/jahans/ general - Sammy the Hamster edition

The saga continues with Alex Gordon Jahans himself joining us on Discord, as confirmed by his twitter. Alex confirmed that his hamster, Sammy, climaxed in his presence. Yes, you read that correctly. More info will be added as it becomes available.

Discord: discord.gg/X5bKA

Other urls found in this thread:


As an aside, would you guys also stop saying that everything posted here is fake? If we can confirm that Alex made a hamster cum, some suspension of disbelief is warranted.


I did the hard work, now all you have to do is send it to Jahans (@farshnuke) and his father (@KeithJahans) on twitter.

For example, this might be bullshit.

This probably isn't.

Fortunately now we have confirmation that people are actually 'wiping their noses' on pictures.

jesus christ



Seriously though, can someone send this to them? I want to be one step removed atleast from the act of actually sending it.

>two hours

Where do you faggots come up with the time to listen to this spergimus maximus?

in case you get extradited for jacking off?


Oh wait that's TRS my bad. Gotta listen to that.

Still question remains.

Being NEET like the good prophet Jahans!

it's a ten minute long Esoteric Jahanist piece which starts at 2h8m

All I know is that Britain literally arrests people for harassment on the internet and I don't want to be involved in some British law enforcement contacting me about jacking off on an old lady's picture. If it was like Russia or something I wouldn't care but Britian acts like little bitches about the internet.

Can anyone confirm that actually is him in the discord

I can't think how anyone could possibly find two spare hours in a week.

Relevant part starts at 2hrs 8min.

Duuuude, no need to cum on his mum

wew lad
this is tough to listen to

>i did not have sexual relations with that hamster

he posted the link on his twatter

yes, it is alex on the discord

It's him, he tweeted about it before

I'm on minute 30. I listen while in the car or doing errands.

Thank you Sup Forums for introducing us to esoteric jahanism.

As a follower of Esoteric Jahanism I live a celibate life of social isolation with nothing but a computer connected to the internet for the purpose of receiving the esoteric teachings of our Lord and a pissjug full of blackcurrant squash for company.

I'm pretty sure that Socrates quote is originally a tad more succinct.

I've already reported you to the authorities.

People have feelings, jokes can go too far.

""Freedom"" of speech is the most haram shit I've ever heard.

Too late I decided to use my VPN

So is this guy the Sup Forums version of CWC or what?

no, cwc is the cwc of Sup Forums


Do his sister next. Jahanny boy will keep that one

Can't help you mate, I don't want to get my internet license taken away.

AGJ was in the latest AFK episode from based Common Filth.

He starts at 7:35


I got kicked lads

This is what the average nuclear family will look like in 2021.

Can we get to date?
It would be so Jahanic!

>i have an open relationship
>i'd think it was hot if my woman slept with another man

he's a lost cause boys

Your jizz is too watery user, stop jacking off so much.

Operation Kevins Redemption


Is this gonna happen?

underrated poast

no hope for him


I got kicked from the discord for this:

I'm in



literally all his fiction writing is about this

Shouldn't we just take Mike Enoch's advice and leave him alone? he's only going to get worse and worse and it reflects badly on us

He's actively speaking with the hate base on Discord now.

I'm not following, who is the cringey guy in op's picture and whose the old guy getting triggerd on fb?
What gold have I missed?

He's so slow at typing fuck

>you will never fuck Rebecca Jahans four ways from Sunday so loudly that her autistic, genetic failure of a brother has to bang on the wall to tell you to keep it down

What discord is he on?


its kinda crazy considering how long some of his stories are

>you now read this is in Jahans' voice

never knew i wanted this so much

rumor has it his sister moved just to get away from him
they're not friends on facebook

Seeing the cum pic of his mum on discord made my night lmao

how can we fix modern men?

with a gun

what a fucking savage

Might be an advantage when he decides to be Alexandra.

How do you guys really know it's him in the discord?

oy vey

doing the due

Considering his Kallman's syndrome there's a 5-10% chance he has micropenis. He's alluded to some parts of his body being "undersized and oversized." I think we've already seen the oversized bits so he may just be making a statement of fact here.


i think he talks about having a small dick in one of his videos


He said he pees on himself when he sits down to piss

Am I the only one who sees a resemblance?