Why are liberals so shitty at memes?

Why are liberals so shitty at memes?

>want Trump to be called Drumpf
>Not calling Hillary Clintonsteinburg

They can only follow. The whole movement is about feeling good for doing the least amount of work possible. Currently liberals dont need to do anything other than give up the future of their country to other people. In doing so they think "Yay! Im a good person!"

>Why are liberals so shitty at memes?
KEK hates them

>Trumps ancestor changes last name to avoid facing prejudices targeted towards Germans
>Jon Oliver bullies him for it


memeing takes skill...that much is true. but it also takes heart.

Because it never comes from the heart.

Ha, two idiets, one thought.
Have a good evening, dear bonger!

they're trying really hard

the joke never made sense though, most of our non-anglo ancestors tweaked the surnames to work better with English pronunciation. That and sometimes people just tweak or change their surname, sometimes to avoid racism.

Also people will mistake that hat for the real one and get beaten up by niggers.

It's nearly impossible to be funny and virtue signal at the same time, especially when being funny isn't considered as important.

Because fundamentally memes are a subversive form of humour that does best when it undermines traditional power. Liberals refuse to admit it but they ARE the power holders and establishment, hence, it's easy as fuck to rip the shit out of them.

for those who are keeping up on current year man has ALT Right been tackled yet

because they tend to be more feminine and females can't into humor

>females can't into humor
To be fair, there are exceptions (pic. related).

>Implying Mrs. Doubtfire wasn't hilarious.

>this leaf

>Give me your best, I'll judge

Everythingis central planning to a leftist. Nothing organic.
> muh roads
So the genuinely believe people have to be taught something is funny before they laugh. Which is why so many memes of theirs are forced. Real people on the other hand will try something, and sometimes it sticks, sometimes not. But they move on, unlike leftist who keep pressing be it failed policies or a joke that bombed.

Because to flourish, memes require
1) A malleable subject
2) A creative audience to take advantage of that
3) A community which will encourage the good and reject the bad.
4) Knowledge of when to let go

Liberals simply cannot use memes because their audience rejects the idea of thinking for themselves, their communities are absolute echo chambers, and they refuse to let something die so long as they can virtue signal with it, because everything they've been told by the media racist smears says that screaming a name at someone works if you do it for long enough.

Compare and Contrast Jeb!, or Rato's various memes with Drumpf.
We got things like please clap, the delegates, the zodiac killer, turtles, guac bowls. We encouraged each other to go for creativity, made plenty of varied creations for each, and petered out as they slowly became irrelevant. They still live, but mainly as a throwback or the odd reference.

Now what about Drumpf? It's a silly name, and a strawman about immigration. That's literally it.
It's been forced painfully hard, but there's nowhere to go with it.
Hell, even Sup Forums has made more material from mocking how forced it is than any of the liberals have about the actual attempt.

So to answer your question, OP, liberals will fail at memes so long as they keep hold of their sheep mentality, echo chambers, shameless media and virtue signalling

Kek will never grant them the power of meme magic

Pretty good explanation, bong. Props.

What you talking about Willis, this merch is crazy silly fresh

They force them. They want to make memes, while in Sup Forums only the best memes survive. Take "ill bill" for example. I was in the thread where it started. It begsn with someone posting the bill face and then the first post photoshoped it a little and then it went on and on.

This. Well said.



Low energy.

With the power of kek, we wield the power of the universe.

The meme magic is not with them, Kek has not granted it to them for he is on our side.

This was Larry Wilmore's problem. You know Comedy central would have done anything to keep him on but he just couldn't stop virtue signalling long enough to actually crack a joke or two. It was all just trying to sarcastically point out how shitty white people are or how fucked up some world events are. A couple jokes like that could have worked but there was genuinely no light hearted, silly, farcical content to lighten the mood.

Dark comedy can't come from a place of righteous zeal. It has to come from a place of despair. Sup Forums is full of despair.

