fuck this
fuck everything
we jews and the fucking western influence could ruin even the most sacred place on earth
jerusalem, they make gay pride parades in jerusalem.
what the fuck is wrong with them, tel aviv and its gayness was a hard punch but this is too much, once we used to be manly, now its a liberal shithole, im moving outta this armpit of a state as soon as I finish my military service.
Crusaders come back
It finally came swinging back didn't it jewbro
Are you okay my merchant friend?
Has Israeli been infected by liberals in general or only certain pockets ?
what came swinging back?
its not my fault that some jews promote liberal shit in europe, its no ones fault in israel, its just that many teenagers got their brains fucked by tumbler and weird ass pages on facebook.
it feels like its 100% infected in tel aviv and partly infected everywhere besides the ultra orthodox neighborhoods
its just gets me mad that they promote gay people in a city that is sacred to judaism, chrisitanity and islam.
A taste of your own medicine.
Jews have been promoting mass degeneracy in our respective countries and it seems to have swong back
Does the government care or most people in general or is the atmosphere mixed?
I want to learn what's happening
its not our fault, I hate most of the jews that are spread around the world, and I saw in some video a bunch of guys with a swedish flag in the gay parade in tel aviv, you cant just blame everything on the jews.
and its not about we only got hit hard, the city is sacred to christianity and islam too, everyone should care about it.
>its not our fault
fuck off kike
Well well, this is funny
It's all fine and dandy when it's happening in EU, but when it backfires IS LIKE ANNUDA SHOAH
You only have yourself to blame, you stupid kike. I hope Israel burns to the ground the same way you're burning the West to the ground with your bullshit.
jews are the ultimate hypocrites. remember, "diversity for thee, not for me"
>I'm really glad Europe is becoming multicultural! Us jews will be at the forefront of that :^)
>O-oy vey! Multiculturalism for the homeland? A N O T H E R - S H O A H
they can honestly get fucked
Such a nice opportunity to clean the whole city from this abominations, where are muzzies when you need them?
the orthodox jews have mad hate against it, the right wing for the most part is homophobic as well but wont admit it so they say they dont want the parades because they abuse it with nudity or atleast dont do it in jerusalem because its a religios city, the left wing will keep claiming we're an homophobic state and everyone are bigots or whatever even though they know its not true, on the other hand the children see tumbler and learn liberal shit from it, the next generation will look far worse than sweden.
in my city for an instance you can find people using gay as an insult usually by the mizrahim, if you'd go around tel aviv its a far far different atmosphere and it gets me sad.
I told myself it may be a shit country but ill defend it because its my shit country, but I guess sometimes you just need to know where to escape a crashing plane, after my military service ofc.
It just goes to show the level of inbreeding, aswell as autism that their kind has, this being a fine example of child-tier thinking
>When i steal other kids toys it's good
>When other steal mine they are literally hitler.
Also, what the fuck is up with their clothes, everybody has the same like some serving minions kek
you talk like I myself promoted it, No I was always against it my family was against it the orthodox jews clearly were against it.
and israel cannot influence the west, individual jews perhapes.
You've doing the same for a thousand years man
You are a female religion promoting sickness since the day romans beat the fuck out of you.
gays are forbidden in judaism
your politicians are more conservative than the absolute eurocucks, but you wont be spared of the degeneracy. you are just a few years behind, thats all
retards on Sup Forums dont realize that the guys on the top are the faceless globalist elite which is comprised of the most significant people in the economy, especially banksters. sure, there are plenty jews there, but it doesnt mean that the fall of the west is a jewish plot. it isnt, it is a plot of, as i said, the globalist elite who is just trying to pursue its own greedy interests by fucking us all up
Know how to fix this? Open borders.
Pic related is your argument.
I am actually a Serb by blood, but everytime i mention that to some libfag they automaticaly think i'm an innocent baby impaler and eat them every morning type genocidal maniac
I am ofc not, neither did you do that shit you people do, but you and me cannot change this view, other people will judge, even if you actually didn't do it
But since you are a jew, it's in your blood to be a big nosed merchant, so off you go
What about the whole "goyim exist to serve us" and "jews are behind immigration", those lines seem pretty much 100% jewish crap
Tell bibi to get Soros killed.
