Really makes you think
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Why? It wasnt our generation that did it. Get over it
They are still crying about it?
Go back to your res, Drinks Like Fish
What country?
It's worse than you think Gregor...it's everyday on kikebook
They've learned from kikes and niggers if you cry enough and appeal to emotion enough (((and are not white))) you can have everything you ask for without working towards it.
fuck off feather niggers you are stone age scum
We had no choice.
It was either you or us.
We needed the resources to save our people from imperialism.
If we didn't both of our cultures would've been destroyed.
This one actually BTFOs racists completely
>Why? It wasnt our generation that did it. Get over it
If that's really the case why do racists take pride in the achievements/inventions of other generations of whites? Get over it.
Or is it OK to be hypocritical so long as you are painted in a good light?
>be reservation nigger pre colonialism
>make woman do all the work except when its time to cannibalize another tribe and rape their women
>best time of year is when grasshoppers spawn and your whole tribe is out in the fields eating bugs just to survive
What do you fags think? Did our ancestors truly wrong the injuns?
>Or is it OK to be hypocritical so long as you are painted in a good light?
Yep. Makes me feel good, get fucked
Europeans arriving in the Americas were already familiar with Africa and the cultures of India and China. Native Americans were still living in the stone age and knew of no cultures other than their own. It's doubtful the Aztecs even knew of the Inuit people further to the north on their own landmass.
>mexican intellectuals
>rape baby of failed spanish colony
>having anything intelligent to say
Savages are savages
They just lost the game of civilization
So white supremacism is all bout feefees and feeling good in spite of contradictory logic?
Glad we cleared that up
he is right, thats what you get with unrestricted immigration
so why is it okay to do the same thing (mass immigration) whites did to natives to ourselves and modern natives with niggers?
Notice how you failed to say anything intelligent and resorted to ad hominem and race baiting instead? Lovely.
Le meme
So who I owned the land first? Probably another tribe that was wiped out or assimilated into the winning tribe.
You're gonna have to explain further. Who says it's OK?
>be spanish rape babby
>get raped by injuns
>conquered the native Americans by trade and force
>they mostly died to disease which was pretty much inevitable
Well ya know that's how humans built nations before we all had the free time and internet to do differently
I still support NA reservations, but war is war buddy. Look at how cucked Germany is after losing? Extinct within 100 years, meanwhile the Indians are some of the richest minorities on their own sovreign nations when they build casinos
Forgot to point out Amerinds are descended from Mongolian immigrants that seized land from the first Americans, who resembled Ainu and Australoid people.
Look at Spirit Cave man, Wizards beach man, Kennewick man, Lutsia, etc. Ainu/Australoid preceded Mongoloid by thousands of years.
for what?
>my country
what was the name of his country?
when was it founded?
what was the official currency?
where did he draw their borders?
what system of government does this nameless nation have?
Fuck you you dirty Indians!
All you do is talk shit about the white man, and the government. Invaded or not you fought a war and lost!
You are compensated with land, rivers, non taxable bullshit, and not to mention casinos..
God forbid a white man opens up a casino without you pow wow having, peyote sniffing//smoking animals!
Legit Indians are legit savages! Rather they like it or not it's a matter of time til big banks roll around for the rest of their lands and force them to live in our couture.
Not only will I vote for it I'll help kick them the fuck out!
Even better, the Aztecs were barely aware of the Incans, let alone Inuits.
You did not originate from this land.
Your ancestors signed documents giving us the land, and potentially saved you from being enslaved by britain, spain, etc.
It would be wise to not question their judgment and stop trying to find reasons to act entitled.
You guys shouldn't take up sides where you're complaining alongside blacks. You should know your history better, your ancestors loved them as slaves.
so then we are on the same page. i think most people realize what happened to the natives was shitty but it happened and we have to deal with reality now, no reason to continue wiping out entire peoples if we accept that its a bad thing
>be microdicklet stormbabby neet
>post on Sup Forums about how great da white rice is despite achieving nothing but high levels of autism yourself
Nice one brah
Might makes right faggots. Keep crying for another 500 years. No one gives a shit.
Formed in the 1700s by Europeans so again what country?
No, no, no. It WAS discovered. And THEN it was invaded. Get your shit straight.
>no one ones the Earth
>whites get out this is my land REEEEEEEEEEEE
Muh tribal territories
It's not OK but if that were to happen why would you complain about it?
Isn't might = right (or rather, might in numbers), according to you faggots?
Go back to that shithole Africa.
Wew lad
1. genocide is wrong
2. i dont want to be genocided
plenty of people were totally erased throughout history but i like to think we are beyond that by now dont you?
I mean according to you it is so not sure why you're asking us kek.
injuns are still around
>why would you complain about it?
Why do spics in the US complain about certain parts of the US being US soil?
Also numbers don't matter as long as whites have tens of thousands of nuclear weapons
Of course they did. I didn't do it, so I don't feel personally guilty. Sucks for the Indians, but at this point in history, there's finally a way for them to make it in the white man's world whilst still being able to live as they please--the casino trade. Any tribe that doesn't take advantage of that is bonkers. Personally, I'm happy for them.
I like American natives. In keeping with the general north-south intelligence thing, they're a lot smarter and more interesting than many other indigenous peoples worldwide. It is a pity for them that they weren't as technically advanced as Europeans when we arrived or they might at least have been able to negotiate a better arrangement for themselves. But part of the fault was their own; many tribes didn't get along and were perpetually fighting with each other, so they lacked the ability to present a united front and fight back forcefully. Had they done that, things might've gone very differently for them.
