What does Sup Forums think about pic related

what does Sup Forums think about pic related

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I think you got lost on your way to /r9k/

It's okay omega, we don't completely hate you.



>tfw you will be single forever

Then you join "Club 27". Fun place, full of celebrities.

ugly girls , if dont learn with them you will never get the good ones

then is a fat SJW meme they pass around on social media

dont expect anything better than ugly girls when you are an ugly guy

pretty simple stuff, people just don't want to admit they are ugly


Im 27 and this is accurate.

Dating a semi-ugly girl, it rocks. She's kind, caring, easy going, does shit around the house without giving me hell for it, and has a fucking amazing body bc she works hard to improve the one thing she can

Only down side is she once burned the coal. I'm slowly redpilling her though

I'm 26 (27 next month) and I'm getting better girls than before. Even my 50yr old uncle got a sweet cute 20yr old with gigantic ass. There is hope

single all the way

Just date younger women if you don't want to be a step-dad

My big brother told me if you want an easy ticket just make a beautiful woman pregnant with your child, now they are married and he pumped out two more kids out of her isnt that just sweet my bro didnt have do any dating bullcrap he got to the prize in short time.

After about age 24 or so there are very, very few good choices left. You're best possible bet is grad school women, and then only if you're a graduate student yourself. Even if you're an electrician pulling down just shy of $90k a year by yourself, they don't care. All about that social prestige.

unlike 27 year old women 27 year old men are desirable

I'm 27 and at this exact point. It's looking like single forever because even "ugly" girls are too good for me. The only girls who ever show even remote interest are morbidly obese. I thought I might at least have a shot in college, but it turns out I'm just as big a loser there as anywhere else.

You're missing the 4th option though OP.

Me too. At least we have Trump

what the hell are you trying to say

>ass fag

Im 29 and I fuck 19 year olds. You're thinking women. Mens value goes up with age cause of resources.

>tfw some roasted thinks that you'll spend your hard earned salary to raise her niglet

>tfw your only choice was single forever
oh well no step-dad bullshit

>Not cumming in some dumb 18yo instead

its a shitty option but a better one

/r9k/ is like, that way, my dude

Thank god south east asia exists

>Im 29 and I fuck 19 year olds.

Any tips? I realize that there's something wrong with me, but I can't figure out what it is specifically. I'm not ugly, I shower regularly, and don't think I'm completely autistic when I interact with people. I'm not a wizard, but I haven't even been to second base in years.

Are you retarded? Killing yourself would still equal single forever. Inb4 necrophilia joke.

Single forever is better than being a literal cuck senpai.

more like

>having prime 18 y/o pussy
>travelling and enjoying your hobbies
>fucking scorts

The uglier the bitch the tighter the pussy. All these permavirgins need to get out and get laid for fucks sake I'm tired of these threads.

Ugly girl because they don't age as bad as beautiful ones.

Tfw 20 year old electrician with an attractive long term gf

im 32, single and banging hot bitches... that pic is bullshit. Just dont be a fucking fedora edglord from autismland

This is actually accurate........for women.

I would only be a step dad if she was a widow.

>You're best possible bet is grad school women,
career women are shit tier
Most conservative churches usually have excess single women that start to panic when they near 30

>women projecting this hard

sorry ladies, but I don't have the same biological clock as you do.

I know you desperately want to believe that I do. But I don't.

>Not getting together with an educated 21 year old who is on the cusp of entering the workforce after further education.
Best time to de-retard a girl m8, especially when you have 5 years or so of life experience on them. If you do it right, you can show a girl at that impressionable age how to live a happy life and she will always be emotionally attached to you.

I choose to be single forever.

>Ugly girls
>implying you're not just as ugly but more fucked in the head.

Denials a bitch

it's not a shitty option. If you aren't manly enough to be able to steer and mold an EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL, literally the most malleable brain on earth, then no, you shouldn't be knocking up an 18 year odl girl, because you obviously have no powers of persuasion


>just met cute Christian 18 year old who's THICK

Am I gonna make it bra's?

>educated 21 year old

kek dumb bitch is in a club at that age here bruv

Post thickness.