That might work
RIP Judea. You should have stayed with the Roman empire
Not all jews are zionists.
few years behind? were worse than most of europe
im planning to move to poland because I have family there, I heard its not that bad in poland.
Yes goyim, keep thinking every single jew is your enemy
hello jidf
Oh fuggg, wrong pic
Seems i have too many ahmeds
Again, not all argument can be used everwhere, that's why it doesn't hold much value (to me)
Besides, if all jews follow the same book. then how should they be diffrent? By not following it?
>goyim exist to serve us
spare me the bullshit. thats completely irrelevant. the forces that are shaping this world are the forces of the economy, nothing else. there is no jewish boogeyman on the top of the pyramid, no reptilians, no secret agenda whatsoever - only the globalist elite
BTW, did you hear about picrelated?
as I said, the orthodox jews are against it, the people that promote it are sinners and they abuse judaism.
definitely not new for me, they do it all the time.
>keep thinging every single jew is your enemy
And why shouldn't i?
As if telling myself #notallkikes will change the bank owners or something
>yes Nikola, everything i wrote is pure lies i pulled out of my ass and bullshit, totally not said by jews themselves it's just me
Do arabs in israel go to the IDF???
>As if telling myself #notallkikes will change the bank owners or something
I like this guy
mizrahim do, druzim do, palestinians not really.
There are more than 1 book. Torah is a part of the Old Testament, the word of God. Talmud and Kabbalah were written after jews rejected Christ. And therefore it has nothing to do with God. Zionists are talmudists. That's why they are working for Satan. While good jews always accept Christ, earlier or later.
>people who do this abuse judaism
Are you trying to say that then is not judaism?
>people who bomb themselves is not islam
Then it's related
Pic related, sorry i don't have the kike version, but it think it still does the job
we're all gonna die and drown in a flood of wellfare niggers and mudshits...
>(((jews))) brainwashing themselves
your arguments are worthless. you cannot make the distinction between the people and the state. your average israeli definitely doesnt give a fuck about europe, mass immigration, degeneration of the west and what not. also, how is the mad rambling of a rabbi about jewish supremacy relevant?
dont be a fool. know your enemy - the globalists, the beasts on the top of the economy; the banksters. the corporations. these "people" are funding the destruction of our societies in order to enslave us all, to turn us into gullible masses of mindless zombies
But I thought you didn't have a choice and all youth went to it, even the women.
I read that orthodox were exempt but know they weren't anymore.
You have a large arab population and even 4 parties on the parliament so I wanted to know if they go there.
Do they sing the songs and shoot next to jewish israelis?
It seems weird to me that's why I want to know.
you reap what you sow
Say it.
Israelis and Germans have the highest traffic for scat porn, seriously what's your deal?
Is that true? Mel Gibson is cool and always was. I wonder how he is not kicked out of the Hollywood.
your arguments are nigger arguments
how can you say that people that dont follow obvious rules are real jews? they are sinners, and are probably atheists, only jews ethnically.
You have my sword and shield, mate.
The Holy Land must not be desecrated by degeneracy.
Gays can't make children.
Having kids means putting your needs above your own, passing on culture and tradition, lack of sleep, cleaning up shit and puke and other things like changing nappies (diapers for Yanks).
Be strong, lad. Hold the line.
not by force, they are commited to but not everyone go to combat, they sure cant take palestinians they are not trustable and 95% of them wants us dead.
say what?
You are not welcome in Europe or the USA, and expect your leftist kin to be deported to Israel very soon. So you either have to make peace with your degenerates, or holohoax them yourself.
> tfw even the Jews are sick of dirty Jew tricks.
> promote gay people in a city that is sacred to judaism, chrisitanity and islam.
