Rachel McAdams

>Rachel McAdams
>38 years old
>never married
>no kids
tick tock, bitch

I'd let her harvest my semen if you know ...

>still one of the most attractive and desirable women in hollywood

it's a shame she has never been given any truly incredible scripts, she's worthy of Oscar winner and sex symbol tier

The fuck is up with Sup Forumss obsession with the conventional family?

>38 y/o
>tick tock

She's already past the point of no return retard.

>what's peoples obsession with the way things have been forever

Shes a lesbian user.

kek, why so many 20 something guys in this board have that soccer mom/conservative church lady mentality?

Russian propaganda bots

Maybe she doesn't want to have kids?

>Lost in the shuffle of the career of this foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress who is beloved is the time she got pregnant, went into hiding and then had the baby. That she had the baby is known by more than a few people. You can’t just have someone like her give birth and have a 100% lockdown. Fewer people know who is raising the baby, but it is a family member who suddenly had a baby one day. What I have always wondered is who the father of the baby is. Is it the actor who we would all want her to have the baby with under normal circumstances or is it that two week hookup she had. Those are the two big possibilities.

>and is not now more than ever

Different cultures have different family systems. Not all cultures adhere to the nuclear family.

Sup Forums is just projecting itself.


It's clearly a choice she's made, it's not like landing a guy and getting pregnant would be any great difficulty for her.

>being married and having children is only part of "the nuclear family"

Not everyone wants kids, OP. You wouldn't understand.

They don't, it's just that most of the clowns on this board are pedophiles who consider any girl older than 18 a hag.

The internet hasn't been around forever you retarded hypocrite. kys.

if you don't have children by 30 you failed at life

you can argue whatever bullshit modernism you want but in the end you can't even fulfill the most basic human goal

Because despite being autistic losers we still mange to be more emotionally than degenerate normies.

The father was Gosling btw.


Some women can have children at that age. It's not as rare as you think.

You're fucking delusional user..


oh yes mentally challenged children

cleaning your 11 year olds son ass now that's living the dream

Those kids probably have brain problems and other deformities.

>when you're made to feel like so much of an outsider at high school that you identify with reactionary conservative values just in an effort to be 'different'

>he's wants a son like fucking Chris Chan

Get him to do a Thomas the Tank Engine/ Yu-Gi-Oh comic

or maybe shes a bitch like jennifer Aniston

>behold: my argument

actually the correct and accurate term for a child born with a cognitive disability would be developmentally delayed, you retarded cunt.

Who are you quoting?

women who don't have kids are at a greater risk of vag cancer

Some women can have children at 45, kids are autists though.

Lmao this is such horseshit. Theres plenty of people who are able to that choose not to

>39 yo
>no husband
>no kids

whats the deal with all the actresses and their rotten uteruses?


Forever meaning the last few hundred years exclusively in the west, faggot. Learn some history.

>feminism convinces them to focus on career
>by the time they decide what they really wanted all along was just a man and kids they're past the point of no return

>this is what normies think
Sorry but the world doesn't revolve around your degeneracy. This is literally the mindset of HS carried on into your adult life. So sorry you can't get your mind out of the mindset of a cliquey 16 year old.

>basic human goal
Says who? I am 25, never having kids, because I choose not to. I reject that "goal" because I have other things I want to do in life that kids would interfere with.

Apparently the two aren't fond of one another.

>monogamous marriage that produce children are something only ebil white colonialists have done
Gas yourself.

>dude who cares if you fail st your only objective biological purpose lol its like whatevs XD

Are you bitter because you failed?

she's a closet lesbian

Seen that before in this board, the idea of a woman who doesn't want to have children as a goal in life really makes them angry. They're the kind of losers that make the cancer-tier feminists believe they are right in everything.

>promoting highly reactionary family values on a laotian pot making website

Why don't you show her your BWC and breed her?

Generation Z are a bunch of straight edge virgins that have a warped view of what life is supposed to be like

They need to go offline, do some drugs and enjoy life before it's too late

what did she ask him to do?

Holy shit that kid is like the Luke Skywalker of actors.

Wtf is generation z

By your definition Jesus, Nikola Tesla and Isaac Newton were failures.
Lmao they're remebered way after their death while no one cares about the normalfags that had kids during their respective time periods.

