Youtube says no more controversial (conservative) content. hmmmmm I wonder why?

Anyone have some alternate websites?

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lmao, nothing is changing, only now NEETs can't be swaddled as man children.

Youtube isnt censoring anything, just not giving money to these faggots.

Good for youtube, they'll prolly get way more advertising now.

So I don't understand--are they actually censoring videos or are they just stripping advertising money from those that aren't lefty?

just stripping monetization, it's nothing

sounds like a great opportunity, fampai

somebody gonna make some cash providing an open alternative.

Fuck you, kike. We're the ones who fuck women and have families. You are the actual faggots getting assrammed by Achmeds and wearing dresses.

lol get a real job you lazy piece of shit

You're nigger tier

>removing the monetary incentive to produce content

granted content producers who don't need the money will continue anyway, but this is far from nothing.

>needs incentive to do a hobby

>Good for youtube, they'll prolly get way more advertising now

Yeah, just what the internet needs. More obnoxious advertisments.

>if you're against censorship you should get a job

they're not censoring anything faggot

then why are you arguing that those annoying ads no longer work in your favor?

Wouldn't you be against monetization all together?

I don't even understand kikes like you--you are truly evil.

>can't think of an argument

>unironically being retarded

here's an example of things they censor:

>choosing what is deemed acceptable to be monetized

what could possibly go wrong

They're not censoring you dumbshit.

They're just not paying you.

The internet isn't obligated to automatically pay you for every dumbass video you upload.

Fucking entitled cunts. Get a real job.

>hey guys come create content and we'll reward you!
>except for things I don't agree with then you get no compensation for the ad revenue you are responsible for

Well arent you? I mean shit, you call us neets clearly hate niggers but love leftists. Fairly strait forward. You're a CTR Kike Jew pee pee poo poo shame on you.

>then why are you arguing that those annoying ads no longer work in your favor?

I'm not a youtuber. I'm just saying you're fucked up for congratulating youtube getting more advertisers.

>Inappropriate language, including harassment, swearing
Looks like all channels will soon be gone

>implying anyone "doing youtube as my job :^)" was worth watching in the first place

>but love leftists

lmao how did you get that out of what I said?

Fucking retards

It's literally nothing, its just changing the way users are notified and can appeal against it, they've always demonetized videos, especially older ones that don't generate much traffic anymore. Calling it censorship is extremely obtuse.

stfu manchild

>no controversial content
Do you realize this means the end of channels like southfront or chinauncensored?

Nope--actual faggotry transgender agenda SJW antifa shit is never 'controversial' according to kike shill duplicitous ZOG zombies.

>nothing is changing
>they're just censoring stuff now
>nothing is being censored tho

Which is it?

I think the reason this kinda sucks for people is youtube allowed people to become entertainers or w/e without the support of a major backer like hollywood or something else. So it gave everyone a sort of equal platform to put their own content out online and make some form of money of it. So in a way I think this is a hit to regular people.

>just stripping monetization, it's nothing
Top Kike. SJW faggots will still get paid of course. Typical Commie Kike tactics whenever their system is under threat.

Laws are behind the times. Jewtube is no different than any other traditional network. Lawsuits will be incoming I'm sure.


you entitled freak, hopefully you stupid dumbases have cancer

>say all the nasty stuff you want
>make paetron

>Calling it censorship is extremely obtuse.
That's right, no controversial content goy, don't rock the boat.
>this is not worth watching
>being this uninformed

you can still host those kinds of videos. You just won't get any money from them. To be honest, posting videos on YouTube shouldn't be a source of income anyway so who cares

ZOG Kike masters are truly trying to reign in the Internet. Too much freedom of speech going on in there. Wouldn't want the goys to start finding out en masse.

>lmao how did you get that out of what I said?

You clearly support communist censorship, shlomo.

