These are 10/10 to European women

>these are 10/10 to European women

Can't even make this shit up

Other urls found in this thread:


they love tanned Germans

>coming from the land normalized coalburning and faggotry

What is the meaning of this meme? (srs)

>Be Norwegian politician
>Get Raped
>Cry for migrant not to be deported

Dont you have migrants to please hanz?

Instead of worsening gender relations
How about you follow repeating digits and try to solve the problem??

well and we have sandniggers so no one comes empty-handed out of this cuckfest and now back to robbing tyrone

>muh slaves pillaging

they aren't. but i'm sure it turns you on to think so.

dont you have niggers to feed and spics to take your jobs while the jews are brainwashing your kids to be anti white faggots?

USA is 60% non-hispanic white. It's the childish "so are you" response.

Germans couldn't turn Greeks into Germans. They fail with other groups in their own country. Pic related are welfare rates among different ethnic groups in Germany.

your country is only 63% white
(56% white if you count undocumented immigrants)

so much incest created those things

This is true. We have 2 niggers in class and every single attractive white girl is around them.

With digits like that I'm calling the cops mate

Dont you have niggers and sand niggers to feed while you work all day and let them rape your wifes and daughters while the jews are brainwashing your kids to be anti white faggots?

>not 10/10
post some better beer steins then faggot

>hey neighbour your house is on fire
>oh yeah? your house has burned down. *goes back inside*

not as many as man and certainly not for decades unlike you



Kill yourself fat amerinigger mongrel subhuman

Thanks bros.

funny how americans can never handle the banter ahen someone calls out their degeneracy

Less talk, more sinking boats and paying denbts.


It's genuine concern disguised as banter. Current banter vs americans is >SHART IN MART.

When are you going to pay?


Said slavshit

Well, it's what made America as powerful as it is today.

>growing diversity

In US "diversity" is homogeneity but in negro or mexican forms. Also people responding positively to that poll remind me of the delusional parents sending their kids to black schools:

at least we are white, jose :)

>Not as many
Well i got some bad news for you hanz :^)

There wont be a germany the route you guys are heading to

zitto animale

stfu subhuman

Pls stop polescum go clean my toilet it's dirty

>the diverse melting pot of Irish from Ireland and Welsh from England made America as powerful as it is today.

Is the joke you don't have a toilet and shit on a designated shitting street?

John my son you have just exited the European Union, you must choose which ethnic group to harass out of England. Do you choose fellow white poles or gang raping middle easterners?

t. William al-Cuck bin Jiahdi

That was despite diversity not because of it.

>Join new school
>Suddenly every girl there wants the D

It's because it's something new you dumb shit, you'll find out when you eventually hit your 20s.

>poles white
Stop with this meme. Poles here commit much more crimes than niggers, brits and mudslimes combined together.

I'm 26 I'm at uni you cunt

hope you realize now thats its all about dick size

It's funny how there is only this one single picture of dust monkeys drinking some beer on a oktoberfest.
There was a volksfest in my city and I heard that every single refugee got kicked out/arrested for even coming close to it. Ya'll niggers don't really believe that these fuckfaces are being tolerated, right? Our women still seek the aryan race and are even more offensive than men towards these sand niggers. Just because your wife gets oreo'd by jòse and tyrone doesn't mean that our women are as retarded as yours.

I guarantee all those Somalis have micro dicks, not every nigger is Congolese

>a litre of beer costs 10 euro at Oktoberfest
How can these insects even afford it? Their sisters must have had a busy night before.


Moslems drinking alcohol.

>They're alright, then.

They're just tired of whitebois and would just fuck anything else

I'm glad to know Germany still has some hope. Godspeed to you and your women, user.

You mean the powerhouse we became when we were 90% white and had segregation? Neck yourself, shitskin.

Your waifu a shit

illegals aren't in the white category you moron that's why it's called non hispanic white.