Two men encountered a pregnant woman wearing ninja suit and insulted her, when her husband confronted them, they both were beaten and had to be taken to a hospital.
Pregnant muslim woman gets kicked and her husband beaten on the streets of Barcelona
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in barcelona, the greatest and most cucked leftist shithole in the country?
guess we weren't white after all :^)
Should have stayed in their own country, sad it has to come to this bit there's no other way
Says in the article she was wearing a Niqab. So, everything but her eyes covered. And that there was some sort of injury to the women and the fetus but its not more specific.
>pepe, the face of betaness throwing a punch
Fucking kill yourself
Wow, Fucking Spain proving they're more white and have more backbone than Germanistan, Bongistan, Sweden and Frogistan. Shit like this should happen daily after muslim migrant chimpouts and attacks.
Heading in the right direction. Just kill kill kill.
i want to believe, uncuck your shit mexico of europe
I will never insult Spain again
>being this much behind with memes
Must be that slow internet.
>memes dictate my life
Kill yourself after you go praise kek you loser.
so mad lol
Jesus Auss shitposting really has gone down quality.
pls have a miscarriage
pls have a miscarriage
pls have a miscarriage
No more muslims, fuck! They're already like 2% and it's beginning to be too much.
Canadian proxy duh.
Reconquista when?
At this rate, the next one will go upwards from the Pyrenees.
>No more muslims
How can you tell them apart from native spanish shitskins? You are all of muslim blood down there anyway.
Spain NO!
They should have been beaten to death.
Moro muerto abono pal huerto
didn't know spain has Ghosthunters
By not blindly believing internet memes and stepping out of our homes from time to time.
Too bad reality doesn't support memes.
The holy crusade starts now
Wow, that's fucking horrible. It's one thing to be sceptical of mass migration; it's another to attack strangers on the street
nahh nothing to be proud of. hit a pregnant woman
Spaniard are so brave as you can see, even the nazi scum like the aggressors
wtf am i looking at
GJ, Spain. Turnabout is always fair play.
The rest of Europe has a great deal of Asian admixture and aren't as remotely "racially pure" as they believe.
Such ambiguous language I can't tell who went to the hospital
That's pretty fucked up man
A pregnant invador who was about to shit out another shitskin who will refuse to assimilate.
Besides she is wearing a garbage bag so her husband must be beating her whenever she does something wrong.
Ayy the "pure germanic" germans meme :^) They are a mix of every race in Europe yet they still think they are "100% tru aryans"
Good, hope they all end up dying in Hospital.
Less jihad babies is always good.
Post yfw this was done by a South American / not a spaniard
This is the race war we've been going on about for years you fucking kike, now you change your mind?
>American education
Pregnant muslim woman is like saying grass is green or the sky is blue, they're always fucking pregnant
Right? Nothing more insufferable than arrogant betas.
>polish education
You do realise that one person CAN still be? The charts are for the nations as a whole, not every single person contains haploids from all races, how is that not blindingly obvious holy fucking shit.
That's a chart depicting different genomes you retard, people have more than one.
Typically, southern euros not finishing the job. T. Swiss on vacation.
Beat you to it there Netherbro. Don't forget to vote for PVV!
Sorry bro, still a pregnant woman, nothing to be proud of.
About the ninja costume, if the law were really
Useful, ban the islam, and costumes and shit. but not beating a pregnant woman.
The only tihink I can say is ban th eislam, and if the islamic people dont like, open the door and go to Morocco, saudi arabia and shit
Ellos violan, matan y roban todos los días y ahora hay que ser mejores.
Fuera de aquí Pablo Iglesias.
They're literally jihadi factories.
It's fucked up they are there in the first place. This is not a just universe, a right can not always correct a wrong.
We'll have to do much more fucked up shit if western Europe is to survive.
Spain confirmed for greatest country in Europe.
I don't get it most of your politicians are cucked, but I've yet to meet a Spaniard who isn't a racist meme master.
Holy fuckin' shit
"Please don't kill pregnant muslim women they are sacred under Mohammad PBUH"
Her baby would have been a muslim, they would have had muslim children, and they would have had muslim children.
Look at the bigger picture you faggot because you're going to be extinct at this rate.
NO hay que serlo, SOMOS MEJORES, baneamos el islam y al que no le guste que se vaya a la puta mierda.
Ser mejores no implica dar la mano a quien te da el cuchillo. La violencia es necesaria para limpiar Europa.
Well done lads.
Islas Malvinas
Personalmente, considero a los putos gitanos peores que a los moros y con esos los neonazis no tienen huevos.
>Two men encountered a pregnant woman wearing ninja suit and insulted her, when her husband confronted them, they both were beaten and had to be taken to a hospital.
You really have no idea what you're talking about m8. Have you ever actually been to spain?
You might want to check your spelling on that one...
>giving free abortions to poor muslims who can't afford them
>leftists will get mad at this
I thought they liked Planned Parenthood?
Los moros cometen más crímenes y no se segregan como los gitanos.
>beating a pregnant woman
You are not white, do not flatter yourself, there are some posts you do not go past
Wow Australia. Your bant's are as shitty as irwins pants when he died. BTW yesterday was the 10yr of his death
Excuse me kind sir, my fault
Falkland Islands
Mucho appreciado compadre
Gracias a todos based crusaders de españa
Moors afuera
Moors afuera
Moors afueras
Pronto el Miami aqui en San francisco
Boy a hacker el mismo
Mi y mis amigos odimos mdslime cuchinos
>being proud of refugee-tier behavior of your own people
>visiting the shithole that is Barcelona
They got what they deserve.
It's a shame it had to come to this, but there's no stopping it now.
They will all be sent into the ovens, young and old, men and women alike.
Deus Vult.
She was wearing a garbage bag, they probably didn't even know she was pregnant. She was just another enemy.
War is hell.
My nigga
1. Spain
2. No
Fucking lol, even more of a cuck.
No, te aseguro que no comenten mas crímenes que los gitanos, échale un ojo a Villaverde Alto, Orcasitas, San Fermin, Vallecas... Por poner como ejemplo sitios que conozco. Como están esos barrios no es por culpa de los moros. A esos hijos de puta parasitarios del sistema habría que despedazares y tirarles a aguas internacionales.
truly they're the scum of the earth
Of course my white and blonde friend, of course...
Africa truly begins at the Pyrenees.
My people committing violence against invaders is justified, invaders committing violence against my people is not. The exact same action can be either justified or not completely depending on context.
That belly is not a shield which can protect her from the repercussions of her being an enemy combatant. They need to get out, now.
I thought your shit tier economy was already keeping them out? I guess this doesn't hurt either.
how is it there, you guys get a lot of them there?
Okay Abdul, nice talking to you.
De rien Diego Armando :) until we see again.
>My people committing violence against invaders is justified
>her being an enemy combatant
I bet, you don't have the balls to say all of that at loud in public in your left-wing country, dear internet-warrior :3
Unprovoked violence is literally nigger-tier, just like "knock out game".
You missed out on everything going so right user.
We warned them.
uh... what is the red, what is the yellow, etc. What does it mean.
Re-Reconquista when?
They deserved it for being complicit in trying to take over the country.
This is them fighting back.
Haploid composition in local DNA by country. Whites have high Rb1,Rb2,I1 percentages
Why were there Muslims in Barcelona?
I wouldn't go to Central Niggerstan and expect safety.
that's a start.
Hundredsbof Europeans killed by muslims throughout Europe in the last 18 months
A muslim couple pushed and shoved in the street.
Poor muslims, always victims. Never perpetrators. So sad yawn.