Kek. Exactly. It's cencorship by proxy. It would be like saying yeah you could keep cleaning the toilets buddy. I'm not going to pay you or nothin but go ahead goy :D :D

>not wanting dedicated youtube channels that require a lot of work
>being retarded

its their right as a company to do this.

what every one should do is go around and report leftist faggotry on youtube. any feminist shit ect since it is controversial . click the ... above the description and report that shit

>youtubers being paid millions since day 1
>they all keep quiet about how much they are paid
>they get paid in the early days for subscribers + comments, so they beg for comments (because comments would convert lurkers into getting accounts)
>a few talk up about being paid
>most still say they dont get paid at all
>no money from youtube, need money for the patreon
>youtube dont pay enough, we rely on patreon and merch sales :)
>youtube doesnt monetize 15% of their videos

Fucking youjewbs.

I get paid by Google for websites I develop. Since day 1 they've been very restrictive on what content I can post. I'm kind of glad to see youtubers finally get treated like the rest of us, although even with web content Google always gives more slack to the large sites.

>this means it's banned

>That's right, no controversial content goy, don't rock the boat.
>Wah, they won't pay me for my moonman videos despite knowing for years they wouldn't.

From what I've read, that's always been their advertisement policy, so getting all butthurt over them not coughing up shekels for a policy that has been in place for quite some time is retarded.

I've done this. You'll be ignored.

>unironically being retarded
>not understanding proxy-bans
>you will never have youtube channels reporting controversial content

>Instead of wanting more freedom given to you, you prefer freedom being taken from others
Absolutely Communist

I miss when youtube was merely a place to post videos. Then when people realized they could get money, they flooded it with so much stupid shit. Idk why but people that base their income on youtube advertising piss me off

It's a public commons.
Would you like restaurants to refuse to serve certain "undesirables"? Like you?

Implying Jewtube doesn't filter the reports.

>progressive channels are allowed to be monetized
>"controversial" channels aren't

In the end, youtube is punishing people for having "incorrect" opinions.

It's been Youtube's policy to be a lefty propaganda mouthpiece while censoring dissent by proxy? Really forces one to cogitate...

>From what I've read, that's always been their advertisement policy
What's your point?

Part of the policy also says no coverage of disasters or controversial news even if no graphic images are shown. are you a retard or just a shill?

>wahh I'm not getting internet money for my shitty videos
>I better call someone else entitled

Fucking lol, Canadians truly are the most pathetic shitposters on this board.

Oh fuck off.
Youtube didn't even used to give people money, it was made for people who liked to make catchy and funny internet videos before it became extremely mainstream in 2012 with faggot lets players that wanted to make money. Now they'll just have to get real jobs.

Whach'ya been doin' rabbi ?

I'd have sympathy if the non-monetization of controversial topics didn't also apply to all websites with Google Ads.

>instead of diversifying where your revenue comes from, relying on the benevolence of (((Google)))

Google would never advertise on Sup Forums for example, but Sup Forums still lives. You guys probably also believe Sup Forums wasn't profitable for moot since launch.

No you fuck off kike. There is no journalism anymore. MSM is like good goy the mouthpiece. YouTube was one remaining vent. You stop it up, well--bad things happen.

>All these people crying because they can't make a living making 5 minute videos and have to get a real job.

Free ride's over, fucknuts.

>didn't even used to

Are you fucking 12 or do you not want any in-depth private coverage of "controversial" events?
>inb4 I get my news from CNN because it's neutral


There will be a reckoning.

So what? They're not getting paid. It's not a job it's an entertainment site. Get over it.

This is obviously because of the rising population of alt right YouTubers like black pigeon etc

No doubt Merkel had something to do with it

My point is that it has been owned by google which is an extremely leftist company, so acting all surprised and asshurt when they won't monetize content creators that don't align with those views is an act of pure autism since we all know well in advance that they are leftists in the first place, why is this so hard for you guys to grasp?

channels are the bests when run by hobbyists. the second they start aiming for revenue money is when quality drops. their voice changes to that of a douchebag, they keep asking for likes and subscribes and they start favoring quantity. sure, production value goes up but it's not always worth the tradeoff

I miss it too, but the advertisements helped encourage some really useful video uploads as well. I bought a chevy impala with the classic stepper motors failing from a design error, and a youtube video set help me fix them. A different youtube set helped me out with college programming classes and catching up with the work.
So I'm glad that advertisements help pay the people who just want to help other people. Shitcocks that upload retarded shit wanting cash can go fuck themselves. Posting news that flies under the radar just to get the word out is a reward all to itself. Youtube will still serve a function there.

