So Amerilards, you are actually going to elect her as the president of jewnited states?
So Amerilards, you are actually going to elect her as the president of jewnited states?
Most of Sup Forums, no. I am though.
She'll definitely win and go on to be a competent, reliable leader. Trump would be funny as president just for lulz, but since I also have to live with the consequences I really don't want someone as hateful, dumb, inexperienced, and unqualified as Trump having access to the nuclear codes. I quite like the planet we have.
she's not gonna get elected in an honest election. they will throw the vote machines for her.
she's so unpopular though when they do it will trigger action.
yeah because im not a fucking alt right faggot
Has anyone found a Hillary supporter in the wild? I have not. Just a bunch of Trump supporters and salty Bernouts.
Cough for Shillary
Have a lozenge, user. And remember that tin hats make heads overheat and impede brain function.
Leave them fine folks alone. They are just simply correcting the record.
>Coughing isn't a sign of heart failure
Ok faggot.
still better than T(D)rump(f)
Yes because I'm not a racist and its time for a woman to be in charge! Why aren't you man enough to vote for a women? Bigot.
Because while she's a corrupt politician, Trump is an irrational, immature dolt.
Only the most devout establishment democrats, and they're getting rarer. Hillary is a paper tiger, she's a media creation.
She wont even make it 2 more months at this rate.
I've seen 2 yard signs and maybe 4 bumper stickers, but that's it. Low support, no way she will win
that level of projection is kek-able.
They bleet the same few adjectives, now it's getting harder for me to tell who's satirically being a dumbass and who's an actual dumbass.
no just supposed ones on Sup Forums
There have been great corrupt politicians -- Nixon & Spitzer.
There have been terrible celebrities that won purely on image -- Reagan & Schwarzenegger.
I'll go with history.
Nixon was impeached over a 58000 thousand times smaller scandal than what Hillary did in the past year. That bitch has never done anything good for anyone ever, her entire career consists only of scandals, lies and corruption.
Look at what she fucking did to Europe by destabilizing Libya and supporting the wars in Iraq and Syria.
I'm with her! She's gonna make America white again!
Europe was hellbent on destabilizing Libya before the US ever got involved.
1488 Hillary for fourth reich 2016!!!
Anyone voting for Hillary is a fucking traitor to humanity.
Hillary Clinton the one who wants War for the Rothschilds with Syria, Russia and Iran . Yet these brainwashed baby SJW think Trump stopping the globalist will be bad?
Hillary Clinton is a criminal and should be prosecuted for treason.
Do you want civil war? Cause that's how you get civil war. The real kind. Not picket signs and nigger car fires. Like actual insurgency and crazy shit
daily reminder
>Nixon was impeached over a 58000 thousand times smaller scandal than what Hillary did in the past year.
Sorry, I haven't drank the koolaid on benghazi but her handling of classified information is egregious.
really makes me think
Hell no!