What is Sup Forums's opinion on MGTOW?
>logo depicts going off the straight path
>also looks like a profile view of a man with an erection
hmm really made me think
kike invention
There are two kinds of MGTOW's
1. Successful man, probably been married once or twice. Probably has a kid or two from his previous marriages. Gets redpilled on women through experience and decides to focus on himself.
2. Betas who suck with women but are too lazy to put in the work to improve themselves and learn game. They think of themselves as MGTOW to shift the blame away from themselves and onto women, as well as rationalize being single in a positive way.
faggots wanna be , but they had the "bad luck" to be str8
You can do whatever you want. No one's forcing you to be with a woman.
It's stupid to make a movement out of it.
I'd add a 3:
I see a lot of young professional/career guys who just don't give enough fucks to bother. Might as well save their money, play vidya, and jerk off versus get into the whole family thing.
I don't play Magic the Gathering.
this is a degeneracy. most likely caused from depression ,it droped your understandings of feelings and you think you are safe alone and depressed around woman ( my english are bad , hope you have imagination)
Beta fags who haven't reached the wall yet who will gladly settle down with the first used up whore who touches their penis and they'll provide cuck bucks for life
now that i think of if , this hole movement is caused from low feelings understanding ( so you dont suffer ) when depressed and alone
Feminism for men
>low feelings understanding
>ok i will translate this to english better
mtgow is caused from the low emotional level of depression
seems fairly spot on.
I divorced my wife a few years back and while I do bang barsluts here and there, for the most part I find that relationships aren't really worth the effort unless both people have the same mindset.
Does that make me mgtow? Ionno, I just know that my time is precious and the vast majority of women will just waste it if I pursue a relationship.
Butthurt beta losers.
You see, a man has always been going his own way, women were always just a bonus. Meanwhile, these guys are just upset cucks who got dumped by their oneitis at one point for being spineless pieces of shit, so now they are off to prove how much of a """"""""""""""""""""""""men"""""""""""""""""""""""" they are.
Its doing (((Planned Parenthood's))) job for them. Pic related
Guys who don't want to lose their lives being mistreated by below average bitches.
i dont try with women but i still support mgtow because I recognise men should not take the risk of marriage or simultaneously support the chivalry women expect and feminism
basically men should not let women take advantage of them in any way, that's how i see mgtow
I think it's pretty dumb that people use that face that they're single as some sort of political statement.
Forever Alones that felt bad about being forever alone so they decided to talk to eachother on internet message boards about how enlightened and superior they were despite them having so much doubt about their choices they sought out reassurance.
I mean memes aside of course some people have good reasons for being alone, some people have good reasons for choosing that, some people didn't have a choice. People are always going to encourage others to get into relationships because grandkids keep grandparents company, and society in general wants their retirements funded by a young workforce. MGTOW ultimately is a movement that kills themselves off from the population, and will not be sustained forever, unless we MGTOW our way into extinction.
3rd option: a quality and somewhat successful and desirable man who simply realizes he is a tax slave and family courts are a real threat to his security. He would love to meet a trustworthy attractive woman but western culture produced none.
It can hardly be called a movement, it's more like a lifestyle.
Great, now if only men stop being productive after going MGTOW it might help make women more desirable sooner.
lol what is the point of MGTOW? Like, do you have to take an oath and forever renounce women? I mean you should focus on yourself anyway. Dont waste your time trying to date seriously in your teens and early 20s. Date, and fuck if you can, but dont get pregos or get serious about it.
What if I'm thinking about getting into priesthood?
i see mgtow as don't put women on a pedestal, don't be chilvarous when they want feminism, don't put yourself in any situation where you can be manipulated or used