Slavic Thread

Top Tier:
Middle tier:
Turk tier:

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Croatians are literally gods compared to Poles you swine.

Get Ukrainians off that list. They dont consider themselves our brothers.

first of all we are nordics.
And slavs are literally inects, that should be gassed.

Also, Russians and Greater Russians as middle tier? you can fuck off at this point.

Balto-Finno-Nordo-Slavic racially, but Russia lies within the cultural Slavic sphere. Czechs and Western Poles are Germano-Slavic, but Slavs culturally.
You should take a look at modern Russia...

A чтo изpaильтянe?

Bjeliji sam od tebe mongolska pičko smrdljiva

well that girl is too russian

A пpи чeм тyт изpaильтянe?


Chto ti melesh, shkna mrazotnaya?

Isn't that all the slavs? I think slave are stupid. I like your women though. Just keep making those.

Ze jsi mongolska pica smradlava, to mele!

Nasmijao me 100x

Evo ti upboat :^)))

Ono kad su siptari na listi, a mi smo turci.

E to

Odkad su squidtari slaveni, ja neznam

Ukrop dize prasinu preko proxija verovatno.

Spot the butthurt orthodox heathen. Based catholic Croats are turk level, but the godless Czech are top tier.... Nice try.

Paprikas, chill yo' shit, holmes.

Kofola ftw

>Ukrainians bottom of the list
But they wrecked the Turks when they tried invading while at the height of their power and called their Sultan a faggot and got away with it.
Pretty sick is you ask me

>Middle tier: Russians
Do you know, who you are? You are fucking traitor

Don't fall for the bait bratan, it's not worth it.

Pyccкиe, cyкa блядь

Fuck off, I'm nordic.

>Montenegro and Serbia turk tier

I don't think Albanians are Slavic. Am I wrong?.

They aren't. They are Nordic.

South Slavs are Greeks in denial.

So Achmladimir, how's čečenja going and your 30% muslim population doing bro ?

>Serbs are now kebab tier


That's a first...

>tfw Czech

Feels Good SlavFam

decent tier:

burn in hell tier:
all other Slaves

Greeks are turks in denial... Wot now mate ?

------> been told

Dake svi smo Turci i mirna bosna

The opposite. Turks are Greeks, but with a mix of Slav/Anatolian/Arab blood.

No no... We are all Turks except Ukrops they are cockroach mites... End of story.

>decent tier

25% Asian country, 19% muslim and growing, but at least White is White in Russia.

decent tier:
any wendish slavs
burn in hell tier:
all other slavs


Y'all Turked


Fuck off we are BulgARYANS

Idi nemchure pisos pososi, capituljant jobanny.

Kurba prasica jeben ti krvavu hrastu isusuvu na krsto.

Puj krele

Albanians aren't Slavic.


>ITT Mongol and Hun rape babies decide who is more untermensch

so we wuz spartans n shieet?

As spartan as any greek.

TFW even the most degenerate Alboshit is whiter than a 60% americlap like you.

You consider """people""" with native and negro blood white. Kek, you even go as far to call arabs, turks and kikes white

don't shit on Greeks they gave us culture
one based on being lazy and corrupt but c'mon

Allahu ackbar!

thank you, i like britain as well

russians are subhuman though

lol nasla krpa zakrpu

geez, i wonder who could be behind this thread?


ako su Rusi niža rasa onda smo mi insekti ili tako nešto

So white and so non turned you can clearly tell them apart

Lold so hard.

Poles (too Jewy)
>Who? tier


Borgs, bratan, cyborgs.

I am not my government. I'm not white either, I'm about 1/32 Irish.

Rokni se buraz.Koji te kurac boli jel neko ove ili one nijanse bijele jbt da i ti izađeš nekad iz kuće i ti bi barem malo po crno

Every slav thread ever turns into slavs shitposting other slavs. Can we be nice to each other one day? Slavs should work together, except for ukrainians, nobody likes them.

i like ukrainians

Hungarians are very good looking gals IMHO

You are Turkic from te beginning and ottomaned end later

Albanians are brainwashed muslim Greeks.

All Slavs are subhumans. You are worse than mudslimes and niggers.

Can you post some good looking polish chiks ?

go drink yourself to death subhuman ushanka

Razdalsya golos so stotony parashi.

you are 20% slav, at least kosovo is (which are 96% albanian)


How are your teeth, mate? Managing to keep most of them in?

>имплaйинг чтo oни вooбщe cyщecтвyют...

they have nice haircuts

cossacks are the DNR guys supporting Russia. They do not consider themselves ukrainian..

>Le funny teeth meme XDXD
Go back to Pledit, retard.

What type of chicks are those? They don't look like your ordinary chick.

Пpoкcю cними, жoпa. :3

speak white, mehmet

He is a troll. Take it easy.

Cossacks are a gay subhuman subculture in Ukraine and Russia now.


He, тaк пpикoльнee

I wouldn't put Slovenia in top, simply because of the degeneracy. Our schools, at least the gymnasiums have at least 5 degenerates per 25 people. Maybe it is only because of my extended social sircle, but society wil be pozzed in about 20 yrs.

Found the proxy-hohol

>GOD tier:

can't be bothered to sort the rest, but czech is the only god tier

Someone got triggered.

also how are poles better than serbs?

>nerazumije varijaciju slavenskog jezika
>nisi bijel ako ne govoriš ruski ili drugi primitivna slavenski jezik
Top cuck bajo


Thing about Czechs is that they are largely Germanic, so they can not completely be called Slavs. This is why Hitler loved Czechs, he saw them as brothers.

Russians are tough since many Russians have Varangian blood. They are mostly Slavic though, no denying that.


I see what you did there JIDF.