Mrs. Doubtfire was just sad as fuck, never understood that movie. What kind of psycho decides it's a good idea to dress up in drag in front of your kids in order to be closer to them because your wifes leaving you? It was just weird

liberals cannot make good memes because they have boundaries that they will never cross. /pol and the chans have the best memes worldwide because it's the only place where there are no boundaries we are afraid to cross, take a piss on and laugh about it. and the whole anonymous aspect helps a lot, if i said anything i say here on kikebook there would be attacks on my identity and not my ideas. i can spot a 'liberal meme' very quickly because it usually sticks to their bullshit narrative of lies and deceit. they operate within a system of lies (look at clinton), so their memes don't work.

and the maek doland drumpf meme is fucking retarded and laughably ineffective. ok make him change his name back? that's not pushing a political idea it's just nitpicking and bitchingand this of course

Because liberals are so deep into their pseudo moral and ideology that they lost creativity.

You should have a free mind to be creative... The left was the counter-culture before and therefore creative... they became a rigid way of thinking...
Counter-culture and creativity are moving to the right now!

They literally paid thousands of dollars to have him walk infront of a giant sign thay said Drumpf. Seriously, yoy's probably get called an antisemite for calling Bernie Gutsman.

Because Kek does not favour them and Kek is the Lord of Memes.

Because comedy is based on truths and liberals are good at shielding themselves from the truths.

Think about how how many racial stereotype jokes that are out there.

They pay for their memes

The best memes in life are free

絶望シタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!! Sup Forumsがそんなに落ちこむなんて絶望シタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!

this hasn't been true in a long time

>Knowledge of when to let go
what. not knowing when to let go is literally the one thing has always made Sup Forums great

think about pepe

Simple, it's because they're all politically correct. You have to be willing to take risk and be offensive, to make great memes.

because they are agitated. their believes are too consistent and holistic for good humor

Sup Forums also has political views but they are contradictory, obviously assumed for the sole sake of contrarianism and often over the top and thus unpredictable and hilarious

also this place has become a literal comedy show. millions of people visit this board every month but most don't post. they only come to enjoy the show.

the conventional left's meme are designed by committee. No Hillburgs are memeing.

because they lack conviction.
you can only be passionate about something you're CERTAIN about.
they have no certainty that what they believe in is absolute, they only assume they're right and start acting above everyone else.

Revelations 3:16

"So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth."

Considering that the left is obsessed with sexuality and the fact they are all degenerates, I would be surprised if they opted for something so tame.

I'd imagine with all the "muh vagina" and "muh language" they would choose something like dildo donald or dickless donald.

There is a difference between not knowing when to let go and holding on despite knowing that you should let go.

thats from the DNC leak. campaign staff put that together for hilldawgs tweets and talking points.

What really bugs me here is the fact that actually it was neither Trump not his granddad who changed names.
He has a ancestor some when around the 30-year war who was mentioned once with the name Drumpf, but later with the name Trump.
The whole Drumpf thing might as well just been a misspelling or misunderstanding given the many German Accents and Dialects.
This is supported by the fact that Drumpf is not a German name but Trump is.
Fucking redcoat slandering German heritage...

Are Sup Forumss political views really contrary or just adjusted with realism for what might actually be achieved?

The likes of Pepe continues to thrive because it's among the most malleable content out there.

Something versatile has a far longer shelf life because it can be applied to almost anything.
Consider the likes of Bane, or Loss edits.
These will only die when the community drifts so far away that it no longer identifies with it, or if the source gets defiled so badly that people refuse to associate it.
Examples of the former would be things like shop da whoop or weegee, the latter would be rage comics, demotivators and the general style of speech.

it's amazing to think that things like epic win were not only commonplace on Sup Forums, but actually started here.

look at that fucking #cuckface
this faggot is the jew that haunted hitler in his prison nightmares.

Because liberal memes are forced and made by shills like Oliver. Our memes are organic and made by real people who actually support their cause.


