What's Sup Forumss stance on Brock Turner?
What's Sup Forumss stance on Brock Turner?
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He's a product of his environment and suffering for it.
It's a wide stance, behind him, bent over a table.
The punishment itself was fair, the overreaction to the ruling is retarded and led by people who haven't even glanced at the details of the case.
Irrelevant buzz-feed tier wedge issue to stir up the plebs.
Creepy little rapey cunt who ignored the rules i.e. stay the fuck away from chicks that can barely walk. Certain Sup Forumstards sympathise with him because they have absolutely no knowledge of how sexual dynamics work and being NEETy losers, recognise that a similar situation - hitting on a drunk chick - is basically the only way they're going to get laid before they're 25.
>being this bitter
he's white therefore he deserves to die
Victim of the media, just like always.
He did nothing wrong
Basically this
You can delete your thread now OP
unfairly criticized by people just for being himself and taking part in his culture
Poor guy. Two Swedes saw him engaging in sexual activity with a white woman then became enraged and chased him off.
>swedes actually prevent rape
>in america
Did nothing wrong except refusing to pay money to whatever cunt was blackmailing him with false rape accusations
this plus I think he sort of represents modern sexual relations to women and they feel powerless against it so they want government to make it illegal for men to pump and dump. Pls consider my theory
Bitter about what? Look, anyone who's socially normal KNOWS that pawing all over drunk chicks is basically the refuge of weirdos and that creepy guy who's a bit too old to be in the club or whatever; it speaks to a lack of nous somewhere, that the dude can't succeed normally so has to get in 'by the back door' so to speak. /pol9k/ doesn't understand this because /pol9k/ doesn't socialise.
Proof that women and pussy are inherently evil.
Brock dindu nuffin, hence why the Judge let him off. He got drunk at a party, met a drunk girl, fingered her behind a dumpster, two swedes assumed he must've been raping her, she was black out drunk and didn't remember a thing, had a boyfriend, cried rape (even though she didn't remember a thing). The Judge figured it out and let him off easy. Feminazi media freaks out. Is that really too hard for your cro-magnon brain to follow?
The guy made a mistake and served his time.
Degenerate nerd, but probably not a criminal, strictly speaking.
Brock wasn't the problem. He was the symptom.
Frats are the real issue
Your average "rape" (don't know the details desu) case blown out of proportion by the media to get views. Nothing more, nothing less.
Whatever he did no punishment will be enough for some people.
Bullshit, I'm in a frat and I haven't raped anyone yet.
It's a very interesting case to me. If you actually read all the information on the trial it appears very clear that the sentence was fair If not harsh. But try explaining that to the 99% of the population that gets off on ironically gang raping a media lightning rod. They make out like YOUR the crazy one for being rational. I even went on Stephen Molyneux to talk about it
I wish everyone got as outraged over Muslims raping people and getting a slap on the wrist as punishment.
he's an upper class white boy. this will be daily news until election week
Out of every 1000 rapes:
344 are reported to the police
63 reports lead to an arrest
13 cases are seen by prosecutors
7 cases will lead to a felony conviction
6 rapists will be incarcerated
Even if you don't believe the unreported rapes it's still highly unlikely in america to face jail time even if you're guilty as fuck.
Dumbest part is all of the niggers going like, "Wtf if I raped a girl at gunpoint I'd get 10 years." While they have a history of criminal offences and are part of a gang, etc. These niggers have no self awareness.
Just words that come to mind...
I will take the leftwing argument and use it against them
>actually believing those bullshit rape statistics
Failed example of White privilege. Basically if a White guy FINGERS an unconscious chick, that somehow constitutes RAPE and not sexual assault, and he's sent death threats and has his face up all over the media.
It was a piece of shit act and all and he should've gotten longer, but holy fuck is the case overhyped.
Brock Turner was convicted of being a WHITE MALE, which is a capital crime in 2016. If he had been black nobody would know his name.
I too have pointed ths out to my liberal friends who love sharing retard memes "black guy gets life, but rich white boy gets 3months? RACISM" I can't deal anymore with the complete lack of deductive logic amongst the masses
Wasn't this based on 3 universities in an anonymous poll?
"Getting off easy" was the worst thing that could have happened to him: now he will spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder.
