Ok Sup Forums open up your cold dead hearts and say one nice thing about the country above you
Ok Sup Forums open up your cold dead hearts and say one nice thing about the country above you
I'll be the bigger man. Beautiful untouched wilderness.
You're people have a beautiful, almost child like sense of optimism and can do attitude. Something our country could do with more of.
you brexited, you absolute madman
superior anglo heritage
very beautiful women
I actually really like paradox gsgs. And Stockholm is a beautiful city
Your native women are also beautiful, I hope you and your people sort yourselves out before they're all replaced with sandniggers.
make good music
Wonderful food. SauerKraut is top notch.
Germany has rich history
Guns and the freedom of speech.
Putin is based af.
Unapologetic white pride
Kompot is fucking great
Hard ass motherfuckers, vodka, and the country that comes to mind when someone speaks of a "Tall blonde bombshell"
I only visit East Germany on the regular but you have extreamly nice people for the most part. And your English is fantastic.
Royal guards are based as fuck when it comes to yelling at tourists
Your cops kill niggers.
All the Russians I've met are cheery friendly folks granted they are Aeroflot loadmasters and pilots. Can't wait to visit Moscow some time.
The Bill of Rights is the best damn document on the face of the earth.
but that's wrong...
>Best document on the face of the earth
Only for nonwhites
Mexican food
Real Mexican food is good as fuck. Not this shitty Taco Bell crap we get
mexican food is pretty great and a clever way to get a good chunk of the major food groups into one dish
I'm sorry Mexico. I can't think of anything. Even the Mexican food I love is heavily americanized. Please stay on your side of the fence. I suppose you have hard working people...
Much more interesting history than most European countries.
Rule the waves
Curly fries
No it's not you just eat on shitty places.
We like it on our side of the fence thank you but i guess the uneducated trash still believe the american dream meme.
I suppose your country is... big ?
Your country has a few decent people in the very north-west of it.
friendly and hardworking people. they put a lot of hard work even in their executions
Mexican food is awesome, tequila is the best thing on the earth, mexican girls are smart and demure.
thanks for inventing tacos
You have the best Chess players in the world.
Amazing history! Wonderful culture, Outstanding food, warm, excellent hospitality and the Italian Mediterranean is one of the most beautiful places on Earth!
Thanks for the Future. We wish you to Annex Canada to free Quebec.
You make nice guns Ivan.
Invented insulin and maple syrup
Your dashcam videos are the best
Juan Manuel Fangio, gaucho, your unique own castellano sound.
Sick roller coasters bro
Beautiful country, women and history.
Fish and chips is tasty as hell.
Budapest seems to have a great architecture. Great history too.
Thank you for noticing, but in all honesty that credit goes to the southamerican commandos that swell the Zetas ranks, which are the authors of the executions you see so much work put into an love.
I love your work ethic and (very) nuanced warmth.
You... You are a good goy.
The cartels are doing a pretty good job of cleaning up most of you guys
because of mexicans hillary will become the next president
eh.. uh.. fuck
tacos are ok
They let Adolf live out his days in peace :3
Thanks for the Falklands
They actually just used to kill rivals, people that messed with them and strongarm businesses, it was brutal yes, but it never bled into the average citizens life other than by proxy.
And it's been over for like 2 years now mostly.
But yeah if it helps you sleep better at night we live in a wild west syria kind of reality and i fear for my life bro.
Thanks Dad
Shit i got nothing sorry fampai >___
You've got the banderas monumentales, which is pretty fucking cool.
took in all our jews
Aztecs, Mayans, Zapotecs, Pyramids, kind of developed
You have a really good candidate running for president
I'm sorry man, the cartels suck, but your government isn't much better if they allow that shit to continue, hope you find some place that isn't america to migrate to!
i love america as much as my own anyway?
Beautiful architecture and countryside my dude
to be fair flying through the towers was a sick trick to attempt
It has tasty dick cheese
thanks for the falklands...just hope you never realize we took your arctic land and the sandwich islands also :)
Gave us Fascism.
I'm going to be a madman and say Lurpak instead of LEGO.
BTFO their female leader
Supplied based nippon with comfort women.
you gave the world the Adolf
I like kpop and korean girls are cute
Your the smart twin, and the handsome one
MMORPGs and doshirak.
Best country in the world before niggers, even defeated the British empire on several occasions
Generous in financing the rebuilt of Europe after the war
You kept Sir Arthur Conan Doyle at gunpoint so he would keep writing Sherlock Holmes stories
You're named after Silver.
hot women
Saved Hitler from being killed. Is also pretty white
You are now remembered by my country forever for some acts you did which we won't name.
Thanks for the hockey fights.
I fucking love maple syrup
Not sure where the meme started but yeah, life isn't bad here like... at all.
I mean it's not perfect but no way in hell I or anyone in my social circle would want to migrate to the US or anywhere else for that matter. We like it for tourism but that's it.
Sorry that your media wants to paint us like a warzone but yeah.. nah. We're good.
Simo Hayha was a badass.
>I'll be the bigger man
Yeah you will
I like you because you piss off Amerisharts.
Gave the kikes a country of their own and hospitality in you own so they won't come back to Europe after the war
Great food, friendly people.
Hockey! Also it's pretty cold there, is'nt? Canadians are western russians lol
best gore