Are we winning?
why do you guys think that conservatives is taking off?
I think it's because people actually like having values and realize liberals have zero values.
Counter culture. Everyone's liberal now. The shows are liberal, movies are liberal, celebrities are liberal. Being conservative is the only way to rebel.
Actually nothing about this surprises me.
I'm a "liberal" in the sense I agree in "most" big social issues. But I'm conservative in gun rights, gassing the kikes and niggers, building a wall (though more of a metaphorical one) and I believe we all have the right to do as we please with as little government intrusion as possible. I am also in support of taking down our government if it becomes too hands on in our daily lives.
Also, why is this filed under "health", what did they mean by this?
What is old is new again. Also, I thank video games.
These kids want the Call of Duty guns, liberals say they can't have 'em, so they vote Republican.
So it can be seen by less eyes, yet they can claim to have reported it.
Being constantly insulted becuse you are a fucking white male will do that to people
Yeah, its extremely strange to say the least. Both on that level and the implication that conservationism is a mental health issue.
The right will rise again
Conservative now and then was something different. Today conservatives are left of the past.
I think being conservative is something completely different that being republican
Should've happened 25 years ago, though. This shit isn't new.
>Liberal with social issues
>wants to gas kikes, niggers, and build a wall
What don't you understand? Liberal for us, fuck everyone else.
Canada has solved the problem. Thank you Canada.
Voicing conservative opinions is thrilling and really one of the few ways to feel alive in a public setting anymore
SJWs poisoned the whole fucking planet and now we're all violently puking every bit of that worthless shit out of our system together.
But since there will be no race war, they will move towards liberal views.
in the age of degeneracy being normal is rebellion
He loves gays because the TV told him to, but hates niggers because he has read Sup Forums posts
Just not enough Sup Forums posts
Did you just assume my gender?
Today's "conservatives" are leftists from 5 years ago. No wonder (((they))) are literally shaking about the rise of the meme right.
pretty much
nah, the more things change the more they stay the same
this isn't the first time a society has liberalized in excess (degenerated)
it doesn't last long. we go full circle
It used to be Christian groups that would demand that violent games be banned. Now it's social justice groups that demand problematic games be censored or banned. Either way breeds resentment.
jesus christ, if words like socialism scare you, you've lived a very sheltered life.
History shows society is a pendulum.
It's gonna swing back hard and this time thanks to the internet all the degeneracy will be recorded.
So we'll be sure is stays on the right.
>Did you just assume my gender?
I'm literally shaking right now!
>Xe loves gays because the TV told xir to, but hates niggers because xe has read Sup Forums posts
fixed it for you
Well that is really the definition of 'national socialism', so you can thank Hitler for that
Both this and this > Counter culture
> I think it's because people actually like having values and realize liberals have zero values.
Hipsters hate Hipsters. They seem to hate those who came to the party late and are just followers, they were looking for something authentic but the dumb liberal consumer mass makes a mockery of it. Just look how angry "poc" and liberals actually are...with liberals.
Conservative/libertarians can wrestle issues away from the globalist commies now and should.
> Green issues.
> "Native" issues.
> Education issues.
> Local economy issues.
It's genetic.
liberals started really believing that blank slate stuff and thought that controlling every institution of learning and organ of the press would be enough to keep producing new generations of liberals so they didn't need kids.
It turns out that doesn't work though.
Not surprising. You can't go through your teenage rebellion if your parents agree with everything you do. Supporting gays, denouncing christianity, and getting into orgies is appauled now
like pottery
People don't like being mugged, raped, and murdered.
>conservatives breed
>liberals don't
Yup, sounds right. Apparently i didn't save the graphs that statistically shown a correlation between women's liberation and declining birth rates. But not the universal suffrage or participation in the government, but women's participation in the workforce.
It's hard being a leftist and seeing "liberals" claim that replacing repression with coddling is "progressive". But such is the nature of the movement. Mistakes will be made.
I'm probably about the same. I could care less about classic issues like fag marriage or abortion. Believe it or not, there is worse issues like immigration, whiteflight, crumbling infrastructure despite how much we piss away on taxes, the federal government allowing Ferguson and Baltimore to go on for as long as they have, ect. Hell I'd even be open to maternity leave as long as most of the women on leave decided never go back to work. Why? Because whyite women would take advantage of it. Before that, though, offering free vasectomies in the ghetto might be a good start. Classic cuckservatives might care about muh values, but I care about my race.
>born between 1980 and 1994
Hey, that's me!
>A new paper suggests that Americans are more politically polarized now than they've been in the past 46 years
>5% extremely conservative
The American revolution was 3-5% of the US population.
Millennial Conservatives will more and more look like us with time.
incoming with some bill buck feels.
anyone want more of these?
kids who grew up studying with niggers and spics because the liberals in the 90's pushed that agenda so hard got redpilled the hard way
Shitlibs replace children with cats and dogs. Even the cuckiest cuckservatives still have children, even if it ther wife's bull's sons.
80's Child master Race!!
