Would you fight for your country?
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tbqh familia depends against WHO
wh-what ? christ almighty those boobies
Fuck off data miner
depends, I would fight if my countries sovereignty w as threatened, I wouldn't fight in a war like Vietnam War, etc.
In the worst case scenario, a defensive war. The invader is irrelevant, so is mandatory conscription (we all know that would happen but thats not the point).
She will have to give every soldier a long, slow heavy on the tongue licking blowjob and she must keep sucking after you cum. Maybe.... just maybe.
No projects or papers of any kind. Sheer curiosity (official ones are usually broadcasted in unis/institutes).
Protect it definitely. Fight others, not really.
I add here: unless were annexing more ground.
I'm mixed porkie don't know what to put, and I wont fight for Canada unless it's against Israel or Russia.
Ok. No Vietnam/peace keeping bulshit. Thats merc work.
Either defensively or offensively for annexation.
Hard one. I'd say defend - no, offensive war - yes. This country is definetly not worth defending. Nothing worth sacrificing your life for. Why yes to an offensive war, especially big scale - war profiteering. I've seen many people got rich in the recent balkan wars and live the dream despite being human scum. So why not.
It depends on the circumstances..
Only if I can suck on those tits first.
Are you Serbian or Croat?
This image is shopped. The shirt is not see-through in the original.
no chance mate
Politicians can't get along, so lets genocide 2 generations of young people and scar others for life - that's how I would descibe 2 last world wars. I would never want to take part in it.
Both sides think alike m7+1
Right or wrong, I'll defend what once was.
Both world wars happened because the Krauts are human cancer.
They were a strict necessity.
Depends on who and why we are fighting.
Problem is manipulation, governments tell people that other country is evil and thus they deserve to die.
In my opinion giving a single person a power to start wars should be illegal. Wars should be started only by vote and those who vote yes should go to front lines.
But I'm sure we all know it will never happen, higher ups are still going to feed on beef when brainwashed young people die slowly covered in mud and blood.
if i can cum all over her beautiful face before i go, yeah!!
PS. došo nazad sejvat sliku sisu joj jebem.
i like this shoop
Fucking traitor leave and never come back
I would fight to reclaim the empire.
I dream of marching on Washington as dirty shart in marts scream and run from our brilliant advance.
Fuck no, look at what a joke its turned into. Fuck that nigger Obama, I'm not losing life or limb for him.
She would have to give one of those long slow klixen style blowjobs.
Sure, specially if we're annexing Spain.
Can confirm
>fight for the rulers of this beautiful earth and their twisted agenda
yeah right
Imagine being patriotic about your island country? Just be that ultimate field-general who defends Fiji or Micronesia.
Depends on the who we're fighting and the state of the nation.
For our diverse population in the Middle East? No.
For a united America with shared values and goals? Definitely.
I've been clicking on every original of her for almost two years.
This is a fucking payday.
Fuck yeah.
Something tells me theres a kraut faggot with some proxy/vpn spamming this shit.
In a communist revolution, yeah. As a way to actually help people my dog and I are training for SAR so hopefully we can help that way.
I'd fight against it, if need be.
Please do that best ally, Spain needs to go.
>blacks on blondes
jesus niggers really are Down syndrome tier
>Fighting Mr. Horowitz's proxy wars.
No thank you.
>all the Africans voting no
>they still uphold royalty
>they can't even touch 'em
Look guys, you might think war would be great, heroic, something like spec ops videos from iraq / afganistan. If you want to see how true war looks like, then watch this:
I know it's WW 1, but this is how actual war looks like. Please give it a try, loosing limbs / life / sanity is not worth when fighting in interest of psychodelic leaders.
Is this that video with the "spooky" footage and thr mooing cow? War is, and was, 99% sitting around or marching. Stop thinking Storm of Steel was everyone's experience or what happened every singe minute of a day.
That's why so many people died right? not only from artillery shells but also from diseases / starvation. And of course most of the time you traveleed, since once you arrived at front line you would be under artillery fire or would be ordered to charge to your death.
As for documentary, it's best I've seen on WW1 subject. it's 5h long (5 parts on youtube) and goes well into detail about situation on front line and mood of civilans
>Be Yank.
>Get shot.
Its hard to be humble when you are British!
yup, this timestamp shows well what I'm trying to convey. People in this thread seem to view war in romantic way, same as people in past. Not until they encountered the true horrors of war.
9 out of 10 soldiers went home. When more people are involved more people statistically die. Crazy.
Also, what the fuck? You wouldn't be constantly under artillery fire or charge to your death (???). Where the fuck do you get this from? Hell, you probably wouldn't even be in a "frontline" trench for more than a week. Rotations were necessary. The french almost mutinied because of it.
WW1 has been horribly sensationalized.
Croat, pure. But it doesn't really matter. Everyone from the balkans who is even a tiny-winy bit sane will agree, no matter which side. Dying for this shithole to become a bigger shithole is not worth it.
Mate, this country should do everything to prevent that. Not necessarily me, but young people in general. Yet they fail miserably.
Just get over it, portugal will be SPAIN soon
Your sandniggers, gypsies and black women won't defend shit
War is not about the horror brave men experience nor the cold fear on the civilian front, it is about great nations enacting change.
Great and Terrible things come of war.