I agree with how it could be considered rape. However, the problem is the double standard for men. Chick and guy get drunk, chicken passes out during foreplay, she is not responsible for being drunk yet he is?
He was a swimmerfag, not a Frat boy. You sound alot like a special snowflake from tumblr, blaming those ebil rich white men
An innocent man who did nothing wrong. I'd love nothing more than to find the cunt who framed him and then show her what a real rape feels like
You're still responsible for bad shit you do while drunk. If you pass out and some drunk girl takes advantage of you, she can still be charged with rape even though she was drunk.
I guess you're okay with white guys raping women if you think they're good guys.
he dindu nuffin, was a gud boi, gettin his life on track, goin to chuch and scoo and shiet
A good example of the many people the media has fucked over to make a buck. Can't wait for Trump to end that.
Let this be a lesson to every guy. Don't fool around until you get back to your room. And make sure you have a hidden camera recording everything.
Tumblrites literally want Brock dead.
It happened at a frat party. People were even encouraging him to do fuck a drunk girl, and he went to multiple frat parties and thought it was perfectly normally.
Feminists think rape is just peachy whenever muslims or Bill Clinton do it.
>Chick and guy get drunk, chicken passes out during foreplay
Yeah, that's the point where you go do something else. Jeez...
Tumblrinas are insanely obsessed with rape 24/7 because no guys want to fuck them.
If so many go unreported how do you know they happened dumbfuck?
Think it's completely overblown.
It was his first offense and he was charged with sexual assault. Even niggers would have received the same amount of time.
Most people with an opinion on this have no idea how court works or why he received his sentencing.
Also, I just don't have sympathy for sluts who get raped when they are drunk, same with dudes. Can't take of yourself I don't see how that's my problem. You're an adult.
But the girl herself said she "didn't remember giving consent" it's not like she was dragged away against her will. Up until a certain point she was consenting but it's his responsibility to make sure while intoxicated he takes care of other intoxicated person?
How is this bitter?
Good example of anti-white agenda by the MSM and the politically correct and acceptable racism and sexism against white men.
Did nothing wrong.
Has that ever actually happened tho? The only case of woman-on-man rape that I could find on Google was of a woman who broke into some guy's house and then mounted him while he was sleeping
>can pinpoint the number of incidents kept unreported down to the exact singles digit
>no mention of sample size, no indicator of location, no information whatsoever besides misleading, out of context, unsupported numbers
Source. Let me guess, it's a self-reported "study" with no scientific rigor conducted at one to a few liberal universities in the United States solely to make Facebook infographics. How close am I?
>Yeah, that's the point where you go do something else. Jeez...
Like take photos and post them to Facebook to slut shame her.
If you don't want to get raped stay away from niggers and mexicans. A white rapist is as common as a unicorn.
Em, no. She can't be charged. She's adsolved from personal responsibility.
In fact, she could probably claim you raped her.
>fingering an intoxicated woman is now rape
>not sexual assault
>Has that ever actually happened tho?
There was a story a few years ago where some dude was forced into a car with a load by fat chicks and it turned rapey. I'm not making this up.
It would be fun to go around to parties with a buddy, chat up a girl and pretend to pass out. If she touches you, your buddy takes a picture and you drag her to court for raping you.
Should change their tune if enough men did it.
You're assuming he knew. He claimed he didn't know she did. You idiots are missing the point, if TWO PEOPLE ARE BOTH INTOXICATED WAY ABOVE LEGAL DRIVING LIMIT THEN IS EITHER RESPONSIBLE FOR THE OTHER?
Yeah, The lady doth protest too much, methinks
Anectdotally my gf works in a bookstore, she says blue haired Tumblrinas are always buying the most hardcore rape, bondage and incest erotic novels available
Privileged rapist.
It's worth mentioning too that trashy chicks doesn't stand good against next to a rich boy, and a hope of an olympics team
Degenerate. The public reaction to the case however is a double standard just like any time a white person commits a crime.
>White Knight Rapist on a unicorn, reporting for duty...
There was a story last year about a lady knocking out a burglar then keeping him tied up and full of Viagra for three days
My stance is that a black athlete, around the same time as the Brock Turner finger banging, violently raped a virgin student in her dorm room, and received a lighter sentence.