> Dating an ugly face girl who once saw a black man and thought yeah ill shove his dick deep inside of me

>Hidden option: wife someone 9 years younger than you and redpill her before the feminists ruin her

You're right. I just figured that if you're dead, forever doesn't mean very much.

> All these permavirgins need to get out and get laid for fucks sake

I tried. Women under 200 pounds treat me like I've got flesh eating bacteria or something and I'm just not desperate enough to fuck those whales. I'd rather die than endure the ages long quest to find a pussy through all folds, the inevitable smell, and then the horrible sound of labored attempts at breathing as their heart pumps faster than at any other time in their life besides when the microwave dings.

You would be amazed at how many graduate students drop their careers when they realize it makes them unhappy as fuck. However they all pair of with other grad students and produce that highly educated couple that puts off kids until it's too late and gets dogs instead. It's literally IRL meme.

I waited too long to get my shit together. Personal problem, assuming responsibility. However to anyone reading this who is younger than me (29) get your shit together fucking now. Life doesn't wait for you to figure it out.

this is scary accurate

my plan is to buy land so that my wife and family are separated from the degeneracy and I have more influence over how much they are exposed to and when

>risk the 1 good thing in my so far shitty life, so some anonymous posters can jack off

Gonna have to pass bud.

>18 year old who's THICK
she is going to look good for maybe another 4 years at best then just get fat

Opposite problem here. I only focused on girls and never really got my shit together. I have the job that I do now through literal nepotism. I'm working hard to get it together now though, but I'm extremely behind my peers in a lot of areas.

>20 years
>long term

once you go black, we dont want you back

This is the only legitimate option.

I went with single forever

I didnt want to jack off, I just wanted to go hrrng.


if you're a 18-19 year old guy you're only good for bf bitch mostly. youth is a quality in women.

Shit, you're me nine years ago. I wouldn't consider the 4th option, though. Not even on the menu. There's too much fun shit to do.

Being a step dad doesn't make you a cuck. It's a very common thing and even if the child is black it's good to have some diversity in your family.

Wut? I'm 27 and girls practically chase after me now. Remember when you were 21 and all the qts were going with older guys? Now you are the older guy. It helps if you are swole and well established financially too.


Younger girls are a pipe dream for most males. The older you get, the less contact you make with young chicks. What mid 20's male even has 18 year olds in his social circle? Where are you meeting young girls when you're 29? They can't even go to bars in the US.

Truth is you're going to have to settle. You had your chance to get hot teens when you were a teen yourself, you missed the boat.


Already getting her on a diet and work out plan bud.

I'd advise every young user here to start working out immediately, if only so your chick has no excuse.

>They can't even go to bars in the US.
Dont go to bars
Go to church

Untrue. Women are trophies men are athletes you can do way better as a man because you have value outside of your holes.

To do that you'd have to marry them long before it is legal, girls start having sex at 14. I even know a couple who lost it at 13.

>You had your chance to get hot teens when you were a teen yourself, you missed the boat.

We didnt miss anything, they ruined their entire chances are life, and we can just fuck 10/10's all we want.

This is truly fucked.
I am only 22 and I'm at the crossroads.
All the good looking girls are taken or they have children.

I dated a chick with a kid for a while. She was really hot, but I couldn't stand dealing with the kid and the idea of raising another man's child.

Really, at this point it's either single forever or ugly chicks.

Unless you marry a widow to become a stepdad, you are a cuck.

>girls start having sex at 14.
those are the ones you want to avoid


Being in a club doesn't mean you are a dumb stacey despite what the esteemed intellectuals at /R9k/ think. Most girls at that age are either going to go down the path of being a 'free spirit', a career path or a path of dicking about.

You want to get the intermediate 'free spirits' the ones who smoke weed occasionally, drink red wine and are pretty chilled, open minded etc. but not cunty and seduce them before they realise how much better they are than other women and become cunty

Top tier girlfriends are Psych Nurses or A&E Nurses though. Best communication by far and very little bullshit.

what kind of shit-tier pleb class single women are you associating with that all have kids at the age of 27?

I am not opposed to prostitutes but I don't need them either.

Well get your shit together! Nah I'm not going to harp that, because you know that already.

