Could this be real?

Could this be real?

is it real life? or is it just fantasy? there's no escape from reality.



I too am excited for the Wachowski Sistas new project.

As in the Matrix beta versions? So a prequel?

>Could this be real?
Can you into source?

inb4 you can't

I'd buy it.

>Could this be real?
Could Hollywood be making another heartless appeal-to-nostalgia cash grab movie? Gee, I don't know.

for a dollar

lel. They are so fucking degenerate and disgusting

contrarian oreo wigger detected

There is no doubt that it will be another Matrix trilogy. That is 100% sure.

Trilogy or another format. I think The Matrix is a cow with many milk to get.

In my opinion a tv series in the years when hte machines rebeled could be ok. What do you think?

Or maybe something like animatrix in anime.

>ohh boy we sure milked every last cent out of our cash cows
>lets see what old shit we can dig up from the grave

yeah its gonna be shit

If it is it's going to be absolutely full of degenerate garbage. The Wachowski brothers already tried to shoehorn tranny bullshit into the first movie with the character Switch. With how hard Hollywood is pushing this shit now, the main character is practically guaranteed to be a fat positive pink haired trans-racial other-kin that preaches about the evils of the white race.

It's like none of you follow industry news and rumors. New Matrix reboot with black Neo, looking at Michael B Jordan as Neo.

>a tv series in the years when hte machines rebeled could be ok
That is literally the worst idea I have ever heard in my entire life.

Didn't watch the animatrix?

Matrix Cinematic Universe, of course.

Mainline series about The One and their destiny, spin offs about other totally badass heroes fighting the machines, movies in and out of the Matrix itself, probably a machine who rebels and wishes to identify as human or some shit.

At this point who gives a shit

I've been meaning to watch it for years but still haven't gotten around to it, but I've heard it's good. But if you're going to say that the Animatrix being good means a TV show version would be good too, I have two things to say:
1: The Animatrix is animated, I assumed we were talking about live-action for the hypothetical show.
2: TV shows are literally never a good idea for a story like this. TV shows are for drama, not action sci-fi. Think of how horrible the special effects would look. What successful action sci-fi shows have there been? Any? I can't think of any. I can think of a lot of unsuccessful shitty ones, though.

lel, not like us, right?
*masturbates to anime feet*

Needs a black Neo.
A Muslim trinity.
And a trans Morpheus.

kek, no. If we were living in a simulation, people would find out almost immediately. Also, there would be tons of glitches,

You can't prove that we don't live in on right now.

oh shit, misread. my bad

then who created the simulation, and who created them?

I'm black btw lol based

>implying hurricanes and global warning are not glitches
>implying bermuda triangle is not a looping glitch

>already milked an ok movie with two shitty sequels
>thinks they are above doing it again

Of course it'll be real, playing upon nostalgia for something that was popular is the easiest money ever made

kek, no. If we were living in a simulation, people would find out almost immediately. Also, there would be tons of glitches,

That was not the question.

>then who created the simulation


>who created them?

bast, the only true living goddess, creator of all that is real

Hey there, love blacks btw.

one glitch here

how do you know we don't know because they erased our memory?

Descartes, read

Haha yellow fever for me haha only cuz small bbc lel

the only matrix story worth telling was already told in the first movie and it doesn't need remaking

Radical skepticism is dangerous if you're not careful.

>he doesn't know about The Simulation Argument

As opposed to a black Morpheus, a Judeo-Christian messiah Neo, and a butch female action hero Trinity?

it's wrong because Of what Descartes discovered

That's a stupid conclusion. If the physics were properly modeled in the simulation, there would be no reason for a glitch to occur. I also don't know why you think we'd immediately know.

Cogito ergo sum does not invalidate the simulation argument at all.

