Would you date/marry a faveladagirl?
Would you date/marry a faveladagirl?
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I am a favelagirl(male).
I don't know what that is.
Only if all of her family and friends are dead. Anything else is asking for trouble.
Only the most PURE.
If she doesn't have STD's, I'm down.
I'd fuck pretty much anything if she was clean and looked good.
i already have a waifu.
shame she is a medicore operator
Yes, favela girls are christian, want kids and are easely manipulable.
Favela girl it's not bad by herself, her family and friends are the problem.
>not being white
reroll your life
No. They usually have bad hygiene.
Do favela girls do anal?
>not favelagirl
>not favelada
Rio de Janegro fag here
Fuck No. they are all shitskins with poor hygiene, no exceptions.
WTF is a faveladagirl?
>Tfw no chocolate loli (Male)
those live in the north with their tribes or whatever
most favela girls are just quadroons
It would be tempting to inseminate her tribal primitive womb with my superior White God seed, but I do not race mix, the seedlines ought not mix, this is a Holy Divine ordinance.
forgot pic
this is a favela top-tier
its shit
faveladas ?
The problem is that by this age they have more dicks that you can count with your hand.
You have to get em young.
While they are still fresh, and not full of STD's.
Now I don't mean young as in pedo, I mean young as in teenage years.
this picture is as old as the internet itself
PS2, no.
No. No. No.
I don't find a single picture in this thread attractive. The Brazilian beauty standard is awful.