And follow up with five bad things
My spurdo thread a couple weeks back got me banned after getting 190+ replies. Fuck you mods.
Please reply with an image of spurdo. I really just want Spurdos.
And follow up with five bad things
My spurdo thread a couple weeks back got me banned after getting 190+ replies. Fuck you mods.
Please reply with an image of spurdo. I really just want Spurdos.
Other urls found in this thread:
>First reply is a Finn
>Does not post Spurdo
C'mon son. That's the only thing you have going for you on this board.
oh fug :DDDDDD
You were okay 300 years ago.
You were ok 3 months ago.
I like old British rock music.
nice tourists attractions
-Gun laws
-Cucked empire
-Muhammad most popular name
PD not chilebro
You were okay 80 years ago.
You make the argies pissed and I respect that.
Your cowboys movies were great and traditional America was pretty good
Got a blow job from a swede once.
It was alright.
Kc bear
>cowboy movies
That's the Italians.
Your fight for independence was pretty ballsy.
oh fug :DDDDDD
Greatest country on the planet, you Americans.
Beautiful Cities with Mountains
Weirdly shaped
Only first world country in Spic Continent
We the mua'fukin best
>be me a year ago
>coming home from deployment
>pass through shannon airport or something like that
fucking beautiful country you have there, people were chill, beer was good
>left two hours later kek
Nice wide isles in Walmart for driving around heavy load bearing vehicles carrying small planet sized blobs looking for somewhere to shart themselves.
Ethnic Italians form 50% of our population
You people always put a smile on my face. I don't know how or why, but you do.
We are a fun loving bunch :)
what was his name?
King of all bantz.
Shelias are qt.
Nice beaches and you guys sure know how to drink.
Thanks for the Beatles, and America.
You have some nice parks.
You have super fine women, and a good techno scene
Excellent repeating digits, may Kek be praised.
>Awesome castles
>Great engineers/engineering (Muh STEM)
>Bavaria is awesome and I had a great time when I was there
>I really liked all of the German people I met
> great kebab remover
Comfy af country.
You have a cool language. Maybe I'll learn it someday. But I'm shit at learning languages, so we'll see.
you fought with the right side in WW1
You're probably the whitest part of South America and somehow aren't completely fucked over.
and ww2
you were fighting against the British which is cool
You have nice beaches
You probably have the purest Germanic genes.
I really enjoy going 200 km/h on your highways.
also, some of your girls are really easy to get into bed. not sure if that's a nice thing though
Oh fug :DDDDDD
Oh fug :DDDDDD
Ebin luck!!!
Why no nice things about Austria?
Oh fug
Ebin hidler dubs XD
Sie haben schöne Berge, Österreich-kun :)
It's not...
Oh fug :DDDDDD
Danke Fampai!
War letztens in Amsterdam, War mal wieder schön Auswahl beim Weed zu haben und nicht "Entweder Neger Weed, oder garkein Weed".
I love this march of yours.
best neighbour, love your culture
I've been in Vienna 5 times already, amazing city. You have a lot of muslims there tho. We were together in wars, so you are bro-tier.
3rd Reich
Cultural enrichment
All I got.
Ncordo I don't reall know why you are here
I like your internet and amazon services.
>tfw they teach you to do chest compressions with that rhythm while performing cpr
The only girl I've ever loved was from Bregenz. And Wien is probably my favorite capital city in Europe.
too may T*rks though.
I dream about visiting your country one day, I'd love to rent a car and just drive from state to state.
also vienna is the asshole of Austria. No one likes vienna, except the people living there.
kek. here we use this:
its pretty great, even if the new owners are ruining it.
Place is full of niggers.
We have too many mexicans
>Place is full of niggers.
black people wouldn't be a problem if they had been treated like normal people and not given free shit so as to further their victim complex
I've met a couple of pretty decent blacks.
it's literally the commies fault that blacks become niggers.
shiiiiieeeet nigga, that fits really good! why do they use the fucking radetzky march here..