>black neo
>thicc trinity either white or latina
>morpheus is still black
>cypher stays white
>all agents stay white
>robots are white
>oracle is floating pair of teeth dark
>girl in red dress is bruce jenner

It literally does

kek, no. If we were living in a simulation, people would find out almost immediately. Also, there would be tons of glitches,

*smacks lips*
*snorts crack*

Think about the plot of the Matrix. People are real, just the lives they are living are not. They are inside a simulation, but they do exist. Cogito ergo sum might well prove that they exist, but it does not prove that the world around them is actually real.

not if the simulation had 128gb or ram


Sup brainlet

If it is it's going to be absolutely full of degenerate garbage. The Wachowski brothers already tried to shoehorn tranny bullshit into the first movie with the character Switch. With how hard Hollywood is pushing this shit now, the main character is practically guaranteed to be a fat positive pink haired trans-racial other-kin that preaches about the evils of the white race.

kek, no. If we were living in a simulation, people would find out almost immediately. Also, there would be tons of glitches,

The Wachowskis are trans themselves, I don't see why they would need the encouragement of Hollywood to preach positivity about transgendered people

What are:
>Battlestar Galactica
>Quantum Leap
How many more should I name?


>Star Trek

l o l
back to the basement you filthy fucking nerd

Do moar Animatrix shorts you assholes.

082 101 109 097 105 110 032 099 097 108 109 046 032 069 118 101 114 121 116 104 105 110 103 032 105 115 032 102 105 110 101 046 032 089 111 117 032 097 114 101 032 114 101 097 108 046 032 082 101 109 097 105 110 032 099 097 108 109 046 032 069 118 101 114 121 116 104 105 110 103 032 105 115 032 102 105 110 101 046 032 089 111 117 032 097 114 101 032 114 101 097 108 046 032 082 101 109 097 105 110 032 099 097 108 109 046 032 069 118 101 114 121 116 104 105 110 103 032 105 115 032 102 105 110 101 046 032 089 111 117 032 097 114 101 032 114 101 097 108 046 032 082 101 109 097 105 110 032 099 097 108 109 046 032 069 118 101 114 121 116 104 105 110 103 032 105 115 032 102 105 110 101 046 032 089 111 117 032 097 114 101 032 114 101 097 108 046 032 082 101 109 097 105 110 032 099 097 108 109 046 032 069 118 101 114 121 116 104 105 110 103 032 105 115 032 102 105 110 101 046 032 089 111 117 032 097 114 101 032 114 101 097 108 046 032 082 101 109 097 105 110 032 099 097 108 109 046 032 069 118 101 114 121 116 104 105 110 103 032 105 115 032 102 105 110 101 046 032 089 111 117 032 097 114 101 032 114 101 097 108 046 032 082 101 109 097 105 110 032 099 097 108 109 046 032 069 118 101 114 121 116 104 105 110 103 032 105 115 032 102 105 110 101 046 032 089 111 117 032 097 114 101 032 114 101 097 108 046 032 082 101 109 097 105 110 032 099 097 108 109 046 032 069 118 101 114 121 116 104 105 110 103 032 105 115 032 102 105 110 101 046 032 089 111 117 032 097 114 101 032 114 101 097 108 046 032 082 101 109 097 105 110 032 099 097 108 109 046 032 069 118 101 114 121 116 104 105 110 103 032 105 115 032 102 105 110 101 046 032 089 111 117 032 097 114 101 032 114 101 097 108 046 032 082 101 109 097 105 110 032 099 097 108 109 046 032 069 118 101 114 121 116 104 105 110 103 032 105 115 032 102 105 110 101 046 032 089 111 117 032 097 114 101 032 114 101 097 108 046 032 082 101 109 097 105 110 032 099 097

okay buddy keep watching shlock wars and reddit and memey

>all of this translates to "Sneed"

You are trying to conflate to completely different things.

I'm not going to summarize the entire thing, people can go read up on it. Essentially to paraphrase Bostrom of only one of these three things can be true;

>human civilizations never reach technological levels where they are capable of matrix style ancestor simulations
>human civilizations reach the technological level to do so, but are not interested in creating matrix style ancestor simulations
>you are living in an ancestor simulations

Basically for people who don't understand what's being argued here, if we reach then capabilities of making this kind of simulation and then do so then mathematically it's incredibly unlikely that we are the first to do so and it hasn't happened before. In fact in this case almost every reality is a simulation run by someone else, and the chance that we are the very first to do so is almost vanishingly small.

