Where would you go to not die during SHTF/WW3?
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Bombshelter. Don't feel like getting shot by rampaging chimps so I'll stay nice and comfy in my shelter stocked with food, water and vidya.
Why run from it?
Depends on the conflict
Bumfuckville, Flyover State USA is probably a safe bet as long as there isn't anything strategically important near it (bases, power grids, natural resources)
The USA isn't going to be conquered quickly if it were even possible, somyou would have plenty of time to reevaluate that plan
I will hold out my arms and embrace it.
north india/tibet/nepal/bhutan region
basically the himalayas
praying it all holds out until feb 2017
Jew detected
The Winchester Pub
Nice try skynet.
What in the hell is that?
Holy shit.
Talk about a cucked country.
Bill clinton
There's a pretty deep rabbit hole in the Swiss alps.
go get a hooker and realize it ain't no thang
it'll be a lot easier to lay a normie gal without the delusional pressure you've set upon yourself
it's just sex
I'd go to your moms vagina, because not even an ICBM would hit that.
what in the fuck is wrong with these people
>what in the fuck is wrong with these people
Fuck off up North into the ocean of forest.
If it's for a noble cause though, I'd rather fight.
Bunkers in the swiss alps.
That and new zealand is where the elite are going
It's actually really based. The full video is about the rise from Paganism to Catholicism and their national heritage of prepardness from doomsday. Every tunnel like this is loaded with dynamite to seal themselves behind the alps if the world goes to shit. Each tunnel also has expansive bomb shelters if the world decides to piss in the neutral country's cornflakes too. I don't understand all of modern art but I think this one is pretty cool in a really really dark way.
This brit got it
By the time it's going to happen there will be Vaults from Vault-Tec.
Out to sea on any ship that hasn't left port yet. The have condensers for fresh water, you can fish for food, you could refill at any oil rig with a distillation tower, and of course shelter from nuclear fallout by being far away from land masses which are inhospitable.
Resilient community in the Midwest or Canadian prairies.
I'd move to the middle of Mississippi, not near the coast.
Best Korea
>what in the fuck is wrong with these people
Why? You fear something that is not as easy to understand as a concert of rihanna?
You fear symbols share among people of one country?
In other words... you fear culture?!
Fast fast! Go back to one of your MacDonald to get a bit of your plastic reality!
> you fear culture?!
I for one like your culture of flying angel babies with tits.
In the first video, I like the part in 2:47 where the women stick their ass out when the music stops.
chilin with bigfoot up north