Asian Confederate

What does Sup Forums think of this guy?

Other urls found in this thread:

south will rice again

can't spank the hank

can't jew the yoo

Is nationalism just genetic for Asians?

>the south will rice again

>ywn serve in an ethnically homogeneous military fighting for the future of your people

Why was I born to suffers so?

10/10, watch him every time he's posted on Sup Forums

he is obviously extremely autistic

Fucking top kek. Texas really is the best.

The south will rise again.

Never seen this before, thanks OP!
It gives me hope that one day I can move to america and help the south rise again

>tfw if I did it in bongistan I could get locked up

>for all y'all dindus who don't like the dixie to arms, get the fuck out of the south

Pretty sure he's a Sup Forumsack.

This is the worst type of self hate

you're welcome and it looks like he stirred up unwanted attention

Post of the century.

>self hate
there were quite a few asian soldiers in the confederacy.

He's just American.

You wouldn't understand.

I saw my mid 40's cousin on Facebook use "dindu" when a black person came on the stage at the DNC. Sup Forums and Sup Forums memes spread far.

nah he called someone a nigger kike so probably a Sup Forumsack

Oh shit was that yesterday? Dude has some balls

The only reason they sided with the Confederacy is so they could own niggers, because the yellow skins have chodes

no, I am not him.

>east asia is a shithole

I agree with everything else he said but east asia seems pretty good to me.

is globalism genetic in leftists?

>first of all y'all idiotic motherfuckers, I am an American not an Asian. I was born and raised here. For second, I had always been a redneck, and I was never rejected by them ever. for third, I have a relative who fought for the confederacy. he was a major by the time war ended.

Holy shit, this guy is great. I want to see him use that sabre to duel a katana wielding weeaboo.

Being a Confederate has no real racial component. Shit, Jefferson Davis' wife was a mulatto.

Looks half white to me. Checks out.

revive bump

Oh, I wish I was in the land of cotton

Old times there are not forgotten,

Asians are pretty based, there's a built Asian guy in Generation Identitaires Paris group.

It makes sense since asians are great at retaining order and societal cohesion in their own countries and their no fucks given attitude towards political correctness (pic related).

Look away look away look away Dixie land

In Dixie Land, where I was born in,

(((they))) censored him

someone find the original

early on one frosty mornin

Isn't he a cop who shot a black guy? Remember seeing this video posted after one of the dindu shootings

Look away, look away, look away Dixie Land.

I wish I was in Dixie, Hooray! Hooray!

Truly Texas is the greatest State in the union.

>the south will rice again.

Sides: annihilated

In Dixie Land I'll take my stand

An American loving America is somehow self-hate.

Try again Abdul.

Thats a proud Texan celebrating his culture and heritage faggot, Remember the Alamo.


nooooo i didnt fuckin know i saved a ifunny pic , fuck me

"fuck the black lives matter"

based as fuck