She doesn't like men, she just has that face, the gaydar alarm's go off everytime I see her.

no one knew who Tesla was 15 years ago


Born between 1990 and 2000
A significant aspect of thisgenerationis the widespread usage of theInternetfrom a young age; members of Generation Z are typically thought of as being comfortable withtechnology, and interacting onsocial mediawebsites for a significant portion of their socializing. Some commentators have suggested that growing up through theGreat Recessionhas given the cohort a feeling of unsettlement and insecurity.

>reactionary is somehow an insult
Enjoy being miserable your whole life because you lack anything greater than yourself.

the point is that people have and will remember their legacy for far longer than the genetic one of their peers

I didn't fail. The Jews made me fail since they have brainwashed women into not wanting me because they fear me passing on my superior intellectual genes.

t. knocked up his girlfriend on prom night

>look! these great men didn't do thing, so if I don't do thing I'll be as great as they are!


>likening himself to the fucking Christ, a guy who looked like David Bowie and the guy who invented gravity because he didn't have kids

Pretty sure not all childless people end up like them user

I already failed at life by being born with autism, I'm not passing my broken genes.

>reactionary family values

Wanting kids and a family is now reactionary? Why stop there, let's call it revolutionary.

Clearly being from a generation that saw an explosion of divorce, single mother homes and an implosion of the family structure with half siblings and plastic parents.. we're just not qualified to talk about the results of that. We're some kind of nazis for suggesting it wasn't a good thing in the end, even though nearly all predictors for future success and staying away from crime and drugs have extremely high correlations to the family home.

Just dig your heels in and repeat "hedonism is a virtue" like a fucking mantra. I can't believe we've seen the left turn into the conservatives.

So im a millenial and generation z?

Im not him, but he's not saying you can't chose not to.

He's saying if you dont have kids you are a failure biologically. And from a purely biological standpoint he's correct. The entire point of of your existence, from the point of view of your DNA, is for you to pass on your genes. This is also what defines "success" to a geneticist if they were studying you. Everything you have done, everything you will do, everything you are is for the purpose of successfully procreating.

You can still live a happy and fulfilling life of course without doing so, but strictly speaking from scientific point of view, and definitely from you DNA's pov, you would be a genetic failure.

Or maybe the fact that the vast majority realize that they'll never be able to do what their grandparents and many of their parents did, which is work for a company their whole life and settle down. They realize that the system is working again the rational goals of normal people, which is stability and thus security and that combined with having grown up without a lot of social taboos and peer pressure... yeah you see where I'm going with that

>m-muh white family and future
>*masturbates to 2D waifus and has never held a girl's hand*

Nice strawman

Kek, spotted the virgin.

>I'm choosing not to have kids guys, I have so much sex, I love grabbing those bags of sand.

She only likes big cocks

what did she mean by this?

This is why.

It's no use, these fucks will either realize one day on their own that they're miserable or they never will and they'll continue to contribute to the moral, historical, social, and ethnic decay of the West.


for the record my mom had me at 38 and I came out fine
you know why? didn't take any vaccines

I got you good, huh?

but it is reactionary. you advocate a return to the old systems of societal organisation which have existed for years and years. there is nothing inherently wrong in changing family values, it's just the change that you're scared of. embrace it brother, it's all good. crime is always dropping, just love your fellow man

>empowered woman

>one chance at leaving something of yours behind, to mark your spot in the universe, to turn the fleeting moment of your lifetime into something eternal
>nah better get cheap sex with sluts and money lol

the absolute state of this generation, jesus christ

why do you hate women user

She brought down the quality of True Detective.



Niggers bring down the quality of life

>because I have other things I want to do in life
Like post on Sup Forums?

fantastic argument

that was the writers. also fuck off

You're browsing Sup Forums. You didn't come out fine.

She could always put some sperm in the sperm bank, oh wait she can't shes a woman AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

and yet you still won't kick off the day of the rope

I got to know women in their 30s.
They started freezing eggs to use later and still have healthy babies.
It's like a fad nowadays. I'm talking about cultured women with careers in first place. Not coal burners obviouly.

Have you started a family yet? Or are you too busy posting on Sup Forums?

Waaa I can't work a manual labour job all my life and come home to my wife and 6 kids

Let me screetch about it on twitter and Facebook 9 hours a day while blaming everyone else

Their grandparents generation had it shit. The majority of the world had it shit after the second world war.

Their parents generation, well that's different

I find it hard to understand why rich woman wouldn't want to have kids, you have the resources to ensure the best chance of their success and you can still have a great social life, along with a type transcend love and joy that defines the human experience. And to give that up just to fuck around..

If your a useless neet , physically ill or not relatively wealthy I can complete understand not having kids.