I'm only surprised they didn't reboot it sooner

If the Matrix just needs people for human batteries why is life in the Matrix shitty 90s life? I mean late 90s American city life isn't too bad mind you but if it's all just code why not just let them live in a paradise?

This is explained in the series. They apparently first did build a completely utopian paradise for humans to live in and it ended terribly. Humans, according to these shitty movies, crave living in squalor and shit, and need conflict to survive.

It is actually explained in the animatrix as an essential part of what keeps the humans from realising they are living in a simulation. The world needs to be terrible for reality to be believable.

First Matrix was a paradise. Humans rejected it because they knew something was fishy about it. Not real. Entire crops were lost. Machines make adjustments and make it realer with conflict and strife. Humans accept it as reality.

t. trans faggot

>Sense8 finale approved by netflix.

thats all that matters. not some movie from 15 years ago

>Neo, the matrix is tricking you. You're actually a woman, chop off your dick lmao.

and why it needed to be late 90s was because of how everything was just technologically advanced enough that no one was satisfied with the state of technology. Everything was shitty and frustrating and nothing quite worked right yet. Also no need to waste resources simulating virtual computers and shit.

Clearly you can't read because I said action sci-fi.
Not action.
>>Battlestar Galactica
Not action.
Not sci-fi.
>>Quantum Leap
Not action.
Haven't seen it but I heard it sucks dick.

The Matrix is basically a kung-fu movie with a shitload of sci-fi CGI shit involved. If you legitimately don't see why that is a horrible idea for a TV show then you're an idiot.
The closest thing you listed was BSG, which was a good show in my opinion, but it wasn't action for one, it was drama, and the special effects were fucking terrible. That's probably the biggest and most obvious reason why a Matrix show would never work. TV shows can't afford good special effects, they just can't.

If you think everything Descartes argued was indisputable you're a pleb of ultimate proportions

>tfw Wachowski sisters are the reason why I never went through with being my Master's sissy maid for the weekends.

The way they look now was just too much that it actually made me turn away from my fantasy.


why do this in public? must be some kind of punishment

>New Matrix movie
Leather isn't even cool anymore

you're a fucking moron if you don't think ST:TOS was an action show.

He raped the Chief's daughter.

I vote Lena Dunham as the new Neo

What could they possibly make it about now?
Going into too much detail never works when your movie is based on a simple premise.

i don't know if they do the same in africa but in some rural cultures, the candidate boys are gathered and there's the healer/shaman and they go somewhere private to do it so those other people in pic might also be the next in line.

You can't really complain about Matrix getting "sjwfied". It was already "progressive" when ti came out
>Black man is the leader of the rebellion
>Trans character
>Everyone is dressed like if they were going to indulge in some hardcore bdsm
>Main characters are a multicultural team, Zion is mostly made of minorities
>Evil guys are exclusively white
>Anti stablishment message
If the original Matrix came out today it would be universally hate on this site.

>leather isn't cool anymore
>have to portray new cool clothes
>The Zionists are going to end up looking like leftists numale cucks

pottery if I ever saw it.

The main character is a FUCKING WHITE MALE, too problematic

>most of the main characters are straight cisgendered white people
>white man savior fantasy


the difference is in if it seems forced or not, the matrix isnt very preachy

This is all true, but the problem is that nowadays everything is way too explicit and in your face. If The Matrix were made today, it would be packed full of "SUBTLE" messages.
>Morpheous would make some comment about cops shooting black people
>Switch would have a way bigger role and have some "inspirational" speech about the struggle it has been through being trans
>Switch would have a sex scene
>Agent Smith would be called Agent White
>Neo, the savior of all mankind, would either be black or a woman or both

>become female
>instantly worse at everything
>make nothing but flops for 10 years

This but Switch would actually be The One instead of Neo and be black, and Trinity the love interest would be an Asian man