What the fuck nigga?

You know, usually when I hug someone I'm not romantically involved with, we have our arms around each others shoulders. Why does Donald Trump has his hand on his daughter's waist like they're embracing for a romantic kiss?

Do you think they've actually had incestuous sexual relations? strawpoll.me/11176026

Other urls found in this thread:



really makes you think

It's called incest.

I don't think they're having sex. I think they're just a really close family, even with one of the sister born of a different mother. It's nice, wish I had one.

The fuck? - When I hug women I always have my arms under theirs. No matter my relation with them

Yeah same here.
Turns out I have been hugging women the wrong way my entire life.

Here's the original

thats a normal hug user, around the shoulders one is a bro hug

She looks like she's into it so who cares?

This is a close family hugging, user. Notice the position of their arms. This is how people who don't have sex with each other hug.


>right hand, hover hand
i thought he was alpha

i'm for furher now

i kek'd

Typical disgusting liberal, constantly seeing your own perversion in other people. Stop projecting. The pervert is your candidate's husband. And probably your candidate as well.

>be beta male
>have hug women on or under shoulders because no women, including their mothers, desire their touch

Alpha cucks, beta bux.

Dipshit, Trump was married to her in the original timeline, but when he time traveled he had to marry her mom before she was conceived. It's really hard on Trump, but he holds back. For America.

It's true, my mother was always repulsed by my advances to place my hands two inches above her asscheeks. I must be quite off-putting as a person.


That pic is kinda creepy.

I'm still voting for him, though.


i would give up my left arm for a donald+ivanka sex tape

He also tried to kiss Pence on the cheek, is he fucking Pence too. Im sure some of you fags want that to be happening

Like anyone here touches a woman and is able to relate, OP.

> pull the other one

what do you mean "tried"? did that fucker back away from it?

I bet she suspects you want to fuck her then.

She's sexy as fuck, I can't blame him if he's tapping that shit

>That pic is kinda creepy.
It's a still-frame of him hugging his daughter. A bunch of CTR shills are trying a new spam-flood technique where they try to defame Trump by posting


over and over again. It's not really working, though.

My dad never loved me... He would never hug me.

5 minutes later

Why does Trump touch his kids so much...

I find nothing creepy or sexual or bad about this picture.

Anyone who does probably grew up in a really frigid, emotionally sterile environment and as a fully grown adult, cannot dance or hear rhythm.

Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.

It's not the first or only picture of him looking creepy with his daughter.

Is there any image where they hug or embrace like normal people?

Go back to Redit you scum sucker

>Is there any image where they hug or embrace like normal people?

The one you posted. Of course, you didn't post the hug, you posted a still-frame that looked extremely unflattering. Basic Photographic Jew Tactics 101.

Git Gud and then come back and try again, CTR shill. I'll give you this $0.05 in the name of Trump because he is a charitable and generous man, even to his enemies.

You guys never get old.

It's part of the culture in Africa to rape your sister/daughter

>that nipple

How did you know this was from reddit?

Oh so you're saying Trump acts like a nigger. Got it.

It's an imageboard not a movieboard. Post the full thing if you think it makes him look like he doesn't bonk ivanka.

Actually it's called wincest.

>ITT: a bunch of wierdos who've been shunned by their family their whole life trying to justify that NO ONE likes them by saying The Donald fucks his daughter.
And even if he does who cares she's hot. If my daughter ends up hot you best be damned sure I'll try every way possible to fuck her. Even my wife knows that. Good thing God gave us a boy.

>Why does Donald Trump has his hand on his daughter's waist like they're embracing for a romantic kiss?

Why are you fags obsessed with incest? Can a man not touch his daughter and it not mean he wants to fuck her? He's not groping her ass or boobs.

No wonder women avoid some of you, you're fucked in the head.

her nipples are hard though

>her nipples are hard though

My nipples are hard right now, you're still not getting this Big American Cock though.

>British sexual education
That's the end of the seam in the dress dude.

>Why are you fags obsessed with incest?
I'm not though. It's very Trump-specific to be honest.

>Can a man not touch his daughter and it not mean he wants to fuck her?
He can, but there are limitations on that, particularly past a certain age.

>He's not groping her ass or boobs.
Not in the photo anyway.

>No wonder women avoid some of you, you're fucked in the head.
"Women" in this case indicating the ones who don't share half of my genes.

