Every Simpsons Ever: Thread #6


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blood and guts murphy, son of rip and tear murphy

Bleeding Anus Murphy

He had been accused over the years but only recently has it taken off.

Not just accused, there was a civil case over a decade ago that was settled and sealed by the judge.

>Civil case

>jazz is good
lmao nah

Family Guy CIA Edition is TBS' now, and they gave Family Guy Black Edition the axe.

>Yeardley Smith

They have Bob's Burgers going for them.

So FOX doesn't own Family Guy ATF Edition at all anymore?

So what is Fox to do now?

Outside of giving Simpsons 600 more episodes.

Jesus just say American Dad you fucking retard

>It's a guuuuuuuuuuuuuurl power episode

Okay, I will give you that. Bob's is alright.

>It's a marge episode

Has Family Guy made an episode where Louise becomes a police officer?

Also if you think about it, even if Simpsons ends in a few years like that other user said, Fox will cling to Family Guy like never before. I could easily see FG going on for another 10 seasons.

I think it was Strong Arms of the Ma where I noticed The Simpsons decline. This episode shows Marge as strong and commanding then 3 seasons later she develops agoraphobia after being robbed by a guy in a Goofy hat and it's just too much.

That same season has The Cartridge Family where Marge has a strong aversion to firearms. And of course The Principal and the Pauper so damn, season 9 really is probably where I check out.

Oh my God, No.

The newer episodes of FG are worse than new Simpsons.

The animation is so lazy. I'm just waiting for them to use GoAnimate for everything.

No but she did become obsessed with martial arts and beat up a bunch of New Yorkers which emasculated Peter.

Characters' personalities have pretty much always shifted like that though.

I draw the "good Simpsons" line a while before season 9 but it's not exactly because the characters' personalities are pretty flexible.

These early Marge episodes make me sad because they show that Marge is highly skilled and driven but she settled with Homer and sacrificed everything to support him.

Strong Arms of the Ma is season 14.

Y'know what they say.
"Love makes people do crazy stupid things".

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Would any of you actually enthusiastically and soberly fuck Patty and/or Selma?

I know there are plenty of you who like thick girls, or hairy girls, or older ladies, and there's even some overlap, but are there really people who like all of that, plus the demanding footfag foreplay, AND smelling like stale food and ashes AND them never being impressed no matter what you do?

Yes. Don't forget that they brought back 24 and X-Files and are doing the black version of the former. Add in doubling down on nigger shows because Empire is a hit. It a shame because The Exorcist is the best show they've had in years but they buried it on Friday night. If they had anybody with a brain they would have put it somewhere else. For the life of me I can't understand why they haven't gone to 11 EST yet.



Even they seem aware of it, one episode where they went to the future had everything in this really cheap looking CGI.

I would've overlooked how old and thick they are. And I do like the smell of smoke. But I wouldn't bother if they're gonna act so damn bitter.

That is why I know they will be fine with going for another 10 seasons. Everyone involved gets a nice pay check no matter what they do.

I don't think they'd be bitter if you were fucking them.

Well, Patty would probably be emotionless and just use you as a sex toy.

Selma would probably treat you right though, she's the nicer one of the two.


Let's all celebrate this great episode with a nice, cool, glass of turnip juice.

Have you guys found your other Milhouse yet?

Yes, but they use the same basic angle that most cartoons use.

And the use the exact same damn animations for all of their episodes. "Talking, and occasionally showing their palms".

CGI ain't shit if it's copying 2D work.

That would not be a good idea, we would end up fist fighting and then at some point we would have sex.

I'd rather have some root marm

Yea, I always figured I'd choose Selma for that reason.

Toot on son! Toot on!

If you guys don't mind would someone please acknowledge my geode?

Does it have four legs and ticks?

If not, I'm not acknowledging shit.


I have this weird urge to buy Mucinex and Disaronno,

Why IS there never a flying motorcycle when you need one?

So this is what it feels when doves cry

Take a ton of both at the same time, I dare you!

Say when

>Who Shot Mr. Burns


Dude, spoilers.

Spoilers for an episode over twenty years old.

Hey, the lamp's running away. So long lamp.

Heh just noticed on moes tv it's mst3k

I always love Homer's background D'ohs

Why would you even want the lollipop that's been in the baby's mouth anyway

>You didn't know about this marathon until 3 episodes ago

I want to die

Can (You)?

Who did you think did it when the episode first aired?

Anyone who didn't think Burns accidentally shot himself is retarded

Well I was 1 so...



I was 2, I had no idea this show existed

Was for


That's what everybody thought at the time except one guy who figured it out.

>mfw all the main episodes I want to see will air between now and when I'll most likely wake up

Fuck its too late for this shit.

Who cares about Mr.Burns, who killed Laura Palmer?

I don't even remember nowdays. I remember thinking it was something outlandish, but I know I didn't think it was Maggie. Probably something like Nelson or something.

The dog.

I think more people figured it out, but it wasn't just figuring it out, it was also calling in some bullshit number.

>hey hey

I'm in a close situation. I was one year old when this episode aired in 1995,
My first memory of the Simpsons was the Linguo one where it shows the same day from different perspectives. Looking at that episode it was in 2001.
I didn't get to see these episodes originally air and I'm watching some for the first time now.

>Slow down! This sidewalks for regular walkin' not for fancy walkin'!

Fuck I gotta start using that

Always thought that whole Smithers "turns out I did shoot someone that day, but not him" plotline was dumb.

Why even set up a situation where someone else was shot when there's only one gunshot heard in the first part? It's like they wanted to make people convinced it was Smithers really, REALLY sure it wasn't

apparently, moe szyslak's last name was introduced in these episodes ("from the phonebook") just to make him a suspect
the more you know

>That's a real good way of getting sick.
What did he mean by this?

>Man playing bread

I know that was a meme but I really don't understand that.

Video Game?

Sears Catalog.

Burns' suit! Burns' suit!

I didn't watch Twin Peaks until like 3 years ago so I had no clue what was going on as a kid

>Bullet still in casing

I'll let this one slide Groening

Same, though I still haven't seen Twin Peaks, though it is on my backlog. Should probably get around to it soon.

Oh god

>Dang fools drivethrough's not for a-parkin'

That whole scene was delightful

>That sperm joke

Intense shit right there! It is time for bed I will see you all tomorrow my friends!


I cant imagine being an overanalyctical fuckwit who watched this when it premiered

>It was Maggie

I never watched it live, only watched with the season box sets when they came out. I thought it was Smithers.

My dad told me it was the baby when I asked him, I thought it was a joke and didn't believe him.

Member when they wanted to test out digital animation?

>Those flying toasters

Such simpler times

The Scoutmaster is my favorite villain ever

I was about to say...

I'm surprised how soon it took the series to have this crisp of outlines. This style would last for quite awhile too.


Fuck my sides! How did I miss that all those times before?