Do you seed or just leech?
Do you seed or just leech?
I feed.
I only seed on private trackers.
leech until download finishes and then i stop that shit
i have my upload set to the absolute minimum
seeding is how you get fucked by isp's
unless you're this guy
Sneed's Seed and Leech
lol, expected this.
I only came ITT for this
Formerly, though?
As a Jew I leech. Always.
Formerly, I used to fuck.
And suck?
I formerly chucked
Was the store really just a front for mass torrent seeding on a private tracker?
Hillary Clinton.
doesn't cost me anything to seed so might as well do my bit
Wanna sneedpick??
leech like the jews did
Seeding on public trackers is pointless because you eventually become the only seeder aka a bitchboy for anybody who comes across that torrent.
Every one of you knows that feel of being the only seeder, watching people download your file dozens of times, never bothering to help you seed. They just disconnect and you never see them again.
However, on private trackers, people have tons of storage and seed all the time. Your seeding actually means something there. People even message you to thank you and send you a reward if you seed for them. It actually feels good to seed on a private tracker, while seeding on a public tracker is literally cuckery where you become the webserver for thousands of freeloading Indians and other filth.
If you seed, you belong on private trackers. Come home, seeder man.
I chuck
Someone post that virgin seeder and Chad leecher meme
literally just hit the finish button as soon as it's done after capping upload to 5kib/s
thank you based YIFY
I try to seed, but it seems like it doesn't even work. Most of the time there isn't even an 'uploading speed'.
“When you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites, for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Most certainly, I tell you, they have received their reward."
Probably should take another look at the Bible
>Every one of you knows that feel of being the only seeder, watching people download your file dozens of times, never bothering to help you seed. They just disconnect and you never see them again.
Haha why the f*ck would I do that?
>paying for entertainment
I only ever leech.
It's all I'm good for.
>tfw pay $60 for 5 down and 1 up
Being Australian is suffering
I have only really leached for an entire decade
I should seed Simpsons S11E5 and nothing else.
You know that feel indeed. 650 times.
Enjoy prison
Private trackers are free, retard.
>wait a day and a half for it to finish
>open it
>it's r@ygold
>shut down pc
>microwave hard-disk
ah yes, the good ol' days
>being this chickenshit
>Be on private tracker
>Still be the only guy seeding a couple of movies and animated shorts
I seed until I finish watching whatever I downloaded.
I only seed when I can get away with it. All depends on what internet I'm using.
lmao not gonna lie, I copped that movie from you
i became the weeb i am today thanks to limewire and winmx no shame
geez i forgot about that one
I used to sneed, no more though. I've been torrenting for over 13 years now, and a few months ago I actually had my Internet shut down for downloading / seeding some shitty old tv show episode.
Now I only download shows right after their air, and never seed, as soon as download is finished I stop it. Never had any problems with my ISP for months doing this method. I used to have no problem downloading old tv show / movie torrents, but I completely stopped now.
I was hoping you seedfags don't notice me being a complete asshole, literally deleting one second after the torrent is completed
AII me.
Not everyone here is a burger buddy.
If torrent is popular I only leech, because who cares other people will be able to download it anyway. But more forgotten torrents I always seed
I never seed
I try to avoid seeding as much as possible just because in general I hate giving people things when I don't need to but usually I'll accidentally leave it on for a few hours after downloading whatever it is
> I hate giving people things when I don't need to
>Relies on other to give him things when he needs them
T. Brainlet
Only reason I dont seed is because I live in australia and my max upload speed is 10kb/s so its pointless even if I did do which fucks up my connection
>I hate giving people things when I don't need to
>Relies on other to give him things when he needs them
I set my upload limit to 10 max uploaders and 10k total.
That way I'm slowing down others downloads by having them waste their requests on my drippy connection
How does one seed safely? If you need to have a computer running just for that all the time, thats ridiculous. I mean who the fuck just leaves torrenting programs on while they do other shit? you could do a seedbox, but that costs money that I can;t trust to be anonymous in paying.