Oh God I want to fondle her tits

reaching round that was never an option

I have the weirdest boner now!

>I'm not though. It's very Trump-specific to be honest.

You obviously are.

>He can, but there are limitations on that, particularly past a certain age.

So you're saying it's only weird if he does it to his adult daughter? Not weird if he does it to a little girl? Come on bro, listen to yourself.

>Not in the photo anyway.

Not an argument kek

>"Women" in this case indicating the ones who don't share half of my genes.

So the ones who share your genes do want to fuck you? Ok.


biden is one of the biggest creeps

The desperation of the CTR shills is now palpable.

I'm not a trumptard but a woman cupping a man's chin is an ancient display of respect and admiration. it's featured in Homer when Achilles' mother Thetis cups Zeus's chin and puts her hand on his knee to win his favor. It's not directly sexual but a sign that the man is capable of fulfilling her current (material) desire.

pic really just shows the trump's to be well read desu.

I just watched the video and it's actually worse than the image. He basically pats her on her ass. Thanks for telling me about it, this will make some good webms.

>Sup Forums supports faggot marriage because muh consenting adults

>Sup Forums thinks two consenting adults can't be a couple because they are related by blood.

>It's an imageboard not a movieboard.

What's a Webm or a Gif you fucking c-u-c-k

I really want to vote for him, but can't because I'm bong.

>Sup Forums supports faggot marriage because muh consenting adults
you mean neo-Sup Forums right? The one that's filled to the brim with redditards and paid shills?

You have to make those. The image was already on the internet. When I can upload and edit video directly on this site (never) then you'll have a point.

Fucking gross, I didn't know Trump was an incest. Looks like Hillary is our only hope to beat Trumpler.

>Thanks for telling me about it, this will make some good webms.

Kek, good right ahead. President Trump doesn't care what some neet on Sup Forums does with his free time in between ruining his parents marriage and jerking of to trannys.

>Thanks for telling me about it, this will make some good webms.

Kek, but you were going to go make some webm's to get back at us.

I'm fucking laughing.

Well, yeah, old Sup Forums is dead anyway.

dayum CTR, this is just getting pathetic.... do you think this makes a difference?? really???

Ivanka's tits are huuuuuge... WTF???

If it was Hillary, she'd leave her behind on the stage like the 4 in benghazi

Still waiting and slowly going limp. Snap to it m8.

Id do the same tbqh lads

> 30 faggot ctr coins have been transfered to your faggot ctr account


Liberals have no concept of women having good relationships with their fathers.

there is literally nothing wrong with incest

Trump is a Time Traveler. In another time line Ivanka wasn't his daughter.

Besides, incest is relative.

That's a stock photo of a close family


You forgot a face.


Sweet loli cunny is the ultimate redpill

> those birds

That will work m8.

>my mother was always repulsed by my advances

trump is king

Hillary kisses KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd, Hillary kisses rapist Bill Clinton, suck a dick shills.

there is no god. only kek...

there is no god. only kek ;)

Why is Ivanka's nipples always erect when she is touching her father?


She got hard noticeably in the live video for OP's picture when Trump called her to the podium.

Ivanka gets wet by the touch of her dad???

It's specifically prohibited by God in the Bible.


There is a reason why incest leads to retardation.

mummy ses its ok as long as u dont make babie

she does it to help me anyway

It's a nornal way of hugging. Women generally don't want be in a headlock during a hug, like this guy suggests

sage in options field Correct the Record

it's called having big meaty nipples.

succulent like a cow's teat.

honestly what's the point in this shill-tier shit? i guess people are tired of seeing Hill-dawg hock up her asophogus



Explain this, shill

So hot. Obama confirmed patrician.


Explain this too dirty rotten crooked shill! EXPLAIN IIIIIIT!!!!

Anything you say is instantly invalidated. Anyway, impregnating a woman over 30 leads to the same levels of retardation as incest. Think about that for a second

Why aren't these images going viral? Why is it always just Trump?

Whats happening here?

>He doesn't know God is real.

Eventually, the deeper you go down the Red Pill Rabbit hole, you will realize that God is real.

It just depends on what stage you are on right now.


>What is Free Mason Satanic Cult?

>What is Moloch Worship?

>What is Flat Earth?

You'll get there eventually.