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So he'll get denied early on? Sounds great.

Kek Fucking Obongo doing his best to sabotage the country before leaving office. Words can't describe how much I despise this halfbreed piece of shit.

A black President with Islamic roots, barely American, who dislikes white people nominates first Muslim federal judge. I can't believe it.

Fuck this guy

I can't believe there are white people that actually voted for this guy. Twice.

>The future of America shall not go to those who would slander the prophet of Islam
A Hawaiian born, non muslim patriot people


Fucker is going out with a scorched Earth policy.

>Americans think they're uncucked

He's even trying to give away our power over the internet

Can we kill this traitor please?

Fuck this. Fuck obongo. Fuck mudshits. We need our country back from this garbage.

Deus vult.

Was there any conflict in the last 20 years between Christians and Muslims where the United States have supported the Christian (or the pro-Christian) side?

>Syrian Civil War: Assad protects the Christians, Rebels slaughter them.
>U.S. supports rebels

>Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict: Armenia is Christian, Azerbaijan is Muslim
>U.S. supports Azerbaijan

>Chechen Wars: Russia is (nominally) Christian, Chechens are Islamists
>U.S. supports Chechens

>Bosnian War: Serbs are Christians, Bosniaks are jihadist
>U.S. supports Bosniaks

There must be others I forgot, but it's a clear pattern.

So much for the United States a a Christian nation.

I don't remember ever supporting Chechens and the Serbs chimped out first

I need to balance out my angry post with a shitpost. It keeps me sane.

usa was never intended to be a christian nation

Sup Forums is a board of peace. his term is almost at an end, there is no need for unnecessary bloodshed

About time.

Yeah, you just pay taxes like a docile goy.
You're paying uniformed Hitmen, dumbass.

Is that what you learned in professor Schlomostein's class?

nice link dude!

>expecting a Muslim to enforce Western laws and values

Is it even the current year anymore?

you are stupid if you think usa was founded to be a christian nation

Will he succeed? Is this even possible?

Does taquiia allow for lying to subvert foreign governments and take over?

If so, any proofs beyond an infographic?

>but pastor billy bob told me Jesus himself established the constitution!

Nope. It's just for agitation purposes. The left has been having a heartily chuckle.

Why is Obongo trying to fuck everything up so much? God I hate this nigger.

When Trunp wins, he could just have him gassed and appoint an actual Lawyer like a white guy couldn't he?

>Britbong can't grasp nomination as opposed to appointed because they don't understand the govt. not being all powerful.

Hahaha haha hahaha no but I'm sure Brexit is gonna change you guys into the new reich.. any day now right Nigel.

Because this Obama cocksucker has a massive, massive, 3rd-world nigger inferiority complex about the success of America and white people, that ingrate, carpet-headed male cunt is obsessed with taking white America down a peg. In order to satisfy his own childish personal demons. That, in a nutshell, is why Typhoid Barry is literally my most DETESTED living thing on the face of the earth.

"After banning the Pledge of Allegiance, I realised this country needs a knew pledge. This muslim judge will help write one." - Al Barrack Hussein Obongo

Obama is actually a muslim tho, he spent his childhood in Indonesia and was a muslim on his school records.

Founding fathers were for the most part deists

Not really. It was more of a 50-50 split between deists and various protestants.

how muslim is he again?

>when a christcuck tries to defame Muslims with obongo the zionist negroid.


You'd have to be completely ignorant to think this country wasn't founded on Christianity. And I'm saying this as someone who isn't even a Christian.

>it's a "the founders were mostly deists" episode

>yeah, i love separation of church and state...

If it ain't the 2nd Amendment Sup Forums don't care.

This didn't appear on US currency until the mid-1800s.

I wouldn't say the country was founded on Christianity (this is a secular government after all), but certainly it was a huge cultural influence.

>Separation of Church and State
Pick one. I'd have no issue with a Buddhist judge or some shit, but I will never trust a Muslim to keep his religion out of government.

is this to piss us off enough to forget hes giving the internet to the UN?

Soon it will say "In Allah We Trust" on US dollar bills and American children will be doing their fajr prayers instead of the pledge of allegiance at school in the morning. I can't wait!

We have way less Muslims than you buddy.

Not for long. Just wait until Hillary opens the gates to all Muslims from the ME and Africa.

But Trump is gonna win. Kek wills it.

Not with that attitude.

Ad hominem is a fallacy

Obama's an anti-American puppet, he literally does not care.