>>All these people crying because they can't make a living making 5 minute videos and have to get a real job

That's still going to happen, though. The problem is that youtube gets to decide which users are allowed to make money, regardless of views.

Grow the fuck up, cunt.

>entertaining people
>somehow this is bad

Right, because a good way to reach people is by having your content on a separate website that only 12 people know about. jesus christ, are you retarded?

Why can't they make their videos with a 15 second "This video is sponsored by" type thing?

Couldn't this make these channels money and personally choose who funds their work

You kikes will be sorry. One day you will learn the strengths of honesty, and the value of being humble.

People watching videos seemed profitable enough for Google when (((they))) bought it for $1.65bn.
>1000000000 US dollars = 749717920.0000 British pounds

They'd need to find sponsors for it. Oh the humanity, those starving artists would have to do something to get free money.


They're not deleting content you nigger they're taking bad goy money away.

>channels are the bests when run by hobbyists. war

>look for alternate news on syria
>wow look at all those hobbyists

Please take your autism somewhere else.

i fucking love adblock

You're such a fucking hypocrite, kike. You won't say that about your bullshit SJW ZOG Antifa friends.

The hilarious thing of course is that Story Time With Ben "Zyklon" Garrison will still have ads for Coca-Cola running on its "controversial" channel. But now Jewtube will pocket all the shekels.

I wonder if any big names will protest/boycott. Pewdepie is going NatSoc now and is head and shoulders above any other Tuber. If he and a couple other big names boycott it could get real fun real fast.

Make a new fucking site then. It's not like Jewtube is some kind of non prophet freedombox.

Conservatives and anti Zionists can still get money through Patreon I suppose.

Really makes you think.

As long as you don't want to watch these kind of videos they pretty much should be profitably suppressed. Good goyin' there JIDF. God's chosen children recognise freedom eventually.

Oh and I suppose it's only fair that they should be anti-fair. You liberals stand for nothing.

Well, this is the point were it starts to crumble and finally will come crashing down.

The website had a good run for years, but now they are getting greedy and start playing the political game.

The users do not like that.

And usually disgrunted users are not very hesitant when it comes to moving to other websites.

Anyone remember myspace?

You're acting like a liberal.
>waaah, you guys can't have websites!
>shut it down, presidentess Clinton!


This. It's too late. Too many people have been redpilled on the kike ZOG SJW antifa agenda. We'll create something new.

youtube isnt censoring anything, are you retarded?

can't read?

Neva4get SJW did bully the paetron to not accept monies for certain freespeech non-jewgle image boards because muh freespeech is offensive.

>Someone is making money legally by providing content to subscribers
>"Lol get a job niggers"

You have the maturity of a 14 year old

Fuck off shill. This is nothing other than the next step of the socialist agenda.

I'm just pointing out the obvious double standard. Your point is 'with Jews you lose, better luck next time.' This is what villains say. You're a villain.

I said get a real job.

Re read the post you quoted incorrectly

>we need to regulate broadcast networks to ensure fair coverage of political opinions for the sake of society
>lol just make another jewtube
Typical Commie Kike. They will sue to force Government to provide a platform for thier ideology, but once they start to amass power they seek to censor descenting opinions by any means available.

What is with you corporate white knights
Fuck off you neo con retard

You're such a bootlicking sheep you don't even realize it

They didn't even change anything. They still use the same demonetization algorithm they have been for years, the only thing now is that they alert users when a video is demonetized.
And even if this was a new implementation, which, again, it's not, they're not censoring anyone's speech. You can still make a video saying obama is a son of a whore king nigger, just don't be surprised when Procter and Gamble don't want their ads sponsoring your content. You're still free to make videos and express your opinions, you're just not paid to do so anymore.

You are dumb, the market wants pewdiefags nowadays, you should lesen to adapt and stop watching your 90s shows and live in the real world, information technology disrupts the kikes controlled tv system and you are just mad and envious you still live with neet bucks in your mums basement