What is his end game?
What is his end game?
Steal as much as he can (Panama leaks showed he has at least $2bills) and fuck off to his castle in France
To destroy America, the EU and NATO.
Crushing globalism with Donald Trump. Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Clintons, Soros, and the rest of the elites are in panic mode.
Provide a safe existence for his people and nation , staving off Western/Jewish warmongers
Be a Jewish lap dog and retire as the richest most corrupt politician in history
to shitpost Sup Forums into oblivion
shills always turn reality on it's head
The US is Israel's bitch, everyone knows this. The US sends it's young goyim off to die for Israel in the Middle East. Iraqu, Afghanistan, Syrai, Lebanon those were all for the Jews. The Jews even own the US central bank
WWII was also for the jews
Allies = stupid goyim