Blacks and IQ

Prove him wrong.
Pro tip - You can't.

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I can't tell whether you are being serious or not bru


Honestly they probably would still score higher as long as they got enough food, which the black slaves did

Explain Africa then

What about IQ-tests held in Sub-Saharan Africa? Why do east Asians score higher if the tests are designed by "oppressive" white people? How does enslavement and lack of education significantly influence IQ?

If only there was an white nation who was oppressed for centuries and still was better in everything than whole africa...
oh wait

He doesn't refute that blacks are stupid tho. He is just attributing it to past slavery.

and yet africans that never had an ancestor leave africa test the same


>black children have went in the same schools as white children ever since the 60's
>black people in general have been treated equally since the Civil Rights Act
>today, niggers still roam the streets while leeching off of food stamps and welfare

Explain Africa.

It's a retarded shithole on the whole

ok ok
but how about instead of that we drop 2 atomic bombs on some gooks
here lets give the niggers 200 years head start
lets see who rebuilds faster

What a bunch of horseshit.

sage because OP is a shill

I wish I still had that comic countering this one, by playing the same hypothetical with the jews and finding that even though they've been oppressed WAY worse throughout the ages, they still score higher.

>black children have went in the same schools as white children ever since the 60's
i can assure you the inner school cities ruled by niggers have very few white children in them

The average IQ of a black university student in South Africa is around 80-85 which is pretty alarming, considering college students score about a single SD above their peers. The only reason American Blacks score as high as they do (85) is because many of them carry white genes these days.

Or we can take Africans from Africa like right now, and give them an IQ test made by "privileged white old men".

I see what you did there

Intelligence has been proven to be almost entirely hereditary. Environment matters very little (it could potentially affect test scores, but not actual intelligence)

There are a lot of external factors that aren't being accounted for in the whole "minorities having lower iqs." There's a big correlation between class status and grades, the higher up the chain the better you'll do in school.

Belce Curve covers this. And blacks are confirmed retarded, cuz dey wuz slaves n sheit.

>jews get enslaved by egyptians cuz they wuz kangs
>kick them out of every country they have ever been in
>kill 6 million of them
>they get bombed by muslims in their home country
>still score better than shitskins

really makes me think

Jesus somebody post the edit already

The biggest unspoken truth is the eugenics side of slavery.

We took the biggest, dumbest, most high-testosterone ones, and bred as many as we could.

I don't know if you've noticed, but smart people rarely make good slaves. Imagine Einstein or Bill Gates picking cotton.

There was also a law where you could shoot a slave if you caught them reading. I doubt it happened that often, but still, one less smart nigger in the gene pool.

So basically any decently intelligent black person in America has to start out absolutely surrounded by feral apes. Hard not to sympathize.

then what happened in africa?

Also, this. I'm a half breed spic/yurop mongrel I have been to both growing up. Public Schools aren't very well integrated. The one in the city was ruled by Kangz n queenz. It's was the most unproductive years of schooling ever. No one got to learn because the niggers refused to learn. They would just disrupt class uncontrollably to where the poor teachers realized "everyone" was destined to fail at life anyway. It still amazes me how liberal teachers are after seeing so many dead beat low life degenerates that would rob your grandmother as quick as look at her. I still believe those 2 years held me back academically so bad that it's the reason I didn't go to college because I was so backed up when I finally went to white school. There was maybe 2 black kids in the school of 1400 that I knew of. Totally different experience, but I found it to hard to catch up and I had to do the GED like a degenerate. It's okay though. Unlike niggers, I got straight to work early on in life and I'm currently saving up to buy a second truck to hire my first driver. I'm doing okay.

>1 post by this faggot
All the richest Blacks in the world live in the USA. One of richest people in the history of the world is a fat black bitch from Chicago. Nigger President. Black Supreme Court. Blacks experienced greater economic mobility than Whites pre civil rights gibs. They also had lower crime rates than Whites. Modern Socialism did more damage to Blacks than Slavery.

Now perform the same test on blacks who never left africa

>telling jewish fairy tales on Sup Forums

you have to fight retarded normie shit with other retarded normie shit user

wish I saved that one about the young dindu in britain I think with the "world's highest IQ"

The smart ones sold the dumb ones into slavery

Most Russians are descended from serfs yet they still have a higher IQ than nogs and have contributed greatly to humanity.

Colonization pit different tribes against each other in made-up countries. You'd have shit like Muslim Hausa ruling over Igbo in Nigeria, with the authority to basically tax their rivals. Imagine if the state living next to you could tax you.

Also they're culturally primitive with access to modern weaponry. Their culture is pure caveman shit, no doubt, and they haven't undergone the intense selective pressure that other people (whites) have through centuries of mass warfare, disease and civic management that a temperate, crowded environment demands.

I'm not saying "lets stop holding black people responsible". I'm just saying there's some hope for the future.

someone post the Jew version



but user the dumb ones score higher than the smart ones

that was my point though they are fucking retarded. even before we got there they were retarded. long after we left they are still retarded and they will continue to be retarded


The Slavic people on eastern Europe proof it wrong.

>this test is free, right?
My sides!

thanks sempai
>REALLY put your back into it this time
i kek errytime

He's one hundred percent right

Black people have been genetically engineered to be useless and stupid. Since we can agree blacks are inherently inferior maybe now we can start having reasonable discussions

was gonna ask someone to post this

Africa was colonized by white people so the argument is valid.

