I watch serial hoarders because I know that is gonna be my future if I don't keep my shit in check
Depends on the woman. Many prefer average or just above average. Guys with really huge dicks can actually get turned down for being too big.
how many inches?
The misconception is a fat 7 inch cock is great but it can seriously cause damage to the vagina , I went to school for this you learn fast that the man that can move properly 5 inch to 6 can please any women
Sorry if you're 4 or under but you are going to have to use your hands and lips more often
Same goes for pencil dicks 6 inches or not
>tfw a thick 6.5 incher
Now all I need is fucking game.
A fat 7 inch dick is not going to cause damage to a vagina you dumb faggot. By fat do you mean approaching the circumference of a baby's head?
sciences are done on the g-spot. it is never more than 3inches in
>tfw 6 inch curvy dick masterrace
It's based on Danny D
>Caring about what women want
You're the predator.
a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinion of sheep ;^^)
Time for those office kegels