Not sure but you would think him and his massive Kike media HBO are going to be cooking up some bullshit statistics and stories to roast the alt-right/us

thank you amazing bong of wisdom.
i like your arguments

Had a conversation with a friend about this recently. The truth is inherently funny. We just take ourselves too seriously at the cost of ignoring reality, which means that eventually end up becoming parodies of ourselves. Chan culture is based around socially ostracized subcultures, which means that Chans are filled with individuals who make jokes about real scenarios which enrage polite society. Mainstream culture tries desperately to pander to polite society. When you do that, your humor comes across as bland, since it lacks any shock aspect.

This is the same reason why GTA is funny. The series isn't afraid to poke fun at pretty much everything. As the player, we aren't emotionally attached to the mundane lives of NPCs in the game, meaning that we see as a parody of society. In reality, it's closer to real life than we would like to think it is.

He had 1 week to make the show, and had to make some cash cow with little time after the """"""""""""""""""""""script"""""""""""""""""""""" was done.

>I know goys let's make fun of his name xDDD that'll show people not to vote for him

>also trump is the evil old rich whitey not us please buy our 20 dollar hats

>The truth is inherently funny.
Yeah absolutely, I mean, if SJWs don't make you laugh I don't know what will...

Why do liberals have such large noses?

Memes are for children and low-brow idiots. It's like the people who think catchphrase like "git errr dun" and "you might be a redneck" are hilarious.

Liberal humor generally plays more in satire and comical observations like Carlin, Louis CK or Pryor.

People like Jon Stewart and John Olliver aren't good at meme magic because there brains just work on a more sophisticated level.

>picture not called notanargument.jpg


Make Caitlyn Bruce Again.

This is actually a thing, it's baffling.

Every self-proclaimed liberal I've met has a shitty sense of humor and CANNOT BE WITTY

It's fucking incredible.

>Memes are for children and low-brow idiots. It's like the people who think catchphrase like "git errr dun" and "you might be a redneck" are hilarious.

memes are for people at 119+ iq and

>there brains just work on a more sophisticated level

low q bait, don't just lurk more, post less.

That seems too broad, and inaccurate. The growth of a population's future cannot be completely stopped with insidious ideas of insulting others. People want a civilized means to proceed. Something that is the most honest, or to some extend suits their needs.

Now, before others attack, I am NOT a liberal. I am an independent of my own which means I make up my own mind, not by the official title.

>Have teams of several dozen underpaid interns working around the clock perusing social media, trends, and brainstorming the "sickest burns" and "best jokes"
>all jokes put in front of team of editors to determine if it can be shown, how it could be edited, how they can appeal to X demographic, Y group and whether or not it includes the "most cutting edge meme" that's a recycle facebook-spam tier macro image that was popular 3 months ago
>Instead of putting someone up there that has a comedic bone in their body and can put on at least a semi competent delivery like Stuart or Colbert, you instead park some literally who comedian in the chair and have them recite the "sick burns" the interns drew up
>After every "joke" have them mug at the camera and say "REALLY" over and over again, occasionally stopping to say "I mean... really?" and making a confused/smug face about it
>sycophantic audience hoots and hollers even at the worst jokes. Comedy is less appealing when it's clear the audience is forcing laughter at EVERY single joke and not just the really good ones

Most of those daily shows and daily show ripoffs/ late night television in general follows this formula and they all use the same jokes. For example
>X just said that we should ban Y
>plays a small soundbite meant to fit into the shows context of the joke
>Audience boos, host takes a second to make a "yeah, really" face and maybe nod their head a bit
>they raise their hands/ attempt to calm down the audience saying "no no no, let's hear them out" or "oh no, surely they meant THIS instead"
>then plays ANOTHER out of context snippet of X being hypocritical/ridiculous not to what they said, but to what the host of the show just claimed they met
>Host pretends to be speechless while audience shits their pants, does the "REALLY?" thing a few more times

>Why are liberals so shitty at memes

Dirty jokes aren't memes. Reusing the same damn joke 100 times until it's a dead horse because you lack creativity and originality is a meme.

Know the difference.

expecting drones to use and understand thought outside their comfort zones

if i get numbers which repeat the drumpfinator wins

Praise be upon kek t b h

Are you talking about terminal bill "aids" Clinton?

he's a jew