I'm not in the army so no, i do own a gun though so Militia style probably yeah.
millions of people died and you cann it nothing. Something must be wrong with your head. Add to that many people who lost their mind or lost limbs. Surely the great outcome and for what? so that "elites" can play their games?
Or politicians use "great things" to lure young people to arms. In the end everyone looses.
I don't understand the question. If I would fight for my country I'd be in the military.
You can fuck off mate, Portugal is, was and will always be better then spain.
>MFW Portugal will be spain soon
Spain can't even have its people under control and without trying to have independe from itself for more than 2 years
I didn't call it nothing. Yeah, war sucks, sure. It's a racket. If you don't like it then rebel against the bourgeois.
I already am! You don't have to be in the Military to fight for your country.
By the way things are going we will all more likely turn german than anything else.
>Unless Le Pen wins two terms from now
>all we need is a decent war and a majority of the cucks on Sup Forums will be clamoring to be mowed down
Do you have a government yet?
For my people: yes
Country: probably not
Am I fighting for jews or for the great state of missahsippi?
Calling us Sandniggers when you have more muslims than us, calling us gypsies when you have 600 000 more than us
Also a map with the Separatist and Autonomous movements in Iberia
>TFW not even wrong.
Who here Trooper or Reserve?
No, but I would fight for Europe
I would fight for queen and country but not the government
Absolutely not. I hate what this country apparently stands for and I want nothing more for it to be completely destroyed and rebuilt.
I would fight for my COUNTRY not my government. Actually I take this in the context of fighting for my country against the corrupt weak government that has begun to ruin it and in terms of the information vs propaganda war I'm already fighting it
Yes you can love your country while hating its government. Just ask people under communist rule in the 50s to 80s and they would tell you they still loved their country even though they hated the system. In fact it is precisely a love for the country that inspires people to start a revolution against the government instead of taking the much easier way out and immigrating. It's why I don't trust the refugees. If they weren't loyal enough to their country to fight for it they probably won't be loyal to ours
the only real ones are basque country and catalonia, rest don't have any sense or more than 1-2% of support population
sorry bro but when i went to portugal there were only gypsies living neard every road and sandniggers selling drugs in full daylight
i will love you once we are together again and FOREVER
The problem is the only people who "won" the Second World War were the (((elites)))
Look at the third Reich before the war and compare it to what we have now with everything going to hell. Are we really better off than we would be under national socialism?
Has Poortugal ever annexed anything?
In Europe or somewhere capable of fighting back I mean. A bunch of empty land full of monkeys doesn't count
You will be together, as Greater Portugal.
Why the fuck did you get rid of the empire though
Our lives have been living hell ever since you let Pierre "the dictator" Trudeau disconnect us from the constitution in London and write his own
I wish you guys would just abolish the government and give the based queen full power
Because of the United Fucking states of America and the Fourth Reich.
One day we will return stronger then ever.
Annexation in Europe no, we only had wars against Spain,the Ottomans, the Dutch and fought off the 3 napoleonic invasions along side the British which made it possible to regain control of Iberia
I would fight for those tits, fake or not
>fighting for the Jew and slaughtering my white brothers
>Would you fight for your country?
Losing our Empire was Americas demand for their help during WW2. Thats why, wasn't so much of a choice but a demand.
Iberia should be united with rotational presidency between all provinces, portugal being one of them.
And by rotational I mean people vote in each province for a candidate and then one of the candidates assumes the presidency of the federation in a round robin fashion. Also the regional budget is determined per capita.
It will never happen ofc (mah Salazar/Franco Fado/chestnuts I want to be boss long live the king attitude).
Oh and the flag should be exactly the one I posted, despite the republican nature of the regime proposed.
You fags damn well know that freemasonry colors (red and green) along with the spanish republican faggotish purple are ugly as fuck!
>Would you fight for your country?
Yes. I fought for my Queen and country.
I'm a bit old now (48) and not as fast as I used to be, but I would give my life for my country, without hesitation.
Seven years in the Royal Engineers. I blew stuff up and made unexploded bombs safe. Also clearing minefields. Mines were the worst. They are specifically designed to be hidden. One wrong step and limbs can go missing.
Our team got good protection from the infantry and special forces.
I dont care about things like ''who will be the president'' it can be from portugal as long as the majority of people elect him (but to be honest im fascist)
The name is clear and we mostly agree that it should be called iberia (i like hispania too)
The capital should be madrid for logical and geographical reasons, but again, i wouldnt care if it was lisboa for example
About the flag i disagree with you completely, that shit is awful.
I think it will never happen (at least negotiations/politicians talking about it) as long as spain has a kingdom. Hopefully it will end soon
If elections are held as universal suffrage it would be the same as surrendering to madrid, hence the presidential model. Hispania doesnt strike me as being neutral enough. It would be the same as calling it Lusitania.
The capital is irrelevant.
The flag isn't. By the moment you place our shield or the cross of burgundy it starts to become one sided. That one is neutral enough.
The hell with it. Our greatest menace at the moment is not Iberian defragmentation. Its germany.
>Are we really better off than we would be under national socialism?
None of this would have happened under National Socialism. Sure we probably wouldn't have iPhones but we'd be happy, healthy and probably would have already at least sent a man to mars.
That is to be expected Muhammad
All video games would be government funded and patriotic as fuck, why did I have to be born in the jewnerverse.