That's like the Sup Forums "alt-right" everyone keeps talking about. Fapping to traps is a-okay, masturbating in a womens locker because you pretend to be a woman is also ok and no one gives a fuck about two faggots sucking each others dick. But we do hate niggers, muslims, liberals and sometimes spics because spics vote for Democrats.
Fuck off Jew, faggots aren't welcome here either you cocksucker.
If you are offered a weak horse and a strong horse by nature you will choose the strong horse
People are also getting tired of the anti-white stuff aswell. Which at this point is all the left has to offer, in any nation. There is no left-wing party whos main selling point is not anti-white and third worldist identity politics.
man's face is the face of a pure cuck degenerate
>if it ther wife's bull's sons
You realize that's the opposite of having children, right?
The kids aren't even hers either. They are both cucks.
tbf that was when there was almost no data on what kind of short term or long term effects video games were having on kids.
And even now there are some few christian groups that want violent video games less accessible to young children. Very few if any actually want them banned though afaik.
It's literally because people are losing money to college and not getting employment. Those two things push people farther to the right than anything else.
That's not genetic, but I wouldn't disagree that a conservative family would be more likely to have kids and subsequently teach them their values.
No.This article clearly states that millennial "conservatives" have given up the main fight against degeneracy, and focus only on the economic issues and maybe gun rights.
Those aren't conservatives, they are centrist liberals. If they accept gays, they are liberal. If they accept the trans people and their dumb bathroom wars, they are liberal. If they desire legalized drugs, they are liberal. If they see marriage as a legal convenience, rather than the foundation of human civilization, they are liberal.
In fact, the very idea that such centrism could be called "conservatism," is a sign that we are actually losing the war, and being spoon fed Jewish lies to make it seem as if we aren't.
>more look like us with time
B-B-But we're all rayciss....
STFU Paco.
>we are loosing the war.
(pic related) sadman is sad.
it's because the premise was that millenials were like 90% gibmedats liberals
they're still the majority
Similar thing happening here
A study a few years ago that asked about specific views & policies found young people have really fiscally conservative views, and are the most anti-benefits & welfare state of all age groups. However most of the people that hold those views don't bother voting, so young people appear to vote overwhelmingly for left-wing parties.
Most of my social circle is conservative. The ones that aren't are slowly incrementally shown the true path.
Or it could be the internet revealing exactly how insane these people are with their spending and lack of ethics and morals
They don't vote because they don't have belief that the system works. Whoever is elected will fuck things up and just blame previous government
>However, in 2013 the polling company Ipsos Mori, along with think tank Demos, released the Generation Strains report which undermined the idea that you inevitably start out on the political left in your youth and move to the right with age.
>The report was based on a compilation of 17 years of polling results which compared attitudes across generations. It suggested that in many respects young people today, that's my generation - Generation Y, consisting of 18-30-year-olds - are to the political right of their parents and grandparents when they were young.
>Their attitudes include a suspicion of collectivism, a greater scepticism towards the state and more faith in themselves as individuals to get things done.
>One of the unexpected examples of the difference between my generation and those who came before us was the response to the proposition that "the government should spend more money on welfare benefits for the poor, even if it leads to higher taxes".
>While about 40% of those born in 1945 or before still agree with the statement, the numbers tumble as you move down the age range, reaching around half that figure among those aged 33 and under.
>Similarly, among Gen Y, the claim that "the creation of the welfare state is one of Britain's proudest achievements" is now supported by around 20% of people. When it comes to the pre-war cohort born before World War Two, the figure has stayed at around 70%
>conservatives don't even talk about bringing back child labour, monarchy or slavery
Son, progressives won a long time ago. Sure we make mistakes, but in the end you will accept our ideological sloppy seconds. I thought you knew that.
Because boomers and gen x was shamed with white guilt. Millennials don't understand racism and don't care about it
"It may be inferred again that the present movement for [gay marriage] will certainly prevail from the history of its only opponent: [conservatism]. This is a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation.
What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution; to be denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. . . .
Its impotency is not hard, indeed, to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It intends to risk nothing serious for the sake of the truth, and has no idea of being guilty of the folly of martyrdom. It always when about to enter a protest very blandly informs the wild beast whose path it essays to stop, that its “bark is worse than its bite,” and that it only means to save its manners by enacting its decent role of resistance:
The only practical purpose which it now serves in American politics is to give enough exercise to Radicalism to keep it “in wind,” and to prevent its becoming pursy and lazy, from having nothing to whip." - R.L. Dabney, with minor edits.
Dabney died last century.
i see many wiggers that are between 15-25 years old :(
Yes. We are winning. It might not look like it because the media LOVES to only show liberals in their idiocy.
Thanks to this, many people see this idiocy and want absolutely nothing to do with it.
Spain is nearly an openly communist state
Because now being a conservative is rebellious. The "progressive" left are some of the most authoritarian people in modern politics. People are tired of being told what they can or cannot say thanks to hate speech. People are tired being told their opinion has no validation because of white male privilege. Overall people are getting tired of everything the left has been doing, the safe spaces, trigger warning, micro aggresions, cultural appropriation, fat shaming, absolutely all of it.