And that the media barely covered his trial at all.
Mainly because it's loaded with hate for people who don't hold his opinion. Same shit reddit does.
One thing to say your opinion but when you try to shame your opposition by claiming they are all virgins it's just retarded.
It's the same shit Sup Forums does when they go off on a rant and half way through just start smearing their opponent. It's how women argue kek.
>Certain Sup Forumstards sympathise with him because they have absolutely no knowledge of how sexual dynamics work and being NEETy losers, recognise that a similar situation - hitting on a drunk chick - is basically the only way they're going to get laid before they're 25.
I mean come on, this is pretty much lashing out emotionally like a woman.
His point wasn't even bad but adding that last bit is on par with throwing a temper tantrum because someone doesn't agree with you. Just my view of it though.
>What's Sup Forumss stance on Brock Turner?
Is he still the mayor of Suplex City?
commie media destroyed him
I was initially thinking he should know better to fuck around with drunk chicks but then again he wa a drunk dude and this I can give him moral agency while saying she has none
It was 2 drunk people having sex. Or actually not even having sex.
I'm pretty sure that's just an urban legend, a friend of mine also told me a story about how one of his friends went for a ride in a car with some fat chicks and they tried to rape him, alternately fat-chick-gang-rape is a surprisingly prevalent phenomenon worldwide
I think it is definitely preposterous that he only got 3 months. But it's not because he's white or because there's a rape culture in our society (rape culture is a fucking myth as you all know), it's because his daddy had enough money to swing the judge.
Keep trying to be a Yank, but you'll never be one.
I get the feeling this is also a myth, viagra doesn't give you an erection unless you're already aroused, she probably would have had more success giving him drugs like amphetamine to make him horny
>If you pass out and some drunk girl takes advantage of you, she can still be charged with rape even though she was drunk.
Hahahahahahahahaha no. That'd get tossed out before it even hit the court's desk.
You people are literally fucking retarded and completely incapable of empathy. Actually try putting yourself in the situation, moron. Make an honest effort. Imagine: you're pressed up against a girl, leaning against a dumpster, fingering her with her consent. She's drunk as shit amd you're drunk as shit. Maybe you both have your eyes closed. You're too close to be staring her in the face the whole time. She's probably not saying or doing much. At some point she falls asleep. How can you tell? It's not like a fucking cartoon on/off switch where she goes from passionately moaning to loudly snoring in the blink of an eye. It would have been slow, gradual, and hard to pinpoint. You're late in pulling your hand out by even one second and suddenly you're branded a rapist for life and sent off to prison? You think that's fair? You call that rape? Get the fuck out of here. You can't take a nuanced situation and simplify it until it's hilariously black-and-white and then pass judgement.
It's preposterous he was convicted of anything, you fucking white knight faggot.
Not being tolerant of muslims raping British children is racism.
I was sexually molested when I was unconscious and I didn't send the guy to prison. Why can't women just deal with shit.
>rape is okay
back to you degenerate
How the fuck do you not notice someone is unconscious? And being drunk is not a fucking excuse; if he was sober enough to remember 'not noticing' then he was sober enough to stay the fuck away from her which is what any 'normal' dude would have done. See, this is what I mean; you faggots have never been in these situations which is why you find yourself trying to excuse a dude dong shit that normal, sociable people flip their shit about. At some point, before she passed out, that chick could barely stand. And this dude was still going for it.
Should have been cruzified for all i care. I dont get why Sup Forums jumps to the defence of this degenerate.
I dont geht why he was found guilty?
Are you a Christian? Because a women is considered male property.
Back to Sup Forums you degenerate faggot.
M8, he sentenced again is now doing 10 years.
There's literally 0 proof that she ever even gave any form of consent is the problem. Seriously listen to the voicemail she left her boyfriend, she's completely incoherent and her BAC was .22. She was in absolutely no way able to legally consent.
>omg life is so unfair if your a man :'( everyone discriminates against me
Yeah what do you think happens if you're so drunk you pass out and some chick sodomizes you? She just gets a free pass if you call the police and present evidence that it happened?
Reading comprehension is low. No.
Then actually refute them.
Again read my last sentence. Even if you don't believe unreported the other stats are on point.