"I should have more of a right to live in a nice country than someone from Pakistan simply because I was lucky enough...

>"I should have more of a right to live in a nice country than someone from Pakistan simply because I was lucky enough to be born here" - Sup Forums

Why dont you make Pakistan nice?

shut up kike


We made the country nice, they fucked up theirs, too fucking bad.

More like
>simply because I was lucky enough to have forefathers build it for me, their children

You know what OP I think you're right now why don't you take all your wealth and resources and move to Pakistan. I'm eager to hear how that works out for you

yeah you should adopt some paki kids and send your own to pakistan so you take away some of your kids rights, to make it equall

no, you fucked up theirs

lets compare terrorism/immigration in the 80s to now

Pakistan wasnt always like that. What makes you think they'll appreciate new land if we let them in?

Because America won't give them reparations

First off the nice countries are only nice because they enslaved and tortured the poor countries, pay reparations

Good people are what make countries nice.
You start importing pakis and the place turns into a shitty country.

Then you should pay raparations for what your forefathers did.


there has always been terrorism. now it's easier to get on a plane so terrorism has increased in the west.

>Then you should pay raparations for what your forefathers did.

I already did

Yes, heredity is a human right.

America gives billions in aid to Pakistan every year.

Africa pay reparations for forcing my homo-erectus ancestors North when?

And ISIS has sent lots of money to American Muslims, so by your logic ISIS is good since it is giving aid

The third world deserved its exploitation by virtue of being weak, friend


need to learn to say no before the whole world becomes a seething hole

Dude they dindn't do nothing to your ancestosr

So if a nigger gang beats you up you deserved it for being "weak"?

learn more

You are part of your people (Volk - don't know if it's the same concept in english), you couldn't exist without this entitity and it's achievements, it's struggles and victories. You aren't arbitrarly thrown into the world but depend in the decisions of your forefathers. You're are the product of sentient beeings, hundreds of them, that made decisions, either good or bad, don't make the same mistake by blaming someone else, but starting making your own, good, decisions to ensure the future of your children. Start today you lazy nigger.


everyone but me gotta learn this is offensive

Thats pretty fucking offensive.

People don't migrate from good situations kike.

Especially to locations where they die from lack of sunlight and freeze to death annually.

Why are you so anti-science/history?

Essentially, yes. If our society is dumb enough to let in mass quantities of violent apes then it deserves what it gets

No one wants subhumans in their country.

Dirty shitskins have what they deserve


That's no where near an equivalent argument, retard.

The fuck are you talking about reparations for then.
Shut the fuck up you stupid leaf.

Won't be a first world country long if you keep bringing in fucking pakis

You can switch the populations of Europe and Africa overnight. Within 20 years Europe will be a run down 3rd world shithole, and Africa will be building shining cities rising out of the earth


- My ancestors helped build this country. This country is the legacy they left for me.
- By being born in this country and raised by parents who were also born in this country, I will learn the necessary familial and societal customs that will allow me to become a fully productive member of society.
- Loyalty and identity is tied to race, ancestry and country. Immigrants, particularly those from outside Europe, will not share these bonds with the native whites. Second generation immigrants actually tend to be far more likely to be radicalized than first immigration immigrants.
- Brown people are too temperamental, violent and unintelligent to properly integrate into western societies.
- When a country gets a sizable portion of visible minorities, particularly when there are enough of them to start their own communities, conflicts will always arise. Their failure to succeed will result in blaming the native whites for their problems, which results in more conflicts, white guilt, and anti-white racism.

gr8 b8 m8


no such thing

everything is deserved

every atom's position is a perfectly set gear inside a perfect cosmic mechanism

also pakis r fagets

>If I was a poor nigger I'd just fix my country.
>If my shitty mudhut village was raided by ISIS I'd stay and fight.

t. Sup Forums

Any rights you have, only extend as far as you are willing to defend them. Morality is valuing the whole communitys worth above ones own self. Their ancestors didnt fight and bleed for every square mile. I have as much a "right" to their land as they do mine. (Which is to say no right at all) The ultimate law of the land is, might makes right. And it has been proven historically correct, therein if i want the Right to my country, i must take proactive steps to do it. Those who expect it to be provided for free are no more than thieves. If they take proactive steps to enter my country, then we have an escalation of force.

TL;DR You only have rights so far as you can defend them, this is why the second ammendment is critical to the American way of life. And never forget it.

>I wouldn't do either of those things

t. Mongrel subhuman