Wait a mintue, you turn off your PC?
is it now unsafe to torrent in america? haven't done it here in a very long time
The leech Chad
The seed virgin
Do Americans really live like this? With their neck under the boot of the merchant?
>he uses a shitty private tracker
You can buy a VPN for like 3 dollars a month it's not that dire. In fact it keep the normies out of it. The less people pirating, the less big a deal it is to juden. Also our strife will spur the creation of the next pirating technology.
>You can buy a VPN for like 3 dollars a month
Paying to pirate? Nah.
obfuscating your internet traffic helps in the fight against (((them)))
stream in 480p like a dumb fag then
Why would I stream when I use private trackers for free? I download any kind of quality I want, VPNCuck.
>still using torrents
Sneeding is what gets you in trouble
Feed, but don't seed
not bad
get on my level
Can you still dl cp on lm ?
I'm paying around $30 a month for a dedicated server with a 500MB bandwith. I seed 24/7 music, films and porn on public trackers using rtorrent. I sometimes put stuff from private trackers to public ones because muh freedom
I seed. I feed. I suck. I fuck.
Not him but I turn my PC off every night before I go to sleep, my fan is very loud.
Fix your fan my man
lmao I don't give a fuck, i'll take all I want and not give back shit. I make an effort to not seed.
I will be voting for Hillary Clinton.
*secretes bug juice*
I'd still turn my PC off. I need near-silence to sleep.
Why don't you people seed? I am always greatful to the seeders when they are the last ones keeping something I need alive. This is a collaborative effort.
What exactly are you afraid of? "Safely"? Its fucking entertainment not government secrets or child porn.
I seed porn, but I couldn't give a shred of a fuck for TV/Films/Games/Music, it's the kind of shit we should be buying anyways. Porn is something you shouldn't be wasting money on, especially if you're addicted to it (which you probably are if you use the internet regularly).
Why do you keep your computer in the same room you sleep in?
I live in a shared flat.
t. lives with parents
Never seed.
I'm not a criminal.
>doesn't know about the levels of cuckoldry some countries have reached in term of copyrighted material
I seed. because I have high moral standards
I haven't torrented anything since 2013 when my ISP completely banned thepiratebay. I usually just buy the physical media for whatever I want, since they're cheap enough.
If it's a popular file with a ton of seeders I don't care. Finish DL, delete torrent.
If it's some niche shit I'll keep seeding until I've at least gone over 1-1.5 ratio.
Anything else is just masturbatory bullshit.
>b-b-but how can you be such a selfish prick when we're all just SHARING do your part
>while not paying for media that costs millions to produce
What you fail to realize, young retards, is that I hate socialists as much as I hate Hollywood.
Nowadays I only leech. Seeders are just a game for me.
>my fan is very loud.
buy a better PC or fix the fan.
No, the US is one of the most lax countries regarding web law and always has been.
In fact, net neutrality is now MORE in danger and "responsible" actions are already being taken now that Obama handed the keys to the kingdom over to the EU.
>I am always greatful to the seeders when they are the last ones keeping something I need alive. This is a collaborative effort.
I bet you don't seed with them when you are done downloading from them.
Seeding is how they get you. Leeching is the only way to torrent.
I'm a seeder. Real props goes out to the encoders though. They the real MVPs
There is honour among thieves I suppose
This. The only time I've ever had a piracy warning from my ISP was when I fell asleep and left a torrent seeding all night with no limits
>Seeding is how they get you
They can see you as soon as you connect to the swarm, retard.
The one show I seeded recent was H Jon Benjamin has a Van. I would keep it up in the background because I thought the show was pretty amusing and Comedy Central wants a retarded amount of money online to see an old cancelled TV Show.
Then one morning I see Cox killed my Internet because I appearently pissed off Viacom's piracy bot.
I hope someone's still seeding that show, the episode where he becomes a Werejew is hilarious.