I have a feeling, that exactly this was the idea and intent. - We need an hero.
jews outside israel are multiculti pushing lefties
jews inside israel are the most conservative people you'll ever see
it's two sides of the same shekel.
thanks uk
even though the original crusaders killed jews too, I guess thats a cause we can all relate to.
The crusaders will come back. Our patience has its limits
>what the fuck is wrong with them, tel aviv and its gayness was a hard punch but this is too much
Have to weed out all the Zionists that travel back to Israel for the holidays.
You can tell because 90% of them work in Hollywood and the other 10% are central bankers.
I agree with the bottom part, nothing to add there
So let's get to the first part
Yes "your average israeli" doesn't give a fuck about eu etc, but he still would support his leaders, i see no israelities complaining about daily killing of their neighbour palestinians (as shown in my posted video). Also i'm sorry, but i'm missing your point, what are you trying to say, leaders do shit, people don't care/complain, and so im supposed to hate only the leaders? The point here is to tell me who should or shouldn't hate?
It's relevant based on the fact that rabbi is the one talking in their meetings, people listen to him, and he follows the book, therefore the core of judaism is supremacy and the whole chosen people stuff is judaism. rabbi follows the book. Jews follow the book. While we christians (and orthodox) have commandments (don't lie, cheat, steal etc) they go around about how they are chosen people, and because they were expelled from everywhere they will become rulers one day, it's a whole diffrent mentality
>95% of them wants us dead.
Maybe because you treat them like animals and have them locked up in the world's largest ghetto?
How can you guys not see this after all the memes about nazi germany?
>We can't trust jews, 99% of them want us dead
Keep believing lies though. And remember, Hamas didn't start targeting civilians until Baruch Goldstein killed a bunch of arabs in a mosque. You guys started all of that shit.
>its not our fault,
If only white people could say the same about slavery. Thanks, shlohmo.
Kinda makes you want to support Israel tbqh
oh god I love that guy, hes the first modern crusader, should be an inspiration to all of us.
I have a polish citizenship, Im more than welcome to poland, now stop being rude im not your enemy.
I feel it's almost meme tier for jews to come from/have ties to Poland and Ukraine kek
>literally a backstabbing jew
You can't make this shit up
>le moderate muslim meme
Funny how Europe is so strong on the "OY VEY ANTI-SEMITE" and yet funds the birth jihad of the Palestinians with gibs.
Never mind. There isn't really any conspiracy anyways. Is this the way the world progresses? Only time will tell.
It's true. I don't know either. Many kikes ran to his defence, pretty cool actually. And he just keeps on making awesome movies.
Im was talking about israelis
its not our fault, most of us never lived in europe or going to live in europe.
then do, Im guessing you can relate to it germanbro.
Pic is my church. It proudly flies the cross of Saint George - England's flag.
It's also a crusader flag. The red cross on a white background is symbolic.
Mfw the jews plan to promote homosexuality backfires on them
Well, tbqh Jihad is in the Qur'an and concerning homsexuality: Leviticus, etc., etc.
So it is true in this case.
crusade this, man of christ.
You remember how they literally Jewed Christians and the UK out of the holy land right?
> We decide to split Jerusalem into three, equal zones.
> Christian
> Mudslime
> Jew
> Make the state of Israel so Jews ave their own country and can stop Jewing up the rest of the world.
> Protect the Jews with the worlds super power, police their nation for them.
What do they do? What do they fucking do?
> Murder UK soldiers, buy and steal weapons and murder other people.
> Attack and steal the holy land.
As soon as someone speaks up? The jews who didn't fuck off infesting our government keep everything calm, and as soon as anyone attacks the Jews, they call the big boys like UK and US to deal with it for them.
> never forget USS Liberty.
you forgot how jews fought in your british army against the nazis.
>Saw a swedish flag
The eternal swede strikes again! The subversion has worked. You see, there never was a jewish conspiracy, you have all been fooled. It was a flawless plan: blame a suspicious group of outcast, make a few idiots fight for your cause, create instability, then reap what is left.
Yes, it is true. ´Tis my flute you rats have been dancing to this entire time. You and that poor little painter from Austria. Weren´t you suspicious why Sweden was left unscathed from WW2? Probably not, since you are all idiots.