See above

Unless true. For example, this moron is delusional if he imagines that secularism and our conception of rights would ever exist in any Muslim society.

roman sided with weaker tribes to keep the bloodshed going.

this is the same thing the left wing is doing, empowering the weaker tribe (muslims) against the stronger tribe (western civilization)

They don't seem to mind that muslims are beasts.

Yes, I get that he doesn't care, but is that a part of Islam? To remove other groups they deem infidels?

It is certainly that way in these times, but is it justified in the quran?


Rare flag misses point, looks ratarted

Man, remember how the founding fathers didn't care what religion you were? Remember when everyone was equal?

You reactionary faggots are pretty unAmerican.

>it's a liberal rewrites history episode

Totally false.
> This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character.


what the fuck? Muslims can't be judges they adhere to Sharia Law not American Law/Constitution.

>Words can't describe how much I despise this halfbreed piece of shit.

I thought I hated Obama before he was elected. These past 8 years have been so damaging to the reputation and infrastructure of the United States I would say he's probably in the top 5-10 worst presidents of all time.

Where does it mention religion there?

"Good character" includes religion. The US had essentially zero Islamic immigration until 1965. That's not a coincidence; there were times in our history where the entire region was explicitly banned (Immigration Act of 1924).

The founding fathers were explicitly white supremacists. It's all there in their personal writings and views on the constitution. Go fuck yourself.

Thomas Jefferson wanted church and state seperate in case Muslims ever came to America .

>Hmm, I wonder how I should spend the last few months of my presidency?

>I know, I'll completely validate everything the neurotic paranoid reactionary right have been saying since 2008!

Yeah really. I assumed Obama was a closet atheist, but now I wonder if he really is a secret Muslim.

Thomas Jefferson ownef a Koran and used it to swear in the first Muslim congressman.

>Thomas Jefferson ownef a Koran
Yes. They say know your enemy after all. Jefferson was a huge advocate of separation of church and state, a tenet which fundamentally contradicts Islamic teachings.

>and used it to swear in the first Muslim congressman
u wot m8? The first Muslim congressman was sworn into office in 2007.

What happened to Obama? I mean, I know Sup Forums hates him but he was honestly not that bad( aside from middle east relations and Obamacare). Especially compared to W. It seems like ever since Trump was nominated, he's gone full retard and is trying to completely fuck up relations with as many audiences as possible.

I think he's just doing his best to tank any kind of progress a Trump presidency may have.

Forgot the "they." Jefferson didn't give a shit what religion anyone was, he just didn't want it in politics. So, theoretically, you could be any religion. They didn't force people to be deists to participate.

The presidency is a meme meant to draw ire away from congress and the senate: the ones who actually fuck stuff up.


Obama is doing everything he can to fuck the country up as much as possible on his way out. He's already solidified himself as worst President in United State's history.

he's not even in the bottom half

I know that and it's always my go to response when Obamaleaf posts but as a figurehead for your country, he's doing a damn good job at alienating as many audiences as possible.

Were they really paranoid though? Maybe they were right the whole time. Really makes me think.

He could at least have waited until 9/11, you know, to make it more symbolic.

He was like that the whole time, you were just in awe of the bbc. People tried to warn you and repeated Jewish media lines like, "ur so racist zomg".

He also attended a Christian school and that paper was referencing his step-father's religion

I hate Obama but publish real information

b-b-b-b-bbb-BUT THATS R-RACISTT !@!!!111


>destroyed health insurance
>wrecked small business
>his job growth = millions of fast food jobs (private sector) jobs
>stregthened federal gov't like no President before him
>used the federal gov't to target cake shops that he had personal vendettas with
>legalized gay marriage illegally
>openly supported the anti-American, racist BLM organization
>Weak and effeminate
>embarrassing world leader meetings where he groveled (The Obama World Apology Tour)
>Started wars in the middle east
>Single-handedly caused the current Muslim refugee crisis
>Allowed sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants
>More than doubles the national debt
>Goes to Cuba and gets snubbed
>Goes to Saudi Arabia and gets snubbed
>Goes to China and gets snubbed
>Gets cucked by Filipino manlet

This is all just off the top of my head.

No. He is the worst president of the United States. Most others thought they were either helping the country through their incompetence or powerlust. He's literally just saying fuck you to America.

I forgot
>gives away the internet to international marxist organization

link me to the website

No. Federal judges serve for life and cannot be removed for policy reasons.

The best part is that this shows how little confidence he has that Hillary will win. If he believed she would win then he wouldn't nominating anyone.

Good. Fuck these feminists, and these degenerates. Come back to the white/right religion fellow white man.