Bickering modern Europeans, facing as they are now the very present threat of Islamic invasion, could learn a lesson from what happened to the native Americans. Stand together, or fall one by one.
Unga bunga me proud tribal warrior
fuck off chief cucking moose
Actually, """natives""" are not the original inhabitants of the Americas. They're just immigrants, like everyone else that came to the Americas. There is proof that there were peoples here that predates them. It's probable the Injuns killed off the original inhabitants of the Americas, making the immigration of the White Man and the downfall of the Injuns poetic justice.
Is it too late now to say sorry?
Cos I, tattooed your face onto my body
Or just the normal, cyclical nature of all things. But yeah, more or less.
>Spearchuckers with buyer's remorse
Yes it is. You are your forefathers.
>indian culture
You can only pick one.
where is my injun porn
>5 centuries later
>these niggers are still ungrateful for being allowed to live and mingle
>This one actually BTFOs racists completely
> No such thing as owning land or borders
> My land
Yep, we did. We invaded, stole your land, and killed a lot of you. Why do you think we're getting so worked up about all the spics flooding in?
Thank you for using photographs, an invention of the white devil to convey those feeling. Also, you're welcome for the roads.
>My country was NOT discovered.
So he(?) is saying that his own ancestors didn't discover the Americas when they migrated here from Siberia and exterminated most of the local wildlife?
The various tribes also fought amongst themselves constantly, mostly over territory and resources.
Even if they had a country, they didn't have the entirety of America, not even among themselves.
Can't wait for 100 years when America is 75% Latinos and there's a picture of a bald fat american with a confederate flag painted on his face with the caption "My country was NOT discovered. It was invaded." and Sup Forums (which is mostly Latinos) is laughing at him telling him to cry about it. Really makes you think.
You ancestors raped and murdered your other ancestors Paco. Pay yourself reparations NOW
I'm sorry you had little centralized culture. I'm sorry your weak immune system could not handle our carrier diseases we grew immune to long ago. I'm sorry the technological ability of your civilization stagnated for nearly 2 millennia.
I'm sorry that you were too weak to put up enough fight for a coexisting peace.
But least you got some sweet benefits, Casinos, and Fireworks out of it right?
There's some pocahontas porn I've seen before on random boorus but they were shitty res.
what was the name of your country?
>I was invaded
you were not. Your great great great grandpa was killed over it.
If he wasn't killed by your great great great great cousin from another tribe.
If he even HELD the land, he was most likely a fucking wanderer that laid no claim to land from his year-to-year travels, rather he just said "that river looks like a good place to catch fish for the spring. We'll literally plot out about one acre, drop down our moveable huts, and never improve the land, farm, or practice any sort of animal husbandry outside of stealing white man's horses"
It was never YOUR land. Your grandpappy was fighting to make it HIS land and lost.
Maybe you shouldve started a country instead of castrating the guy who lived 3 miles away for fun.
>100 years
>America and latinos still existing
>Native Tribes
Pick one. Don't even try to pull any shit about the Iroquiois "Nation" either. They spend their time subjugating and destroying every other tribe anyway.
It's not genocide if Indians are still here. They put up a good fight, they lost. They can waste their lives living in the past or move on. My scottish ancestors were oppressed by the british, it's irrelevant. Natives hadn't even invented the fucking wheel yet when we arrived, war was inevitable it was a clash of civilizations.
Riding on coattails much?
You've just gotta admit that some neet stormweenie hiding in the basement while pretending to be superior to Mexicans because people generations ago did something is pure comedy gold.
But what can you expect from stormfags, really?
This is pretty much the same point I made on some whore's kikebook status, maybe if they weren't too busy killing each other off maybe they could've gotten together and prevented us from taking every last inch and they also sold a lot of their lands for beads and shit
Then America will be a third-world shithole ruled by cartels and all the "Americanos" will be illegally immigrating to Canada. Which will then also become a third world shithole, and then I don't know what the spics will do, because the Caliphate of Eurabia wont be much better off.
them injuns are chink invaders
>packs of roving murders and rapists
>muh noble native heritage
yeah wow, what an amazing culture we can all learn from, let's eat fried corn with our bare hands and drink whiskey until we black out on a curb somewhere. so noble.
Should have fought harder, you stupid fucking prairie nigger.
England was invaded (and conquered) three times, and that's not even counting the countless fucking Viking raids. You don't hear them moaning about it.
>Why do spics in the US complain about certain parts of the US being US soil?
Because they're just as retarded as your average Stormfag.
>Also numbers don't matter as long as whites have tens of thousands of nuclear weapons
Those who populate, govern.
Seems like little stormlet missed his history lessons.
The ones I know just sell drugs
no it was conquered
Siberian Asians where nomads who crossed into North America via Russia/Alaska.
They literally discovered North America.
Europe for the white man.
Africa for the black man.
America for the red man.
Asia for the yellow/brown man.
Australasia fro abos & maoris
And nothing for women anywhere.
And here you are, a butthurt beaner on Sup Forums
I reverse image searched OP (fagot) picture which lead to tumblr where this gem was located
Better than being a mongrel spic, likely taking money from relatives that are in a superior country illegally
You fucks can't even get off your fat asses to eliminate the cartels. You just blame whitey like niggers
Libs will tell youthey didnt have a concept of land ownership, therefore by their logic we didnt take anything if they themselves think they didnt own land
Whites are still overachieving and inventing in this generation
Im native american here is everything you asked for guy
Are there many natives still in the Bahamas? Did the Bahamas ever have any natives.
shiny beads