>Bad borders make wars wars make people stupid.
>Europe conqured the world
Pick one

>1 post by this ID

>American blacks are the smartest black on Earth because they were brought over and interbred with Europeans and given money and education and resources and opportunities

Does that mean that if you took whites form America and brought them to Africa as slaves and interbred them with Africans they'd become the stupidest whites?

Come on if you want to redpill people you have to be educated with science

The best argument against blacks having equal intelligence as whites is a 5 minute conversation with the average black man.

Why does that make it invalid? They aren't colonised now.

So was Asia

Yeah. If only there was a white nation that was enslaved for over 800 years, got independence, fought a civil war and three wars against global superpowers, had to pay hundreds of millions in war reparations and still managed to become better than most white countries, all in the span of 3 generations.

But they wouldn't be very phenotypically white if you interbred them with Africans anyway

>what is Hong Kong

>the test is free right?

What a waste of dubs.

Pro tip: Niggers are observably dumber than all other races. No experimentation needed.

>Implying the holocaust happened.

>what is Africa
Actually decendants of slaves have higher IQs than modern Africans, so that comic is comepletely BTFO

Also ignores the fact that modern IQ tests are engineered to screen out education. And by modern IQ tests the whole concept of the "culture fair IQ test" has existed for nearly a century now.

quads tell the truth
praise kek

Slavs, and austrailians prove that wrong already. Slavs have been subjected to similar if not slave conditions for 1000's of years.

>it's the white man's fault niggers are so dumb
>fucking retarded niggers, why aren't you voting for sanders???


African-Americans have a lot of white DNA too from interbreeding or rape and sheeeet.

I have a belief almost every African American with a slavery ancestry has a fraction of white dna but i could be wrong.

Hey isn't that Jessie from Breaking Bad?

But he never explained why blacks in Africa didn't have highly developed technology before whites came.
inb4 Jared Diamond book

How do you explain low IQ in African countries then?
All they do is live in mudhuts all day

Why is science so fucking cucked now. The belief that races are equal goes against evolution.

Proof that most of the posts on here are automated bots.

where did the smart ones go?
there aren't any left in africa

average IQ in sub Sahara Africa is 70. So, the ones who were enslaved are actually doing better than the ones who were left in Africa.

Implying Africa at that time had an education system

There are no smart ones, negros in their "kingdoms" were just as savage as the tribal jungle dwellers they captured and sold to Euros only their savagery was more refined and sophisticated.

I'd bet good money that they would, too.

colonial exploitation.. white came and developed the countries, created the system of government, infrastructure and agriculture. They then exported a large amount of the crops and minerals extracted from the country.

After the African countries gained independence; all the crops and minerals where gone, and the infrastructure and government seized to exist because of this.

I hope this explains it..

Ashkenazi jews

The Irish.....

Africa is still the most resource rich continent in the world.

>the kike from South Africa is still posting here
Thanks for causing Sup Forums to brainstorm responses to shit-for-brains arguments like the one in your cartoon.

I stopped reading at "slaves"

Niggers don't care about slavery otherwise they'd do something about Africa already. If they really cared for their heritage or whatever, a lot more would take the education from the USA to Africa and start building cities.

What do they do instead? Sit around and wait for welfare checks.

Why did africans never invent anything while whites were already exploring the world with the ships they build, not speaking about numerous other inventions whites already brought into the world. Africans first learned about all of theses things when the white men came to africa. Explain why this is please

I would say that you are wrong, but not by a landslide. We can call it 7%, just a law of averages guess, then in a group of 100% slave heritage individuals, we can say take our original guess and neuter it to about 5%, then we can account for non-owner sexual intervention at an even rate to be Feynmanian. I account a solid ballpark to be 12%, I'd call it 15-20 to be meet reality halfway.

I know that's a long way from 100%, but I don't think you're that wrong at all! In the grand scheme of things.

agree, children are the precious ressource in the world, they are literally the futures astronauts, doctors and nuclear physicist.
But without crops and minerals then they can't become their best.

Hi :)


Your hopes at unfounded. You did not even address the question. Typical liberal retardation, misunderstand or deliberately ignore the question, make some kind of off topic statement, and declare victory. In my county, we grow food, and sell most of it out of county. We also have plenty of minerals. This has not impacted our IQs at all. In fact, some of the highest IQs are found in populations with little to no natural resources (Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, etc.). Resource extraction is A method of generating wealth not the only one. It is also the method which requires the LEAST amount of intellectual effort. Arica was easily conquered BECAUSE Africans were stupid. The conquest did not create the intellectual shortcomings of the niggers.

because the Europeans invented patent rights..

This is like asking why Homo Erectus invented nothing simple because the ape is too fucking stupid.


wouldn't you agree that change takes time.

Poor Hong Kong and Japan. Doomed to low IQs because they don't have many resources. And many human children are resources. Niglets are not.

"Hi everyone! I don't know black people exist outside the United States!"

> Arica was easily conquered BECAUSE Africans were stupid
nah.. Europeans where numerous compared to Africans (back then whites constituted a much higher percentages of the world population) and they had guns, germs and steel

If only there was a white country that it could be compared to. Like, a country that has colonized repeatedly, passed on from conqueror to conqueror and used as a base in WII, until the 1960s where they acquired independence.

I wonder how they'd be faring in 2016.

>implying africa has low resources

>implying that this wasn't because of multicultism

fucking nazi fuck off

>they had guns, germs and steel
Yeah, because they were smart.