Brit/pol/ - Nige on holiday Edition


>Thread theme:

>Today's Papers 7/9/16

>Britain to build the Great Wall of Calais

>Brexit offers Britain a 'tremendous opportunity', Australian minister says

>Calais refugees in race from Jungle to Britain before camp is bulldozed

>EU nationals living in UK 'cannot be identified'

>UK to explore free trade deal with Australia

>Grammar school ban could end, government memo lets slip

>Labour backbenchers turn on Keith Vaz, as scandal-hit MP's seat on party's ruling body remains in doubt

>6 days until the new fiver

>Question Time on Thursday at 21:00

Other urls found in this thread:


Western things Muslims like
>Freedom of speech
>Freedom of religion
>High standard of living
>A safe society with public order

Western things Muslims don't like
>The struggle to preserve our culture from being destroyed by immigration
>The fact that our countries are being attacked illegally
>White people basically

Third for the Queen, Long live the Queen!


>Calais refugees


Also for anyone interested new Jahans video

Muslims don't like those things, they just like getting away with it.

Enoch loved Ulster and you should too.

What do we think of building a wall in Calais? is it going to happen?

When is the wall to be completed lads?

I bet you that was written by some fat, white teenage girl


keith vaz

Ha, jokes on them, the Queen will never die, these digits confirm it

Where my KHVs at?
Can I fix this at uni?

I wonder who is behind this

My BBC world service app is telling me that PMQs are live right now, but I can't watch because I don't have a fucking TV license.
Anybody have a link?

>being a republican

>Literally asking parliament to legislate treason

what is this?

kek, this


They would almost certainly lose, the Queen is extremely popular and the monarchy in general would be riding on her popularity for a year or so after she dies. Also Will and Kate are both hugely popular as well.

Pic related, its the alpha as fuck guy who wrote the article

You had one job user


> Hawaiian people don't want tourists


Ok have fun becoming a third world country.

Handholdless or Hugless

>somethings worked brilliantly since the glorious revolution
>lets change it

Fucking yahoos

The elephant man would get a shag on freshers week fill your boots

Which Uni you going to user? I've first year in Swansea, leaving in two weeks today, so hyped for it


>tfw mates all fell for the uni meme and you'll be completely alone for the next year wageslaving
h-hope they enjoy their mountains of debt in a few years time


>tfw have had multiple opportunities to lose my virginity but have turned each of them down

Lancaster desu. Not looking forward to it. Scared of normies.

Any advice, lad?

t. virgin off to uni in 3 weeks


Because you're saving yourself for the right woman?

Everyone who goes to London should be issued with one of these.

nip into holland and barrett's and grab us some yoghurty peanuts lad

Paul Weston (Liberty GB leader) was memeing Gordon yesterday.

Do you think he browses Sup Forums?

Pretty much, I didn't really find any of the women who offered to have sex with me attractive, the only girl I have ever been in a relationship with was so desperate for sex that it turned me off her completely.

get me some whey protein

Fucking hell. Probably does.


Just go to Uni user, society is fucked, might as well learn something and get laid before the ship sinks

You'll be fine lad, theres a fellow shitposter that goes to Swansea that I am going to meet up with, post about and see if anyone else is /Lancaster/

This my lad, is proper

Defo, no one but pol knows Jahans

>Not kissless
>Have hugged and held hands with multiple girls that aren't my mum or sister
>tfw virgin

I'm 22. I should go about changing that last one, but I prefer staying and watching cool mech things than going out to bang.

>he didn't go to uni

University in the UK is now just being given money and going to do whatever the fuck you want, whether it's something you just enjoy doing/that challenges you or if it's something you want to use for a career.

If you don't get a high paying job, the debt is literally irrelevant - and when you do get a high paying job, the repayment is a very small fraction of your earnings. It's essentially no win, no fee. Plus the debt is wiped after a certain number of years if not paid back (most student loans now will not be paid back in full, what the fuck the SLC and treasury were thinking is beyond me).

The current scheme is a joke, the only thing worth moaning about it is that teenagers can take advantage of such a ridiculous loan scheme to do whatever the fuck they want for three years and basically never have to worry about it.

Don't stay in your room and hide away.
Go to all the freshers events and join clubs.
Drink slightly less than everyone else.
Once Freshers is over do study just cramming for exams is pointless and you'll end up with a degree but no employable skills.

Nah mate, choccy raisins is where it's at.

Basic income when?

>Mark Carney says Bank of England actions staved off UK recession

No thanks.


I can see why the Tories must be scared.

Post your favroite pot noodle lads

That's fucked up. They don't have respect for the Royal family whose blood kept Britain's order and safety for several hundreds of years.

He should try to be professional and not reply to spackers on twitter imo

they would get fucking rekt lmao

go to uni, it's great. 2009 best year of my life

Jokes on you, my parents are paying for me to go.

>jokes on them

Careful lad, they've got 35,000 supporters. That's nearly as many as the Lib Dems.


Excited for question time.

Get out commie scum

Honestly no politician should be sitting around fucking with gordon on twitter like some giggling Sup Forumsack

Can someone give me a tldr of why everyone is obsessed with this autist?

I cant make it more than a few seconds into the videos because everything looks and sounds so fucking disgusting

Uni this weekend lads, good thing I'm a normie, might join the conservative society and irl shitpost about mummy-may.

>Absolutely comfortable

>why everyone is obsessed with this autist?

>everything looks and sounds so fucking disgusting

That's pretty much it


Actually I'm libertarian. I agree with basic income so we can do more of the things commies don't like, such as get rid minimum wage, corperation tax, maternity leave and the benefits system.

I would also like some uni advice if any of you have it?



five for a quid and you get more in each one, pot noodle is blatant merchantry

This has to be bait

How do we feel about the new fiver lads?

Literally the only one that doesn't make me vomit.

Top kek

Its funny

What on Earth are you doing on Sup Forums? Basic income is a pretty terrible idea, I'd much rather be taxed than have to pay for someone elses income



No wonder you lads don't shag your women anymore.

Pretty nice lads, I hope they don't Jew it up by putting any women other than the Queen, Thatcher or May on it

>you want free ringding?

>tfw my mate is borking maisie

How many people were mad that Churchill was chosen to be on the new fiver? Please share with us some of the salt, I enjoy getting angry at buttblasted faggots.

>he wouldn't meddle with tweddle
You a batty boy?

Thanks doc.

What the fuck is this Fabric bollocks I keep hearing about

It was just a nightclub right?

>one of the only uniquely British traditions
>want to get rid of it

we used to behead traitors, now we give them newspapers

why does there need to be an advert for this?


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck ooooooooooooooofffff

Just had a massive falling out with my sister because I said Blacks aren't as intelligent her only recourse? 'Muh Slavery' As a reason.

Stack up on your old 5 quid notes, lads

whats wrong with kerry katona there?

Not bait. We already pay the same amount in benefits, this just consolidates it and makes it equal.

>I'd much rather be taxed than have to pay for someone elses income

You do now, you just don't get anything back from it.

Good, I was planning to do all that anyway.
And it is really that easy during Freshers?

Ugly Anglos on suicide watch.

Who /unimpressedbynewiPhone/ here?

It's all just outdated, copied tech.

I quite like it. Shame we're behind the Aussies with the plastic notes but it looks decent.

Fuck the queen.

>mfw normies get triggered by race differences