We ifoam now

Apple event goes full (((diversity)))

Good. Nothing wrong with this.

The only white males shown in any of the videos were a gay couple.


And stop using that antisemitic brackets you fucking idiot.

Good, those are nigger tier fashion machines anyway. Look at me, I cost 8 times as much as the exact same hardware because I have an apple logo.

Only gays, cucks and niggers use apple products anyway.

>All those stark black dindus with technological devices

I didn't know Apple was making a new Science Fiction movie.



This enrages me so fuckin much

This has always been liberal-centre right board.

Fuck off retard.

liberals love black dick, it's pretty much the basis for their entire belief system. that's why "diversity" always means nigger males and nigger males with white females.

Serbian-Jew double bluff. Figures.

You are that CTR shill thats always posting polls in the Trump Gen. Thank you for your work. I admire you.

Your flag is a big giveaway, since there aren't many leftist Serbs.

Imagine what the guys who made it were thinking.
>uhm, jep, let's get same mixed couples and faggots in there
>hey Jim, got anymore of them black hipsters?

Muri-farts are fine with that.

they're probably trying to grab more marketshare of blacks


why the fuck are you surprised about iCuck?

link to this filth pls

Considering that those iPOS are made by slaves, the hypocrisy is delightful.

You really have to be a dumb nigger to by apple's overpriced crap. They are just catering to their audience.


>>hey Jim, got anymore of them black hipsters?
i just imagined a thin, balding dude in his late 30s wearing a short sleeve white button-up and skinny black tie with pocket protector and horn-rimmed glasses calling across a drafting table like he was asking to bum a cigarette.

>nigger almost choking girl with arm around neck

Fuck (((you)))


Would make sense if negroes weren't so goddamn poor to afford any.

Don't buy their product

See if Apple can survive off nigger bucks

I've just created this meme today. This can't be a coincidence.

we had encrypted racemix