HAHAHAHA! The time is soon! None, and I mean NONE, of you will be ready. The ancients will walk this earth once more, and all will submit and say...
>jews go around about how they are the chosen people
have you actually met a jew irl? they're regular folks, nothing special. there is no fundamental difference between a jew and an european, we are on the same boat - a decent minority in a world filled with subhuman scum i.e. niggers, muslims and the vast majority of asians
the only people you should hate are the globalists and their henchmen (corrupt politicians, leftist media & universities,...)
saving this
Keep it flying m8
This is our history, tradition and we shouldn't throw it away, never
One brick of that church has more history than israel can ever hope to have
And I thought jusice was gone
Payback time you oven-dweller
There are several good, rational reasons to do that have nothing to do with the holocaust religion. And I would be 100% on board for it, if only your Diaspora wasn't constantly screaming "HITLER! NAZI!" when a kebab removing party gains votes and constantly tells us how the German identity and nation are all constructed and need to embrace "diversity" and tolerance.
The ideal situation would be to support Israel and grant it its right to exist and remain a Jewish ethno-state, IF we got the right to our European homelands aswell and the diaspora would tone it down just for one bloody second. But I do realize that it's not up to you. Just so you know.
Don't miss what Pope Francis said: pressall.wordpress.com
When the parasite kill its host ,it kill itself too
Jews and Mudshits are both intolerant toward gays. We have Christianity to blame for this degeneracy since it's a sissy, cucked form of Judaism.
inb4 ur a Jew. Nope. I'm just a fedora making an observation.
Citizenships of entire ethnic or religious groups can be taken away with changing of a few laws. And after Europe gets rid of the muslims and blacks and gypsies, all eyes will be on the groups that invited them here, and nurtured them with stolen tax money. With the massive jewish representation in the media and politics, especially on the marxist side, jews will become hated again even by normies, more than what you accuse the germans of, before/during ww2, because of historical injustice racial europeans suffered under jewish hand, and seeing their role in provoking ww1 and ww2. Your people gained Israel, now it will be used as a containment for jews, Europe or USA will not try to conquer it, since it would just create tension over who gets it between the allies, and there is barely any natural resources there. You have to deal with your own kind, they are your people, yes evil inbred degenerates, but they are yours, you are one of them, try to change your country and people to your liking, do not flee and bring your problems here with you. Jews are fucked up by genetics, even if you force yourself to follow social norms, your kid might not be able to. And Europe have no obligation of taking care of foreign people, you would just use up living space, our people could have, you would just drive up the prices of services with your consumption, you would just dellute our genepool, you would just create diversion, you have nothing to offer us. If you really not our enemy, than stay away from us, at most we can trade if you manage to produce anything worthy in that shithole called Israel.
I don't know, brother Judah. You guys are IN THE LAND. Such blatant law breaking is not going to go unnoticed.
Yes, i did meet jews IRL, but then again there is no way to prove this over anonymus forum if we are honest.
It's normal for people who are a minority to hide and act under the radar, to come off as good people
There was no problem with muslims when there were few, but when more arrived, sudenly there is a need for a mosque, and burqa thing law, sharia police etc. It's normal.
This is a problem. They feel entitled and special, and who wouldn't if nobody could say anything against you
They made up words to defend themselves, speak against a jew and you are antisemite or a NAZI which in turn makes you look bad based on your own people, instead of questioning or even supporting you, they shoot you down, and do work of censoring you for the jews
Like with feminism, the only solution (i see) is to reduce them to have zero power, to simply stop them from owning media, radio news etc and put them back to type of ghetto (not necesarely LEL EDGY WW2 GETTOS XDDD) but isolated communities
No-no-no, you have commies and liberals to blame for this. Christian societies always punished and shamed homosexuals and pedophiles until 20th century while mudslimes fuck little boys, goats and each other since the very beginning. Islam is a religion of liars and hypocrites. Just look "muslim twerking" on jewtube.