For real though looking back at the situation that generated my current social status I have to say I've come to a pretty stark realization: The demand was that I elevate my personal worth as an individual to grandiose levels to stand a chance. So I go into really good shape, worked my butt off to get a really good job, bought a car, my own place, ect ect... Talking it over with my based Grandpa after I was still single after doing everything I was "supposed" to is because the value dynamic of women has totally been fucked up in the intervening 50 years between us. Your average woman has artificially inflated her self worth up about 2 points on a ten point scale. So 7's are walking around thinking their 9's, and 9's are thinking they're gods among mortals. It's kind of embarrassing because eventually they hit the wall and spaz the fuck out. I'm starting to see this a lot more in my age bracket, and I do nothing but sit back and laugh.

The system is fucked gents. It's going to burn down in our lifetime.

>eternal pessimism

weak will is a sickness that is not beholden to the aryan

It's been 4 years so far and I'm planning on proposing soon. Things are going swell and we were both virgins when we started and she knows about telegony so she is stuck with my genes and I want my kids to be fully mine so the situation is ideal for both of us for that reason alone.

Except at 27 you can easily get good-looking girls between 19 and 24 who don't have kids.

Never fall for the fucking step-dad meme.

Why not tinder hot teens?
Still degenerate, but it's the best way to exploit this fucked up system until we can fix it

Have 3 good pics from high points in your life, don't be ugly, write 10 words and start swiping

I agree these gender relations are fucked up though

Holy shit the comment section on that video is exactly as autistic as I thought it would be

Fucking happens in highschool, but that's before the degeneracy is imprinted on their skull by the academic brainwashing system.
Also if you care that much about muh virginity then get an ugly Asian wife or steal a muzzie if you're so insecure about teenagers fucking

There is nothing wrong with being single forever

I completely agree. You just can't fucking win these days. One minute you think you need the big boy job, the car, your own place, then you find out shes cheating on you with a 27 year old that lives at home, smokes weed every day and has never held a real job. You just can't win with western women. I gave up on them awhile ago, saving my sheckles and am going to move to either south america or south east asia.

True, but most aren't virgins by 18, then you have to find one willing to go out with an older man, and also one who you get on with and are attracted to.

I had an ugly, fat and stupid girl for about a month. It was okay, but she liked too much stupid shit for her age, like watching the Brendan Frasier George of the jungle at age 24.

I broke up with her. But man I miss having a pussy and boobs to play with.

Friend of mine recommend fetlife.com, but it's full of weirdos.

Just interact with as many people as you can. Always try and do something on the weekends that involve people. Never turn down an invitation to anything if you got nothing to do. My little cousin invited me to a thing at her house and I met a guy and through that guy I'm part of social circle that includes lots of 20 yo girls that dig older guys.

It can be taught I suppose but most PUA shit out there is a combo of bullshit and common-sense. Just strikeout up til you get a hit.

Not true. My dad got married in his 30s to a woman younger than him and she had no kids.

This was about 24 years ago so things are probably different.

> Nurses

Biggest sluts of them all m8

>tfw kissless virgin at age 26
Quite the pleasant feel, actually. Couldn't care less about ugly 3D whores. The money just keeps piling up and I have so much free time, it's insane. Every second of it is spend on the hobbies I love and working out. Never felt lonely for a single day in my life.

It's basically true.

The roads run parallel for a while though. You have to about 35 to pick "Step dad" and then it's gone.

Then you have to about 40 to pick "ugly girl" At which point you're on the "single forever" road.

Then you got about 10 years of denial, but then you are
>Highest age risk for suicide.
>4 x male bonus.
>2 x Caucasian bonus
>4 x single bonus

Basically an hero waiting to happen.

I think you waited until you were 27 to grab your balls and those 3 choices are the possible consequences of being such a useless idiot.

>All you plebs wanting to bang 18 year olds when there are states where 16 is legal.

She also made me go to hot topic and Spencer gifts. I haven't been in those places sincemail middle school. I'm 30 btw.

Complete dead fish in bed too. Stinky pussy, and not a peep out of her no matter what I did. First girl I've been with that I couldn't get to cum. It was awful.

That omega wolf is a boss. The rest of the pack can't even handle him.

Single 26 year old in denial detected.